I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    I get your sentiment Tiffany I really do and I appreciate it for what its worth.

    Your growth does slow down, immensely when you hit EEG and that is what the game wants.

    the growth your experiencing within the last 3 DLC's will always remain there, so I know you haven't gone as far as saying this, but I just want to make it clear, EEG, does not take that growth away from you.

    Like I said earlier, you're still technically a little stronger once content becomes clamped your growth just slows down and relies more heavily on other horizontal elements of player progress outside of gear to improve your performance and grow within the EEG element of the game.

    The rubber hits the road with the people that simply do not want to invest in these horizontal elements, such as allies, artifacts, generator mods, skill points etc, not to mention the numerous players who further insist on putting the carriage before the horse and won't farm things like feats in a sensible order, reaching for high hanging fruit before even considering lower hanging ones.

    Take for example too the people that think they should be able to go in and womp something for a feat, but don't spend a bit of time in content they can run, leveling things like artifacts and allies.

    That's the difference between what I can only refer to as this "new breed of players" versus the "old". They're after this instant gratification as opposed to satisfaction achieved through persistent effort.

    Those of us that came before played the little parts of the game for months, years to build incremental progress, we've been building artifacts for years, but some players don't want to put in the effort nor do they want to spend albeit that path is often provided to them.

    They just want the game to suit their desire to have maximum reward for minimal investment and effort.

    The reality is you could/should be able to walk in to any of this clamped content and feel just as strong as you did at the peak of what you consider your 3 DLC growth, in fact, incrementally stronger.
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  2. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    I remember those experiences all to well BEFORE the Stat Clamp.

    Certain bosses DID get burned down so fast that they would BUG forcing the entire raid to be reset. I do not miss those days.

    Some alert/raid bosses could be done solo.
    Before the Clamp, some bosses would indeed be one shot.
    Some bosses would melt in under 5 to 10 seconds.
    Not a one shot, but close enough.

    There I was in the group expecting an epic battle. Boss fights ending like that were kinda boring in my opinion. LOL!
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You assume a lot. Do you have any proof that people got their feats while waiting for content to become easy? Every single elitist I know get their feats done within weeks of a new dlc dropping. So the elitist have always gotten feats while content was relevant. Most non elite feat hunters also got their feats while content was current. Look at the current dlc and every single dlc. Players run content and look for feat groups. Want proof? Look at the open world bosses day one of dlc launch. Look at what happens when new bosses get introduced. The majority of player go for feats while content is at current level or near current.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL, yeah I did kind of guess based on your history :D

    You're probably guilty of creating a somewhat unrealistic testing environment though. The content is of course designed to be run by 4 active humans, not 1 Reinheld and 3 other AFK Rienhelds, that's respectfully not how the game works nor is it how you should test content.

    However, having said that, it shouldn't necessarily be any more difficult than the day beforehand, as long as the character at the very least remains the same one that you were using in every respect from the day before.

    If that is in fact the case then I would suggest you report it to the developers the next time you give feedback and see what they think about it, even if you are using that largely unnatural method of testing lol :D see what they think about it.

    The reality though is EEG doesn't take a significant amount of effort to be functional, if you build the right artifacts, build the right allies, approach the game smartly pick the low hanging fruit, take your time, stop panicking over this expectation you must have 700sp over night and that EEG is holding you back.

    Like I said I've been here doing the grind for more than a decade, it's a marathon not a sprint, and despite the fact I appreciate your compliments as to my ability, if I can do it, anyone can realistically do it - you just have to set your mind to it ;)
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  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Ok so where is the requirement to get to 700? Maybe for prec dps but for might dps you don’t need anywhere near that much. Same goes for trolls. Healers and tanks can always use more sp but even than they don’t need 700sp. You keep saying the grind to 700 as if that’s needed at all lol
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    No one is say that at all. People are saying that content under the clamp is easier than when they were current which is 100% factually true. Which I’ve explained to you already
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  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You’ve stated before that you don’t have an issue with a clamp in the other game you play (FF?) but in dcuo it’s a slap in the face? Why is that?
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    A tirade implies anger, I'm not angry I just put effort in to articulating my points ;)

    Did I or did I not, state that my point did not rely upon whether it was you that was geared or any other person?

    It simply does not matter whether or not it is you. I have no personal feelings towards you either positively or negatively, who you are in game is entirely of no concern to me - I quite literally could not care less.

    Yes my experience is "different" because I have artifacts, allies, augments, generator mods, 700+ skill points.

    But I have earned those things, they are my growth - because I have played the game.

    What you are asking for is for the game to be dumbed down to dismiss a need to play it because you allege a new player shouldn't have to put in the effort.

    That is quite literally not how ANY video game works.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Now this I'll kind of agree with. No one is forcing me to do anything....but the changes HAVE led me to play less....drop sub and in general take less interest in the game. Is that a direct side effect of the changes? I'd say yes.

    Honestly I'm pretty accepting of the clamp. I've said it before I use it to my advantage WHEN I am doing stuff, and avoid it when needed. Go back and see when the last time was I started a thread on the whole subject....it's been a while. I just generally feel the need to chime in when the subject comes up normally because SOMEONE will chime in with this whole 'You want unclamped AND all the full rewards and no loot lock' BS...or the fake news about 'one shotting' any boss up till say Wonderverse. Kind of like you feel the need to chime in as well, even throwing in things about 'not earned' feats and such, although you state here you couldn't care less if it reverted. Although as of late it seems more an opportunity to tout your own prowess instead of the virtues of the clamp.

