Stat Clamp Choice

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by qECLIPSEp, Dec 23, 2021.

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  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Do you gain currency for doing unsynced content? No. Do you get the daily bonuses doing it un-synced? No. The game is designed around a clamped experience.

    Either youre in their for styles, or mounts. Once you have both, outside of solo mob stomping/Screenshots, their is literally no reason to ever go back, thus putting all the incentive into the clamped Queue.

    The only feature that allows you to steamroll, is "Wonderous Tails" however their will be content within it that requires you to do it *Clamped* AND *Grouped* to gain more stickers.
  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Im asking, should i be forced to relocate to be on the same level playing field as everyone else, or should i be allowed to remain because i chose that spot while it was still acceptable to have?

    When it comes to feats, should you be able to keep your feats despite the system changes making it slightly more difficult for those joining currently then it was in the past? Or should you have to give up your feats to now put you on the same playing field.

    I do see some troll concern of "Think of the newbies". Yea, so why don't you give up your feats to make it a completely level playing field now. Oh, no? Because youve earned your feats?

    Oh Ok. I guess you'll get grandfathered in, so what are the complaints about?
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Dude, ive been on this hill fighting Proxy since 2013 and so many forumites all support of him against it. Then when he changed his mind, yall turned on him, not caring about the merit, but simply because you dont like what he said.

    Ive been told, Ive have my own way of thinking of stuff. Nothing wrong with that.
  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Im only disappointed you didn't enjoy the clamp as much as I thought you would.

    Ive been trying to run with Tiffany and those who dont have as good as a experience out of it. To hopefully show them Omnibus/Clamp actually isnt that bad. Sometimes you can hit a bump, but its all apart of the process of getting through it.

    If you play Villain or they allow cross-faction grouping. Im down to group up.
  5. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    Sorry but you, again, are wrong (as usual).
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Care to explain then;)

    Or we just going to say your wrong with nothing backing that claim up?
  7. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    You can't put lipstick on a pig. The stat clamp is the dumbest thing to happen to DCUO. What will it take for obtuse people to understand and comprehend this...?
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  8. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    Kinda like all of your replies, mirite?

    You can't articulate one single positive thing about the stat clamp that isn't purely subjective or pure opinion in nature where on the other hand, I and many others have argued it's terrible overall on a variety of different levels. Not just as a joke in terms of what it's supposed to accomplish for players but in the simple fact it does the opposite and in such a hamfisted way.

    Are you so narrow minded that you can't grasp why that is and causes so much annoyance and frustration?
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Is that your opinion or objective fact?
  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Youre so narrow minded you refuse to see the bigger picture. You're stuck on YOUR experience rather the experience of us all as a community. If ya hate me for wanting it, FDR said it best.

    How about we redistribute the fun, from only endgame down through all the tiers. If everyone get a seat at the table arnt we all happy?
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  11. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    Your reply makes zero sense.

    Name one universal benefit to the stat clamp, primarily for older/out dated content no one does.
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  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Players get to experience the mechanics.
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  13. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    1. I'm not sure you can even make a group for an omnibus run, could be wrong though

    2. Making groups for older clamped content takes hours because people don't want to do it, the only thing you ever see in lfg is groups for fos3 because its fast

    3. 280 gear and a few source marks is not worth the headache

    I am quite content at this point to simply ignore old content altogether. I was always against stat clamping long before it ever happened but when we got it i was willing to give it a chance and at 1st i didn't mind it that much but now that we have had it for awhile i'm just done with it and i know i'm not the only one who feels this way.
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  14. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    You can get Source Marks for running any non-seasonal content in the game, opening up the entire game for players instead of them being stuck in a 2-4 episode window to gain Marks.
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  15. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    ROFL. I have an amazing league and I'm as busy as can be. Stats clamp is fine, your arguments are not. Trying to equate your base location to something gamewide and essential is ludicrous. In terms of Omnibus or clamped elites and whatnot, I don't have problems completing content, gaining feats or anything else.

    You personally, are not helping your stated positions with your flawed arguments here. You do not know my enjoyment level, playstyle, or anything related to my in-game presence. So, please don't act like you do. This isn't about stats clamp, this is about bad faith arguments which are poorly constructed and designed to create the shallowest 'gotcha' moments possible.

    Google Sea Lioning for more.
    • Like x 4
  16. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    Sorry but that's an unbelievable stretch and is basically a falsehood that the few who believe the stat clamp as it is is good perpetuate around here.

    Since omnibus already puts people into instances they already don't want to do most just bail at the first sign things won't go right. It's happened to me plenty of times so for an instance that should take 10-12 mins ends up taking an hour then everyone quits. How is this efficient? It's a waste of time period.

    And you give the general DCUO community more credit than it deserves. This is generally not a cooperative or helpful community like FFXIV for example. The gap is huge.

    Sorry but source marks don't move the needle for a vast majority of the player base. Fact? Look how dead the older content is in terms of getting people to queue for them and actually finish them.
    Omnibus blatantly forces them to and then they either decline when they see it's content they dread (or have done it a billion times) or they already know how it's going to end (usually not well with randos).

    Stat clamp should be a choice.
    If you choose to run clamped, everything is normal in terms of loot and marks.
    Those who opt out of the clamp for the content, only have access to investigations/briefings, chests, and feats.

    How hard is this for some people to grasp? It's just mind boggling.
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  17. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I still believe there should be a check box to:
    1) Clamp - check box if you want to be clamped in the mission or not (unchecked means no loot will be rewarded but can still get feats), and
    2) Clamped Only - check box if you only want to be Queued in only with other Clamped players. (The only way to receive loot. If left un-checked you might Queue in with mixed clamped and unclamped players, but no one will get loot unless everyone is clamped).

    So basically:
    Clamped Only group = loot and feats
    Mixed Group (some players clamped or no players clamped) = no loot, only feats

    Seems simple enough.
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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You haven't looked at the context of what I'm saying. Why are you so caught upon the image itself?
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  19. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    This is more fair:
    Clamped Only group = loot and feats
    Mixed Group (some players clamped or no players clamped) = only loot, no feats.

    Feat is for doing something. It doesn't make sense to do a feat by killing a boss with one hit.
  20. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Actually it sounds like an overly complicated system. It took them years to introduce Task Force X and work out the kinks of different instances. You now want to have them rework content to allow stat scaling, on a per person basis, with different reward structure based on the group makeup?

    [Sarcasm]Yeah, sounds simple enough.[/Sarcasm]
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