Stat Clamp Choice

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by qECLIPSEp, Dec 23, 2021.

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  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So my question for you is. How are new players going to care about being clamped, when they've never known what its like being un-clamped?

    Tiffany doesnt like the stat clamp here because it was added in recently. But she has no issue with it in FF because it was already there when she started, and acclimated to the clamp she was indoctrinated into.

    Players joining DCUO wont have your struggle, because they've never experienced the game able to be trivialized to the previous extent like you have.

    You have the right to not like the clamp, but the voices will eventually die down on it own as veterans rotate out. And eventually most wont understand or be able to relate to the issue you have with the clamp.
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  2. Sentiency Well-Known Player

    20 pages later can we just call it how it is and be done with it?

    One hand you have people asking for an option so everyone can have fun and still reap a fraction of the rewards that we’ve all had the opportunity at one point or another to take advantage of (unless you started the game within the last 3 or so months).

    On the other you have people who want to force people to try and like and participate in a system for “the health of the game” while disregarding what a large amount of people actually want, even though giving an option for unclamped (with the option to earn feats) wouldn’t take away from that system as it still exists.

    What else is there to say? Lol
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Citing Steven Johnson’s book “Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History Of Innovation,”
    The basis of the theory hinges on the idea that a more congested, idea-cluttered brain will lead to more potential breakthroughs.

    To demonstrate this, Barker compares the creativity levels of big cities versus small towns. He says, “A city that was 10 times larger than its neighbor… was 17 times more innovative. A metropolis 50 times bigger than a town was 130 times more innovative.”

    According to Barker, this is because higher volumes of “ideas bouncing about” in those more crowded cities and metropolises lead to a general increase in innovation.

    So, just like a crowded city or metropolis is more innovative than a more sparsely populated village, so too will a crowded, scatterbrained mind be more prone to those kinds of innovative thoughts.

    Additionally, Johnson says that engaging in multiple hobbies, like many scatterbrained people do, keeps your brain working at peak efficiency.

    He explains how working on a variety of different projects at once can provoke new, more abstract styles of thought and reasoning.

    Instead of zoning into one specific way of thinking, serial tasking (or multitasking) forces you to shuffle between thought processes and encourages your brain to “approach intellectual roadblocks from new angles or to borrow tools from one discipline to solve problems in another.”

    For example, if your hobbies include painting and playing the piano, you can put some music on as you paint, and the song can inspire your style of art. Conversely, what you decide to paint that day can inspire you to write a new song on the piano.
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  4. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

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  5. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    I think more people would run it unclamped than you think. Regardless, what's the harm in having the option anyway? How is having more options to approach content no one really does much anymore a detriment?

    And for me personally, I don't want to wait around twiddling my thumbs for an hour or more hoping players who join via omnibus won't bail even before it starts. Just let me do it myself at least.
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  6. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    There have been plenty of new players that have shared their thoughts and experiences with the clamp in place in this thread and others. Most, if not all, that I've seen so far have not been in favor of it and simply avoid the older clamped content as if it doesn't exist.
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    That wouldn't be possible... How can a new player avoid the clamp of outdated content, when they are required to run in outdated clamped content to get to endgame?

    Theirs no avoiding the clamp at all until they get within 3 tiers of endgame. And if they are new they cant avoid it....

    Its like me avoiding a route to get to work, but im required to go that route to get to work and theirs no alternative route. How am i avoiding it?
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  9. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    I didn't run much it when I returned and started from scratch. I only realized it was in place when I tried to walk in to FOS1 to farm the chest for the Kryptonian flexsuit and get the investigations and stuff. It wasn't matching what I was seeing on a YT of someone going in unclamped 4 or 5 months before doing what I was hoping to do.

    Since then, unless omnibus drags me there randomly I avoid older clamped episodes and content.
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    The question i want to ask is, when you came back. How did you avoid the clamp until you got within 3 tiers of endgame?
  11. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    I just ran solos constantly and moved up the tiers as I got better and better gear. I didn't know about the omnibus as I wasn't too familiar with ToL and delayed doing the introduction quest. Once I hit CR 290 I think, then I did STU and the 3 most recent episodes and some of the BoP content.

    I have a few alts that I dabble with and they do nothing but LoD dailies and the weekly omnibus stuff. Their CR isn't even 120 yet.
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  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Which are still clamped, right?


