Direction of DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nawanda, May 31, 2022.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    I know this isn't entirely all directed at you, but

    It isn't just walk ins though, is it... The amount of people defending their right to simply piss all over content, drag others through it, lock others out of battles, diminish the content to a fuming carcass and then on top of that act like "the clamp teaches nothing" while implying the opposite ever did anything of the sort through making that statement in the first place is frankly absurd.

    The issue also isn't just the clamp though and we know it, it's also the reward. People like to pretend that they ran this stuff outside of relevance for the reward, but that's an outright lie, people might've run it for 'fun' which is fine, but to pretend it was reward is ridiculous.

    Running clamped right now is demonstrably better, because, despite being a little more arduous in that it takes longer, it provides meaningful reward, not being loot locked from style run attempts, obtaining more source marks is all entirely and objectively worth the compromise.

    The people that want the clamp removed want to have their cake and eat it as well, they want the clamp removed but the open rewards to remain and they'll keep moaning about it forever, they'll make up every lie under the sun about how hard it is, how unfair it is, how others who don't struggle must be lying or cheating, how it's unfair on newbies, how it's too easy for veterans, how it's unfair others got to experience without the clamp and they've now been robbed of that "supposed joy"..

    The list goes on, The brutal, honest part of me actually finds it kind of pathetic, none of this clamped stuff is hard.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yeah but other than blasting trash mobs into oblivion, who was I hurting?
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    When you were queued in content (barely any content allowed a walk in), potentially all 7 other people in the instance if they didn't appreciate not playing the game along with you when you one shot it with an over powered Batarang.
  4. Skoll Well-Known Player

    I had thought of this years ago, how cool it would be to be able to solo any and all content but alongside iconic NPCs? Queue for anything and have the option to no-fill then pick, similarly to Legends PvE, which characters you want to fight alongside. You decide their roles they would play in the content and they also did mechs along with you. I know AI can be super iffy script wise (see WW&Lex in TSW raid, enjoying the scenery eh?) but, always thought it would be a cool idea.
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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Ok so now instead of walking in solo we're walking in FOS3 as a group. Those seven potential people still have to wait in queue.
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  6. Forum Junkie Well-Known Player

    I love the clamp, it has no effect on my skill level and knowledge of my powers nor building a sufficient loadout to complete clamped content. New players actually learn how to play the game instead of chasing a "superspeed-buff pet- tap triangle" player through hoards of trash npcs just to die repeatedly. It is worth revisiting, not to mention I love having more than 999 source marks... Wow, those catalysts are easy to obtain. Wait, I can buy stuff with source marks now? I'm not restricted to only using marks obtained from said content? Source marks actually have a purpose now? Who thunk it?
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  7. NeoSelkie Active Player

    I think some kind of balance between the two sides could still be found here.
    People arguing over the clamp on the forums have gotten all tied up arguing over just removing, keeping, or adjusting the clamp, forgetting its not the only option. It's obvious the current system is causing division and something needs to be done to at least throw a bone to both sides.

    Other games have systems to chose difficulty (unclamped, clamped a bit, clamped to around full difficulty) when queuing for an instance, and let you que in unclamped without needing a full group.

    Not at all arguing for unclamped to get full omnibus rewards, personally I would have unclamped only reward original loot, possibly without even the original source marks. Sure this will cause older feats to lose some of their prestige but something really needs to be done to make new/returning players have less of a monumental task feat wise. Personally, when I came back since not playing since AM/WM and clipping changes(~2015), the amount of raid feats were a lot to handle, even unclamped.

    A whole debate could be had over actual difficulty of scaled/omnibus instances. I definitely feel like since omnibus I've seen more and more players in endgame content who simply have no idea what they are doing. I do wonder if this is actually a result of omnibus getting more "new" players into the endgame quicker, but only the devs would know. I totally agree with you that unclamped ques are not going to make this better. Some kind of system or adjustments need to happen so that there is something incentivizing players to learn. Could be tutorial que ups, could be adjustments to omnibus. Hell, could even make the semi full difficulty clamp version offer more source marks in order to incentivize people to run harder content to learn before they get to endgame. The point is, there are options, downside is they would all require dev time.

    I would add, I say all this despite not really affecting me personally. I have pretty much all the old raid/alert/duo feats now, having gotten them when the instances were unclamped. My personal hope when the devs were initially talking about the clamp was that there was going to be a que up that let me have the option to go into old raids at near their old difficulty. I am kind of hoping for a paradox or prime for this StU. I do know paradox wouldn't be as much fun or a perfect replica of what it was back in the day, but I did have fun running it back then with you, Dr Dontmind, and that whole group of people.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    And you have to wait in queue with them, which improves queue times and betters the overall general experience.

    In addition to that point you're creating a smokescreen, because you're acting like you were just endlessly running FOS3 pre clamp like it was your favorite pastime. I mean pull the other one Lorax, I know you'll assert the opposite in pursuit of your narrative, but we both know you were probably running that, once a week, some weeks for 3 source marks.

    Yes it was taking you a few minutes, yes you could just walk in, but objectively it was a waste of time. There was very little for a veteran to spend source marks on pre clamp and very little if any reason to run something for 3 marks, even if it did only take a few minutes.

    Now you can queue it, finish it in about 5 minutes and get 10 source marks and it's completely unlimited, on every level of objectivity that's a better player experience.

    The only difference now is that you have to participate with others, rely on them a little and actually have them participate along with you, but you're right that's a pretty terrible thing lol.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Hey Selkie, :)

    I don't disagree with "options" I've always thought it's a good idea, although I'm incredibly pessimistic about the likelihood of it ever happening,either through a lack of dev resources or their desire to actually apply a choice.

