Omnibus is great!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Caroline, Jan 13, 2022.

  1. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I wonder if this thread going to be locked as well. It’s getting annoying now.
  2. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    I don't see how being synced to your own tier level would work. I was never the one running content 4 tiers beneath me. Other people on the other hand random queuing solely to solo said content 4 tiers beneath them because screw everyone else was the issue.

    Go on and explain how a player within T3 can get synced to T3 any harder than having mostly T2.5 gear vs someone being T6 being synced down to T3, but somehow that's bad, right?
  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Its just debating the usual stuff, i only seen 1 potshot from across the bow, but its rather been quiet on that front.
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  4. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Ok? That's on you to abandon something because you can't play through it on your own half-asleep anymore.

    And if it was "nostalgic" to run older content, being put down to the level it exists at shouldn't interfere with your "nostalgia" of it in the slightest bit. You know, unless "nostalgia" is code for "brain dead easy" like being lv 30 and running normal Area 51 back then (which mind you was Lv 9).

    "Playing the game" doesn't mean "play solo at the expense of 3-7 other people". That's playing a single player game with AI in that regard. But let's go ahead and also try to compare active playerbases from then and now on top of it all.

    When have there been more people playing? Before the system or after? (And I'm not talking about the peak back in like 2012 or 2013. Let's say between 5-6 months before the sync to now.)
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Caroline started this thread because of her joy she gets from the new Omnibus system. It started out with her reasons on why she feels it is great along with others who share her experience and those who not necessarily feel the same way about the Omnibus system.

    Now look at how it has devolved. How do those who are arguing about tangent issues think it makes Carolina feel knowing that a simple thread announcing her appreciation of the Omnibus has devolved into people arguing in a most mean spirited manner?

    We all have differences of opinion with strong feelings about a game we all clearly love because of the passions on display right here. We all want the best for DCUO. We all want to have DCUO grow bigger by attracting more players and expand with more engaging DLCs.
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    And part of 'dealing with random' is I leave or opt out....the randoms can deal with that too. I use the system minimally, so it's really a minimum problem to me. 1 Omni raid per week per toon and some of those are in full groups where it's not an issue. I actually think the system is fine the way it is....crappy as it is. I'm not the one lobbying to get it changed to 'punish' those who don't want to get stuck in crappy runs.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Man your system is sounding more and more convoluted all the time. I'm sure it will work out. How about they tack a 1 (or even 2) minute penalty on leaving? they did.

    Sorry, but until your 'punishment system' can also account for squatters or people who just go in and take a knee on 1st down or throw a few shots to get whatever 'minimum' participation is...nope. I'll still cherry pick and deal with the minute or 2 IF I opt out. I don't actually use it that often and 90% of the time it's when I'm doing something else, so the delay doesn't bother me. And's starting to sound like a LOT of parameters to take into account, so less likely to be implemented, or implemented well.
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    War of the Light Part I is an episode pack for DC Universe Online released on January 22nd, 2014 for subscribers and January 28th, 2014

    Amazon Fury Part I is an Episode pack for released on April 30th, 2014 for subscribers and May 6th, 2014 for non-subscribers.

    My first recorded SS of XIV was in August 2014, i got tired of waiting an being side-lined so i gave it a go.
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Then dont queue random and form a group.

    That's common courtesy right?

    Rather then queuing up for a random run and expecting every run to go smoothly every single time. Rather then expecting a random group to not be made up of random players, with potentially random skill-sets.

    You wont feel the penalty as long as your willing to give it the old college try, and not throw your hands up at the first hint of resistance or trouble.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    First, she's got 25 likes, so I think she is decently backed up. Second, she stated 'most' players as an assumption...then doubled down when called out on that by the first reply. If you are going to make what might be an incorrect assumption on people's feelings about something...don't be surprised when they correct you if you are wrong. Stick to your own feelings, experiences and feedback when posting....don't post for everyone else.

