Stat Clamp Choice

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by qECLIPSEp, Dec 23, 2021.

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  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Some wouldn't (like me), or they'd go back sparingly to help a particular few people they want to group with. But those aren't the people you want to run with. The people you want to run with are the VAST MAJORITY of the players who didn't like facerolling, want the challenge and source/gear rewards a clamped run would afford. Or those new users who are just getting to these stages of the game for the first time. I mean....there is a vast majority...right? There are a LOT of players who needed these runs...and wanted the challenge right? Cause if there's not...well, then it sounds like you are saying the clamp didn't really help the vast majority of the game. And if the vast majority doesn't want or need the clamp....well...
    See, whereas you have always maintained that I (or people like me) are the 'one''s really you who are. At least I believe so.

    Here's an experiment the devs can do. Pull the Omni rewards for 2 weeks...Leave the source, gear, feats....all that though. See how much participation drops off in the old content and how many queue omni if that box/marks were removed. Also, pull FOS3, DD, Escape and a few other 'easy' runs out of the Omni mix so only 'challenging' runs remain. I'd guess it will drop off drastically, and I think you(and yours) and the Devs know that....that's why it won't happen.
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    For myself for several years DCUO was more interesting as a chatroom then a game. What is engaging about a game that i dont need to engage with?
  3. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    They’d go back for the unlimited source marks, which by the way is THE REAL REASON your queues are popping now, just saying. I even suggested limiting said marks to running clamped and you poopooed it because it’s not exactly the way you want it.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I do think this will be the end result. Maybe intentionally. Veteran people will leave the game, new people will come in. Those people will spend a lot of money to improve their characters(artis, augs, upgrades to inv/bank/armories), They WILL enjoy the old content because of the clamp (hey, even I had fun the first few times in old stuff when it was 'tough') and for a few runs (2, 5, 8?) that will still be fun, but will realize they will hit the wall once it comes to SP in endgame content....when they hit that wall they will tire of trying to go back to the clamped content and failing, or throwing hours and hours grinding at it, and will leave. A new crop of players come in and repeat the process....businesses do profit from churn....look at mobile games. A person who stays around for years isn't spending as much money TODAY as someone who comes in and is all gung ho for a few months, then moves on to the next thing.

    Honestly I'd have more respect for the decision if they came out and said this is the model....vs saying that it's some big benefit for the players.
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  5. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    But there’s no real reason for anyone to run clamped either once they’ve gotten the shiny new thing. I wanted the fire chicken that was added to GoMe. So I ran it once. Someone else got it. I gave them $300mil. Got the spark pigeon. Never ran it again and never will. If it was a quick thing like it was, I’d add it to my farming runs list. Since none are quick anymore, no raid is on my farming list anymore. Hard to say the clamp is working as intended unless the intentions were to just keep vets away from content. And again, I don’t consider any of it hard. If I have a group of 8 friends and they want to do it, sure. With strangers, nah. Thru Omni, can’t. No elites there. I get your side of it but you’re one of the only people I know against it being optional and it is clear why you’re against it. We all know the majority would pick unclamped to get feats and clamped fos3 to get marks.

    I wish I was a new player, this would probably be great. Not sure but probably. But the game is filled with vet players that have already done all that content when weak. A lot of them enjoyed over powering that boss that wrecked them for months a few years later. It is very odd that I can go run LLL raid in near 5mins but a short old raid takes 20mins cuz I get neutered. New raid in regular is already 12mins in a decent group. Old but relevant, we’ll get that to 7mins. Then it will get clamped and be 25mins. I know I’d never run it again clamped. I also won’t have to and neither will anyone that closes out the feats while it’s relevant. But if elite never gets clamped, I’d wait on some feats and get them later. Now the game is all about getting everything done before they turn into clamped content.

    The rewards issue, no one should be getting useful gear or more than a source mark choice like it used to be. No reason rare drops can’t still drop unclamped, it took me 3 years of running dme every weekend to get my robins that I only collected for a feat. If I didn’t have them before the clamp, I’d have bought them instead. Dme clamped, nahhhh it was challenging enough new and I beat it then. That was my enjoyment. Someone wants to run it clamped, they’re already stronger than I was back then so have fun but it ain’t worth a few source to me.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Players are going to find the path of least resistance and hammer that, Whatever is the easiest "hard" run they can get away with will be ran till the wheels fall off. Be it old or new content. Then what of the other content? Those who need anything else will have more difficulty getting a run going.

    FoS3 sorta proved it wasnt about old or new, just whats the fastest way to get rewards with the least resistance.
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, but clamped or unclamped, once the feats/styles/investigations are done, they'd run FOS3...DD, BD or any other run that had the best return on investment, if source was all they wanted. You aren't wrong, but to Solowing's point, yes....the queues would suffer IF they don't really believe that source/rewards/feats aren't what's driving the traffic and the 'challenge/fun' is.
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  8. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I suppose I’m somewhat of a hypocrite here because I do prefer most of the old content clamped. I’m just kind of gutted about the tiny minority of content that I’m just not gonna be able to do without a significant stat markup.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Again....this all goes to prove out that you really don't believe there are many people who want the 'clamp'....they want the rewards....they are just paying for source marks spam with enduring crappy clamped runs. It's a trade off for sure, but SOME people are happy to make it because they don't know a better way. It's kind of like the old 'would you chop off a finger for a million dollars'? I mean no one really wants to chop off a finger....but hey....a million dollars? I don't think anyone would wave to me with their now 4 fingered hand from their new Ferrari yelling 'This new finger chopping thing is AWESOME!'.
    (unless you are this guy)