    I agree in an ideal world choices would also be good, but I do legitimately worry about this games ability to be able to divide its population which has become more limited between multiple queue options, on a fundamental level I don't necessarily disagree with choice.

    Unfortunately my views are generally formed through an acceptance of the reality we face, it's pretty much a take it or leave it, all or nothing approach from development.

    One is "somewhat clamped, but unlimited loot" or "unclamped, but no meaningful loot". Having been in both camps, I think the first option has proven to be the better, having also experienced them both as well and I used to be rabidly anti clamp :)

    The issue I guess I take is those that suggest the clamp could/should be removed and the unlimited loot remains, which of course is nonsense because there's no way the devs would allow it, so we'd either get grossly inflated cost of source mark items to offset the increased yield or our rewards would be decreased to offset the time difference and then we're also back dealing with that pesky "you ruined my content by one shotting it" drama.

    I appreciate feats are a pressure point, but I've never found anything in clamped content particularly impossible it's just some of it can't be pugged, I guess that's a question too, should the hardest feats, even in omnibus be randomly puggable?
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  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That was then, this is now. People need to let go of that and move forward. It's an incredibly HUGE waste of energy tilting at this particular windmill when there are bigger issues that need addressing to actually make this game fun again.

    Besides, how far are people expecting to get pleading the same thing with the same tired argument??? "The ClAmpZ need to be gOnE Cuz I EarNed tHe rIGht tO SteAmROLL!!!*" At this rate, maybe it might convince them in thread number 234.

    *That more or less, used to be my argument against a clamp ages ago. I've seen the light since then.
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  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    It has NOTHING to do with steamrolling for me, it's that my progression is now useless! I refuse, REFUSE to run your clamped content and no one can make me. If I ever do, maybe I'll make a battle role too and just steam roll everything too!
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  12. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Hey, I have never tried to force you to run "OUR" clamped content (you can deny it as much as you want, but it's here for all of us if we choose to step in it). Experimenting with battle roles is fun, so go for it.

    And for the last time, your progression is not useless. You are obstinately choosing to view it that way, but that feeling doesn't magically become fact. ;) See ya on the battle field. :)
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  13. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Sorry for lashing out, this topic infuriates me and what Daybreak did to my character after working so hard all of these years.
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  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    False. Two reasons: one, I don't need to run old content for any reason. I get enough Source Marks from end game. I buy my rare drops off the broker. I get on, I run what I need to and then I log off. Two, if someone actually needs me to run old content and I don't have anything else better to do we go in a premade group. There is no waiting.

    And I really don't give a damn about the clamp Proxy. This is about the mismanagement of time and resources that went into developing and then backtracking to make adjustments to the clamp. In my opinion time not well spent.
  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yes, that's how time works. 3 points to Ravenclaw.
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  16. ¬Eternal Level 30

    Once again thy continue to focus on styles over content.... we've just had the joker capsule and resurgence and now more capsules and a BB... with no new content untill October with pointless 6 man SM thrown in. These cash grabs have become pathetic... In February development update it mentions a graphic update due December... That's now be replaced simply with PS5.. No clarity on this at all until your cash grab is over right?? Dropping PS4 with a cash injection from a certain cancelled marvel mmo.
  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I don’t believe it is as dire of a picture. Staffing changes happen whether expectedly or unexpectedly so adjustments to plans have to be made around that. Since DCUO is free-to-play they have to monetize something so Time Capsules are one of many ways of doing that. Feats are assigned to these Time Capsules as another avenue to get the SP that needed by players, it’s not the only way just an additional way. No one is required to buy a Time Capsule and with membership we get free stabilizers to open them.

    The install base of the PS4 is still significant even with the PS5 on the market, if you can find one. I wish I had one but so far I have not been able to get selected by Sony to purchase one. I get emails from Sony for me to put my name in the pot to win the chance to purchase a PS5 directly from them but so far I haven’t been chosen. PS4 is still viable and will be so I think for several years to come. It would be a poor business decision to drop support for the PS4.

    Changes in personnel have directly affected the prior plans for graphical updates. They will still happen, the new people need time to get up to speed. No one wants to be just thrown into a job and told, “here make it work!” Without some training even if they are experts it will take a bit to familiarize themselves with the way DCUO is created.

    Please, have patience and don’t loose heart. So many bad things have hit all of us all at once it seems and Daybreak hasn’t been immune to it either, but we have to keep having faith that it will improve for both us and for Daybreak so they can get back to producing a game that just blows us away!
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  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    The people making the content are not the same people working on styles (with the exception of Charon, who has his fingers in every pie). Therefore this argument is misguided and aimed in the wrong direction. Even if they dropped every style project (Bundles, Capsules, Event Rewards), it would accomplish nothing in alleviating your current frustrations. These "cash grabs" keep the company afloat.

    Also, unless you read it right here on the forums from Mepps, Panderus, Charon or any other official green name, there is no plan to drop support for the PS4. Sony themselves have made no recent official announcements about dropping PS4 support. In fact, because of the PS5 shortage that is still continuing, they have continued to manufacture PS4s. Does that sound like they're sunsetting the PS4???
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  19. KidKretz Committed Player

    i used to day dream about this too.

    OR if a player left, it gets auto filled with an NPC

    OR have the option to run with npc versions of your other characters you have created :)
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  20. KidKretz Committed Player

    i think the fact that others come to the forums to express their concerns and then the normals jump in with each of their sides point of view, just shows that the clamp isnt universally liked as much as one camp wishes it to be. therefore, i predict it will go thru another iteration before too long.

    besides, how come the devs never come in and defend the clamp as vehemently as you guys do?

    also, as i stated in the dev update, I LOVE save the universe, it gets LOTS of players giving feedback on the old stuff and they actually do modify/change omni because of it, proving that not everything is in a good spot right now :)
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