    For the record, I said I was happy she or anyone else enjoys it (still am). But when someone else starts coming in again...throwing shade around against the other 'poopyhead' players who don't play the way THEY want, it will start a debate.
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You say you dont really mind the clamp, but youve become the face of the anti-clampers movement now xD
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  12. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I agree with you. It just seems it went off topic and tempers are flaring. I personally do not use the Omnibus system. I boycott stat clamped content because of my own feelings against the clamp, and so far only do engage with clamped content whenever Ryuko drags me into it kicking, screaming, and clawing. I think he enjoys it, I don’t know lol.
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  13. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    I don’t get it, initially there were so many people complaining about higher cr players going into old raids and alerts and essentially soloing the content by themselves and ruining the experience for everyone else. Now that we have a clamp in place the roles have reversed and we have players upset because they can’t one their way through instances anymore lol. There’s never any middle ground here
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Tiffany's kicking and screaming:
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    There will never be unless 1 side gets to have an "optional" stat clamp that offers relevent rewards.

    Which unsurprisingly, undermines the stat clamp itself.

    The devs already bumped up their CR, but anything short of of being able to annihilate anything in their way for some kind of reward that is relevant to them, Nothing will do.

    "Hey, can i buy feats?"

    "No, go earn them!"

    "Ok, Now the stat clamp makes everyone have to go earn their feats"

    "Wait, We didn't want this!!"
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  16. Enemy Ace Well-Known Player

    The middle ground is to make it optional. The people FOR the clamp are also the ones AGAINST the middle ground.

    That's it in a nutshell.
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  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    My issues with the stat clamp is I don’t like the fact all the hard work I put into being the best & strongest I can be gets taken away from me. Nor do I “feel” powerful in stat clamped content. I “feel” powerful going into 31st Century content and the open world there but lack luster in clamped content. In 31st,

    I just don’t like having my progress made mute. If it wasn’t for elite, I most likely wouldn’t bother with gold level gear, because, what’s the point in progressing? I’m only going to be clamped to 15 CR above the NPCs in clamped content. No use busting butt & getting replays to get that better gear just so I can be clamped to only 15 CR above. Purple gear would suffice.
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Sorry, but the 'random is random' cuts both ways. If you want to be 100% positive you don't have people opt out (even if your 'punishment' system was adopted), form a group as well. Expecting that the system work exactly how you THINK it should work is just self-centered. The devs obviously thought a 1 min delay was 'punishment' enough....they even said so when it came out. If they think it's needed, I'd guess they will up it to 2 or 3 min, not design some convoluted system to account for every parameter involved (that people will find a way to endrun around a day after it's launched BTW). However YOU are the one asking for it to be changed from the way the devs set it up.

    I'm not the one lobbying to get things are. I've accepted the system (a system YOU specifically wanted) for what it is and work within it for my best outcome. You should do the same. See most times I DID make groups for old content I wanted. For me it was not as impossible as you make out....before the clamp. Now? No, it's not really an option unless you want FOS3 or whatever run is the 'cheese' run this week (HH? Dawn?)

    Let's not forget we had years of do nothing squatters in the stabilizer run and events...and I doubt that was how it was 'intended', so maybe it's not as big of an issue to the devs as you think it is. If they didn't ram down some 'punishment' for that behavior, I'd guess you won't see any (other than the deserter timeout going up a min) here either.

    If you want to change the system so it works the way you want, remove the Omni journal rewards. I'd guess many (or 'most' as some people like to point out with no numbers to back it up) are in Omnis for that reward ONLY. Take it away and they will not run Omnis... BUT they will also not opt out of the crap runs. does mean your queues will pop WAY less frequently, but hey....when (or if) they pop, you'll get in straight away right? I know you'd never have to deal with me opting out....cause I wouldn't be there. Good luck waiting for that queue now. I wonder if it will be faster or slower in total? Well, as long as it's not repeatedly popping and declining....big improvement, right?
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  19. Grim931 Committed Player

    I don't like budding in, but I've read countless replies on this saying exactly the opposite... from what I've read, people want the option of a clamp free instance without relevant rewards. ...which makes perfect sense. Only thing that would coexist between the two options would be the accessibility of feats from my understanding, which also makes sense because that's how it was prior.

    Nobody wants to run unclamped content and earn relevant rewards, they want to run it to enjoy the game in a way that is fun for them. I personally don't want to have to rely on others to be able to complete something I've already done countless times. I've also ran league-mates or friends through certain walk ins to help them gear up an Alt efficiently and without fuss from others. It's just nice to do some content the way you want to do it, not exactly the way it "needs" to be played.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    They aren't the same people making both complaints. There are 2 camps. They do NOT agree. One camp just needs the other more than the reverse is true.
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