
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AJPro, Jun 26, 2022.

  1. AJPro Committed Player

    The omnibus feature kind of blows.
    The amount of times i have cued raid and gotten powercore or the phantom zone alert is like 8/10 cues
    A simple fix would be at least let players pick a tier for the Omnibus or fix your random selection method.

    stat clamp still majorly sucks makes old stuff have no playability and why you stat clamped worlds to make doing bounties there impossible i will never know. Even the kill stuff too quick creates glitches in raid is null and void in open world trying to solo or four man Calcbot….just the height of stupid….
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  2. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    45 minute Omnibus Alerts and 8 minute Omnibus raids.

    I can live with the 8 minute raids, I LOVE THAT! but 45 minutes for what should be a simple fast four player instance??!?? Where are the speedhackers when you need them?

    I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree that we should be allowed to choose which tier to Omnibus from AND that the debuff timer should remain unchanged (unless they eliminate it altogether - THAT WOULD BE FANTASTIC!)

    I usually make five attempts to get a good instance to Omnibus and if one doesn't pop up I logoff and forget about running Omnibus for that week. I have MUCH better things to do with my time than be frustrated babysitting what should be an enjoyable game but isn't that much anymore.
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  3. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Instance discrimination. We need this! Maybe not in those exact words…but a way to exclude some instances that we (you personally) despise and never wanna set foot in again.
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  4. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    Omnibus would be good if we could get some variety in the actual raids (also need at least like 2 other people who aren't complete noobs). At night it's only T1 raids, and it feels like I'll eventually get stuck in Paradox Wave because people don't know how to close side tunnels. I wannna see some Brainiac Bottle Ship and have people accept the queue for once.
  5. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    You’re not really a pro Mr AJPro if you think doing bounties is impossible. This is just unconstructive whining. There are players who have already demonstrated it’s possible to do bounties both in dps role and in support role. Get over yourself.
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I wish we could have a 'never run' list for omni. 5 or 6 runs of each class (solo/duo/alert/raid) that you will NEVER run. I'd even take a longer deserter if I could have that as I'd opt out less often I'd bet at least for group runs. Solos I'll run what I dang well deserter needed.

    The problem is that likely most everyone would have a few of the same runs in their lists (things like DWF/NGN/BBS....whatever) meaning those would never hit for Omnis. Is that a bad thing? I'd say no. Use that info to either remove those runs from Omni (if NO-ONE wants them there), or incentivize those few runs so that those that do venture into the wastelands of 60 min + revolving door raids know what they are getting into and get a bit more reward for sticking it out. It would also incentivize the people who also NEED those runs to put a group together vs just suckering 7 other people into an omni queued run.

    I get the idea of Omni, but can we all acknowledge that many do not use it as intended (me being one of them), and it's worse for the whole system to think you can force people to run what that don't want to?'s a's not working for the most part...people opt out of what they don't want.
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Yes, Proxy has demonstrated it.
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Reading the negative experience posts about Omni makes me think I was right to avoid it entirely and just live in the last 3 DLCs and Seasonal. I hope it can get adjusted in such a way as to become more enjoyable to those who use Omni. There is so much DCUO has to offer in playing the game the way one wants to play.

    Hopefully once we get thru this turbulent year, 2023 will offer general improvements to the game as well as improvements to Omni and MAYBE PvP. I don't personally like PvP but there are others to whom this matters and is important. I hope for their sake time & resources can be spared someday to develop an astounding PvP experience. But Omni sounds like it needs adjustments first.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Nothing wrong with the clamp, if you're after a particular instance then custom queue, if you want random or to fill gaps then use omnibus, if you're using omnibus you're supposed to not care, if you care custom queue.

    The reason certain instances pop more is because there's feats that require multiple runs and people are custom queuing those in particular.

    If you're struggling to complete omnibus content then its because your character either is built wrong or you're approaching the content wrong.

    There is the occasional piece of content that requires the rest of your group to also be competent, such as Epic Odyssey in Paradox, but if you're failing that then close the tunnels or continue to struggle in the center if the rest of the group is incompetent, choice is yours.

    Omnibus is fine.
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  10. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    So you’re not sick of Doomsday raid 24/7?