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  13. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    If you are running a solo and at the level of that solo then what is there to even "clamp?"
  14. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    No, not all of them. Maybe for omnibus.
  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Which solos are not clamped?
  16. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    You make valid points and there is nothing wrong with playing how you want and when you want. MMO does not mean you have to play with others only that there are others playing too. Sadly there is a lot of gatekeeping and elitist attitude from some. There are those that enjoyed years of easing through lower tier content (as one should because that is how progression works) and getting all the feats and those juicy lovely skill points, styles, collections, etc. with little effort and they are all to happy to pull the ladder up after themselves. I got hundreds with ease and now watch as new players struggle to the point of quitting to get a fraction of what I got in the same amount of play time.

    Is an optional stat clamp possible? Yes, and there are lots of examples to choose from out there. How they would do it is up to them if they would even bother. Lord knows there is a lot of demand to either get rid of stat clamp or make it optional. People vote with their wallets and outside of a few certain people on the forums I don't know anyone that hasn't lost friends, family, league mates, etc. to the stat clamp. Certain people gleefully commenting "can I have your stuff," "good riddance," and "bye Felicia" only shows the disdain the gatekeeping/elitist crowd have for other players.

    The company will do what it does with money being the ultimate decider (because that's how business have to work to survive). The devs do read and listen so that's pretty cool. Meeps seems pretty open to ideas and that is really great.

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  17. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    Lots. The mentored quest lines is mostly what I ran, especially for iconics. The thing is regardless of it being low-level content it still dropped CR-progressive gear. So aside from running specific clamped solos for omnibus weekly rewards I just ran all the unclamped solo quests.
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    2 things on that.

    #1, just because someone wants to mindless burn something they already did 2, 10, 20 or 100+ times, doesn't go hand in hand with them not 'learning the game'. Much of the game is 'mindless' even with the clamp....go look at FOS3 spams or a few of the end game raids. You were always able to learn the game, excel at it and might still want to go blow stuff up later.

    #2 as evidenced by the clamp and omni runs, there are TONS of people who don't want to learn how to play the game anyway...regardless of the clamp. I've seen some in every omni run I've ever done (excluding solos....I hope).

    I am surprised how so many people get to dictate how others game time 'should be enjoyed'. Devs go to a lot of trouble in newer games to make them as 'open' as possible so that you can do things as you want. Sure glad this game decided how we should be doing things and will make sure we don't 'enjoy' them in any way other than that.

    Personally I'm not a fan of playing dressup and base deco in game, and don't understand how some spend so much time and effort doing so....but I'm happy for them that they enjoy doing it. I don't need to understand why someone can spend hours upon hours placing base items EXACTLY perpendicular to another or aligning 100s of archways so that a tunnel is formed seemlessly, to understand that THEY can enjoy doing that. More power to them I say. Hey, I like base tours...sometimes I'll say out loud "man....this must have took a CRAZY amount of time", but I doubt I ever said "look at this dope....wasting all their time NOT playing the game the way it should be played". mentioned above....I'm happy for you to enjoy the clamp. I always said if it were an option, I'm 100% behind it happening.
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    See my understanding was that it was to give new users a chance to experience the game as intended AND give us an unlmited supply of source marks and options for what we can run.

    So the person that didn't need source marks all that much....he's out. The person that didn't want to slog though old content...he's out. That leaves the new know the ones running the stuff for the first time or first dozen times....or the vets who wanted the slog, challenge, nostalgia or whatever. You know the ones who suffered because some goon would smash everything while they were still at the repair bot or spawning in? Well if they are the only ones who are running it anyway, save an off hand omni run for the weekly reward, how would it HURT them to have the option with the OLD loot/feats/briefs only back in?

    I'll give you an example. I would run several toons through HH and NGN each week for the 102 gear for prestige donations. No feat, no source, just some old gear that provided no progression. If the clamp were optional, I'd still be in there, but the few times I've landed in either via omni, it's been a shoot show. Now granted, I suppose that's a niche reason, but it's a reason nonetheless. I'd never re-enter HH or NGN clamped again, but that doesn't mean a bunch of other people couldn't. New players, vets wanting a challenge, or people just bored and wanting to run something for marks. Meanwhile I'll be in HH getting my 102 drops without having to explain the 'complex' mechanics on first boss like 'lunge now'...and 'block now'....through 10 or 12 wipes and repeated false starts because someone keeps starting without everyone in the room. I'd leave that to those who really relish doing that. From this thread, it sounds like there are enough to build a few raid're all set!
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You are going to bring real world political leanings into the discussion? Yeah....that might not help as much as you'd think....just saying.
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