    Maybe this is why I was never for the clamp. I have TONS of source marks...always have. I know how to farm them effectively and do so...still do...and spamming FOS3 is not my idea of a good way to do it.
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  10. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    They have to do what’s good for biz. I won’t fault them for that. I’m sure I don’t spend nearly as much as other newer players because I have my 4 toons with 550sp and plenty of maxed/ high level artis. But I do still spend. I don’t think they’re pushing me or vets away but we have taken a bit of a backseat while they try to draw in new blood. And that’s ok. But there are vets on here expressing their desire to have the game the way it was as an option. Maybe it’s a coding/ resource issue. That’s fine but it doesn’t seem to be. The reasons to be against are seemingly only that it will kill clamped content participation. I’m not the brightest bulb in the chandelier but that tells me a lot.

    Again, I hope it’s working for the game. I still have plenty to do without playing any of it. I’m happy they put source back into end game. That’s the only reason I’m still playing. If that had gone away, I would have too without a doubt. But in all honesty, I will agree that something needed to be done. I just think it’s still not quite “there” in terms of how it’s been implemented.
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  11. eyethatseesall New Player

    Im 500sp+ and 320pvecr+ feel weak on duos, alerts and raids Reg, Plz fix it
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You and me both. That to me would be the nail in the coffin for many vets if they stuck to that decision. Granted bounties are still viable, but most really would be 'forced' to run the older clamped content...and I think that would turn even more people off.

    And as I said before...I'd have more respect for them if they just admitted it. I hate TCs but understand they are good for the biz. I hate BBs (well, the terrible odds) but understand it's good for the biz. Both those things are not really sold as big player benefits....the clamp is.
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  13. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Sounds like you only ever played old regular. You should have tried more unclamped elite. It was always somewhat engaging since the bosses had plenty of health and everything could still one shot you if you weren’t paying attention. Now, old non elites are what old elites used to be, full of ways to wipe if you’re not paying attention or don’t know mechanics. But everything, except you and other players, have a ton of health. Or our damage is so nuked it just feels that way. I hate to admit it but I’ve fallen asleep the last few times I ran the new alert. It’s the least engaging thing I’ve ever seen in the game. I can’t imagine it getting slower. Well, I just did and now I want to cry. My god that’s going to be awful lol. At least I could stand in a room and check my phone in the LLL alert. And that clamped won’t matter cuz who’s actually doing anything in the 1st room

    Edit: to add to this a little more and to make it clear how what some find fun and others don’t/ realizing that resources can be put elsewhere: I spent $10 yesterday to buy an armory 4 pack. I spent about an hour each on 3 toons on sparring targets. It would have been 4 toons but I can’t test with my pet build toon because my pets get power back randomly. I would have appreciated that being fixed far more than anything clamp related. That would be very engaging to me. Possibly would even make me spend more money on artis. Probably would take far less time and resources than the clamp or HoL took. I get you like the clamp, I’m even happy you like the clamp. I hope others do too. Now I also wish that more players were happy. More choices are always welcomed. There are far more issues to be worked on that I’d prefer to see fixed vs spending any more time polishing the clamped content. And don’t get me started on how angry it made me that they went back and made old content even easier recently, that was pretty gross imo.
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Bingo! What i think it is is players, not used to having resistance where their was none. I want to use forum users Tiffany as an example. Tiff doesnt like the DCUO stat clamp. But doesnt mind it in XIV as it baked in from the start. So she doesn't notice it because its always been the normal. I understand she doesn't like it, and i cant fault her for it. But she understands why its needed. Its a redistribution of fun. Sure i did the classic raids years ago too but dont we want players to join this game and enjoy themselves to help bolster this games popularity and support?
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Been trying to do clamped elite since coming back, alerts/duos will proc, but not elite raids.
  16. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    The compulsory clamp has robbed potential new players of so much, as I have already explained to you. Stop pretending you care about them, it’s disingenuous.
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    What is the end-goal if you think im feigning caring?

    Me disagreeing with you doesn't mean im faking caring, but im willing to go to the proverbial mat for it, Hell be damned who thinks its stupid, because i believe in it.

    I dont agree with Reinheld, but i could never say hes fake, disingenuous,or trying to game the system. Just a different route to the same goal. He wants to do it through freedom of choice, and i prefer it be more of a "pipeline" of players using Group-finder for the gearing process, and then seeking out specialized groups when going back for achievements.
  18. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    It’s pretty obvious that you’re simply enjoying the current status quo and won’t let it change for anything. Which is fine and all, heck I’m enjoying it myself for the most part but the hand wringing isn’t fooling anyone.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Of course, but if they want the rewards, gotta do it clamped.
  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Didnt we have 11 years of a un-clamped status quo? Ive been vouching for the clamp for 8 of those years. Am i being disingenuous for standing by that despite all the flak i got for it?

    You guys cannot sit here and call me disingenuous when my position on this subject never flipped once in nearly a decade. Thats 1 hell of a long game im playing....
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