    Just like you I can argue about something I really have pretty much accepted at this point. No wallowing or anger or 'denial'. I get in and do what I do...then I get off the game. That's kind of how it's supposed to work, no? If DI is good with it...so am I.

    And you do realize that the primary person I respond to on the subject is you...right? If you don't want to see me post on the subject, don't respond. We had a discussion on the value of membership (discount plan) and were done. I had asked Diety about his opinion that anyone wanting unclamped would need to get 0 marks and 0 feats. You felt the need to chime in with the post that was obviously pointed at my response to Diety....and here we are again. I know your stance on it...you know mine not sure why you needed to pile on to what was a pretty simple question to Diety then complain when I respond in kind?

    I'm done now....I've got stuff to do tonight and tomorrow and this will be shut down before then. Good day, see you in the next one.
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    For the purposes of just letting it lie there, we'll leave it at that - have a good one Reinheld :)
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  11. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    So you accuse others that they change one of the components of the equation in order to make the other more attractive ... but you don’t notice that in your equation all the components are also godlessly changed ...

    What I mean?

    Here are some examples for you:

    You suggest adding choice... but you don't take into account the fact that clamping was only a small part of the changes (allies, a change in the subscription (which made it easier to upgrade artifacts for example), free access to the base mainframe for everyone, unlimited access to money for premiums, pet tiers system, and much more...), all these changes will make unclamped content much easier than it was before clamped...

    Two different systems is not only a choice, but it is also a split of the community into two camps, which means that each of the systems will only have a part of its usual contingent, which means that these are not the same components as before....

    Two different systems is not only a choice...but also an additional load on servers and...developers...
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  12. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I'm like 30 SP shy of 700 on my main toon and yeah as far as I'm concerned you can never have enough SP in this game.
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  13. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    For whatever it's worth, I'm usually one to chime in with those very points because some folks made such an issue about it in the past. More than a few complaints about the CR relevancy window were about being "stuck" in three-to-four episodes of content, and whenever someone would point out that they could still play the whole game, the usual refrain was "there's no rewards there" which usually boiled down to not getting Marks for running that content. Even though the devs were very clear about not rewarding Marks for running through trivialized content and more than a few players pointed out that they would probably have to institute some kind of clamp to make that happen, some insisted on getting Marks.

    They can get those Marks now. But apparently that's not enough for some. The only way god mode is coming back is if we lose the rewards people asked for, including Marks.

    The content runs are relatively simple as well, in my experience. As I gain more SP I see my run times in content decreasing, and I'm in the high 370 range with my SP (lots of solo play, little group stuff). I don't even have my Artifacts maxed and haven't delved into Allies at all. If I'm having no real issues with content runs outside figuring out mechanics on my first few tries in new (for me) content, it's tough for me to see how folks who have gone the full nine yards might be struggling in older content they left behind a while ago.
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  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I’m not denying that more is better. That’s objectively true. However that doesn’t change that after a certain amount it’s just extra health in a time where one shots are the primary mechanics. So after primary stat is maxed there really isn’t much else to put them into.
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  15. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I disappear for two months to play Yugioh and we’re STILL doing these? Before the clamp, that would have been unthinkable for me but still.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Keen for some clamped Spindrift?
  17. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    No ta. I fully expect Spindrift in the next Save The Universe though, seeing as they keep choosing the most toxic content possible. Absolutely gutted I completely missed the second runaround.
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  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    In FF XIV, players stats are what they call squashed down as are the stats for the NPCs in that instance. It's not just the players whose stats are clamped and taken away. It is a uniform reduction across the board for both players and NPCs. And yes, I am still very strong in the older content in FF and I can feel that strength.

    The Stat Clamp was a response to high level EG players who were steam-rolling or "one shotting" bosses, so it is a punishment to all EG players for the sins of a few. It is insulting to have all of my years of hard work to be reduced to just +15CR above clamped content.
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  19. Grim931 Committed Player

    That's literally how almost every video game works... normally people can select difficulty based on how they want to play. Most games have a dedicated screen for this literally right after the main menu... Other games allow you to level up and go back to previous areas with better equipment, stats, or new abilities. Is this the only game you play?

    Also, there's effort, and then there's hitting an actual wall where you couldn't possibly go any further. Many have already stated the revolving door and failed attempts in some cases, and there's a reason people keep making these threads.

    All I'm suggesting is there's a completely different perspective that you're legitimately failing to grasp because you're on the other end of the power spectrum.

    Either way, I'm still for some sort of compromise. I've said countless times that there should be a way to meet in the middle. I've proposed lifting the clamp on open world instances, somehow that still gets shot down. People are struggling there too, seen a few suggest that someone alter their play time to accommodate the lack of population or asking in communal areas... someone shouldn't need to go that far out of their way to play this game.
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    NPCs stats arnt touched, its the player stats are reduced. Its the exact same thing in FF. But they get a free pass but you wont give DCUO a pass at all.

    The only difference is, one you joined FF14 with the system already in place. Where DCUO retroactively added it in.

    FF14 boiled the frog alive from the moment you hopped in the game in your case, where DCUO suddenly tossed scalding water on you.

    When you look at FF14 stat clamp, and DCUO's stat clamp they fundamentally do the same thing. But one you're giving a pass for and the other you don't
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