    Omnibus is fine, it’s the game that needs work overall. People run quick raids like DD, since the rest of the game is nothing but easy - yet boring, overly high hp sponges for bosses. Either they fix that or make it so people that choose omnibus only get others qued for omnibus instead of placing us in groups with people specifically looking for a certain raid so that it fills faster, which results in the same crap popping. Either they make the fights faster while not sacrificing difficulty (just shortening the boredom of the sponge bosses) or they fix how omni puts us in something. Neither will be fixed so it is what it is.
  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Perhaps a better path would be attempting to understand AJPro's issues he is having, maybe even do an Omni mission with him to see what he is experiencing, instead of dismissing his troubles and calling into question his skill level competency. Ryuko (Solowing) and I have done just that together with EEG missions, though none currently as I stick to End Game content or the Seasonal for my own reasons, where he took the time to show me the EEG experience.

    AJPro specifically mentions Phantom Zone (One that Ryuko & I have run together), and I can certainly attest that if the other two in the group are new to the mission or have forgotten the in's & out's, it can be a very frustrating experience. Ryuko & I finished it but it did take longer now. Perhaps this experience I had is what was vexing AJPro, leading him to come here to voice his frustrations.

    But since it involved his opinion of the stat clamp as mentioned in his last paragraph, his concerns must immediately be minimized and his skills called into question. I'm surprised no one has yet accused him of being a CR skip noob.

    I hope we can have a civil discussion about this topic. As I said earlier, I don't use Omni so I personally can't say one way or the other, but I have friends who do, and they made mention of issues they are having, so I wouldn't declare that Omnibus is perfect but instead has room for improvements. With constructive feed back, the Devs can identify problems, correct them, and make improvements.
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  12. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Because it is. Let's see:

    1. AJNoob has a history of continuously complaining about stat clamping and omnibus.

    2. He is using Phantom Zone as one example, his main point is omnibus and stat clamping, he is just pretending he isn't. PS means Post-Scriptum, and if the message in post-scriptum is more than half of the text, then it's not a real post scriptum, but part of the actual text.

    3. He doesn't have an argument AT ALL, he is simply justifying his opinion, as even you recognized as such, with his personal experiences. He is basically saying "This is bad because I can't play how I want it". While the motto of the game is, indeed, "free to play your way", the quality of something must never be discarded or diminished because of one personal experience. It's very stupid to do so.

    And no, I am not calling you stupid. I am calling HIM stupid.

    Now, to demonstrate my statement and, by proxy, proxystar's statement (Accidental pun), let's take a look at AJPro's previous threads:

    Page 1, 20 threads per page:
    - 5 Threads on stat clamp, with different arguments, each completely different than the other. NOTE: The thread "Devs, are we winning?" is also on stat clamping. - 25% of his most recent content.
    - 2 threads on siekicks - 10% of his most recent content.
    - 13 threads on different situations.
    - Honorable mention to name reclaim thread where he just wants to steal an old name because he lacks creativity.

    Page 2:

    - 7 threads on stat clamping - 35% of his content.
    - 13 threads about other subject, albeit the same subjects of page 1, with the exception that he didn't mention name reclaim.

    Page 3 onwards date from before stat clamping.

    So, out of 40 threads, 12 of them are about stat clamping. This is a total of 30% of his post-omnibus activity, ever since February 2nd, 2021.

    So, what we have here is that, statistically speaking, whenever he decides to make a thread, there's a 30% chance that he will make a thread hating on stat clamp with a completely different reason. The only exception to this was his SECOND thread on the subject, where he posted "So, I was whining about this, and I will keep whining in this other thread".

    All of his "arguments" are different to each other. Each time he whines, he comes with a random excuse. And his whining is so forgettable that I only paid attention to this NOW that you called me on my statement. That said, don't fool yourself. He is not trying to point problems, he just doesn't like the fact he can no longer faceroll content and need skills to play, which, for him, is a nightmare.

    Considering that his post history also shows that he has a long history complaining about the latest DLC, this also means he is a masochist who tortures himself with a game that only displeases him.

    Now, to further prove that he only wants to play on easy mode.

    Evidence 1: He is actively complaining about stats matter and wants to revert it[/ur]

    Evidence 2:
    He is actively wanting CR Skips to give MORE than only 77 CR

    Evidence 3: He is complaining that the game is "too hard" and wants easier content

    Evidence 4: He wanted FREE SUBSCRIPTION

    Evidence 5: He doesn't even want NPCs to stun players!

    Evidence 6: Here is a thread where he compliments the game. Guess what he is complimenting here? ADVANCED MECHANICS AND CR DIFFERENTIAL.

    So, yes, while I only noticed those stuff now, it's pretty clear that he wants to play the game with little to no effort, and, when he has to think, he decides to cry instead.

