Running Our of Patience With This Completely Botched DLC Launch

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Yass Queen Hyppolyta, Dec 13, 2021.

  1. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Here are the rules: you are entitled to exactly nothing.

    Hope this helps!
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  2. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Actually, not even then. Players are, whether people like it or not, owed exactly nothing by Daybreak. That's just a legal fact.

    Of course, people are free to complain as long as the forums allow it. But nobody is "entitled" to anything.
  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    On the one hand Mepps offers us goodwill and understanding; on the other we have this antagonism.

    I guess I should thank you for pointing out how truly stupid I am to give real $$$ to a company and then have an expectation of NOTHING in return. But your point is well taken and I will consider it the next time I am tempted to spend real money on this game.

    Thank you for enlightening me.
  4. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Knowing what's reality and what's fantasy, and how to tell the difference, is generally helpful, regardless of how ugly reality may be. Making futile demands is futile. Pointing this out isn't antagonistic; it's being clear.

    It also isn't bad will or misunderstanding. Nor did I remotely say or imply anything whatever about anyone's intelligence.

    I'm all for people spending money on the game. I'm all for good will and understanding. I'm equally for people understanding what their money entitles them to. I fail to see how pretending that reality isn't reality would help anyone at all in any way. "Let me further your futile delusions" doesn't strike me as a way to help anyone. Misleading you as to what your game money has "earned" you wouldn't seem helpful to you. Your mileage may vary.

    Personally, I'm not remotely a fan of pure capitalism, but basic economic/political theories are far larger issues than game company policies, and are out of our purview here. Law reviews are a better place than game forums to argue American contract law.
  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Thank you again. I assure you I will no longer spend anymore money on this game or any other.
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  6. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Agreed, im an old fart now days as well hahaha
  7. SChan83 New Player

    You guys are funny. Let me clear up some misconceptions lol. I got this game on launch and played it for years before losing my psn account tied to my ps3. I got it again on ps4 and played it for a couple years and now I'm back. I'm not new to the game and I have spent money on it. Currently and in the past. Also I'm not a kid. Shocking right? I'm a 38 year old man and a concrete worker. No kid can do what I do and barely any fully grown so called men can either lol. It would make things easy for you if I was some broke goomer living at mom and dads lol. Too bad I guess lol. For insults to land there has to be a nugget of truth in them. You're going to have to do better lol.
  8. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    If you were the day one guy you claim to be?

    You wouldn't be using a forum account you made two days ago.
  9. VariableFire Loyal Player

    So I switched to an alt...and everything in his base was packed away. No decorations, no amenities. How the heck did that get screwed up?
  10. Eve YouTuber

    It's a bug that comes and goes, usually fix itself after daily maintenance or a few hours.
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    DCUO so much as stubs its toe, youll hear the cries for compensation xD
  12. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    They are working on fixing this mess. Should we be here in the first place? No. But we are and they are working tirelessly to fix it. It’s not a situation they wanted to be in nor is it one that really warrants the “gimme free stuff demands’. The game has been playable for the most part and so far no real harm has befallen our characters or our stats. Yes there are major inconveniences and yes getting dc’d because one got too close to Giganta is increasingly annoying or was as that is now fixed.

    If Daybreak wants to give us something as a token of goodwill, accept it graciously but we as the gaming community should not be demanding “free stuff’.
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  13. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    <-*hung over* "what happened?"