    I rest my case.
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  13. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Hey, I did pw today, and did the tunnels and all that and took like 17 minutes. No wipes.

    But oh no! Bbs. No ty. Trying to get ppl to do stuff simultaneously is almost impossible. Nuff said. Adds! Adds!! Adds!!! Adds!!!! Dead.
  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I can see that you & he are adversaries. I was unaware of your past history with him. I was hoping we could identify his troubles and perhaps find out that others are also having the same experience. It would give the Devs something to look at in detail and maybe they would discover something that was over looked which could be fixed and make Omni better for all.

    Ryuko (Solowing) took time to go with me into the Wonderverse raid after it was clamped to show me his experience with the content and allowed me to make observations to him in real time about what I was experiencing. We tried to understand each other's point of view and I now consider Ryuko my friend.

    I just hoped perhaps something similar could happen here where we all just listen to each other, discuss our feelings about whatever might be the cause of the contention, and have a conversation that doesn't devolve into an insult festival like another thread did recently.

    I can understand that AJPro is your adversary, and I respect that, I truly do, and I won't press you any further on the matter.
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  15. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I have nothing really personal against him. I only did this research in respect to your request, so I could solidify and fundament my arguments about him.

    I know I will never be friendly towards him because I see some character flaws in him that trigger me, yes. But he isn't my enemy, per se. It's not possible to conquer my hatred over the internet.

    I just don't like him.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Given my experience in omnibus and the fact I know the content can be completed with ease, I try to keep my comments to statements like "build your character better", "approach it different", "build up your skill points, artifacts etc."

    I do this because I'm trying to maintain a level of politeness in my posts.

    The truth is however, if someone is struggling in omnibus it's more likely than not that the result of 2 things.

    1. Everyone in the group is new and approach it like noobs, or.
    2. You are a noob.

    I try not to make the assertion despite deep down believing it's more than likely the reason, because I'm being respectful and trying to be constructive, but the reality is, if your character is heavily progressed i.e. max or close to max end game with artifacts, generator mods, allies, decent skill points and a robust loadout then there is very little justifiable reason as to why one is struggling in omnibus other than as a result of their own approach.
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  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Phantom Zone was long for us too. We wiped on Non once, maybe twice, and we wiped 3 time against Zod & Ursa. Zod & Ursa were difficult because of the other two players who may or may not have ever had any experience with the Phantom Zone. We explained & explained what needed to be done and finally we finished it, although not as quickly as I would have liked or thought it should take for older content.

    Ryuko and I both are End Game players with max (at least for me) arts, augs, gen mods, and 400+ sp. None of that, none of it, will ever help if group one is running with are not very well prepared for the content. Omni put people from all stages of progress together to complete the assigned mission. We all have different strengths, different skills, different styles of how we fight in combat. No one wants to be a cookie cutter character, at least I don't. So this is one of the reasons I choose not to participate in Omni. I don't want to put myself thru the frustration. I play DCUO to relieve frustration, not create more of it for me because of the inability of others that prevents me from completing the content.

    So I hope a positive discussion can develop about where others are seeing problems, what possible improvements can be made, and maybe coming to understand where each other are coming from instead of dismissing one's concerns off the cuff because we have never shared that similar experience therefore it must be poppycock.

    I realize I'm not liked, but I hope that a positive, constructive conversation can be had by us all. Life is too hard as it is. We all love this game and I for one want it to be the best it can be, so if we acknowledge others, listen to what they are explaining, and try to understand their point of view, then maybe we can make it a better game for all of us.
  18. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Wow. Some of you are unreal. Going to some all out lengths like you have nothing better to do. If the guy has an opinion, just leave it. If you don't like it, ignore it. You can't change his mind nor choose what the devs want to do with the game. You literally have no say no matter what people whine about. Let them whine.

    Edit: Tbh, you are spending more resources complaining about a stranger complaining than actually saying something beneficial. Kinda like this post too, but I'm not on here that much lol.
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  19. Lucifoxx Active Player

    I think what would help fix omni for everyone is a detailed in game role tutorial. Would do a lot to help players. But Daybreak for some reason hasn't addded one in

    And before you say players should be doing the teaching. Might I remind you just how bad the playerbase is? Especially dps mains who often cause a wipe by ignoring crucial cogs. [False gods for example.]
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  20. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    What really bothers me is when DD raid pops, and then someone declines!! And then I get NGN or Clock Tower or something that can take forever or never complete. Please just accept DD, get your marks, and then move on. Thanks!
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