Stat Clamp Is Dogwater And An Failure

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DrakeBall, Nov 17, 2021.

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  1. BumblingB I got better.

    Did I say otherwise? They want paying players to continue to play and put revenue into the game. New players can be paying players and even if they are not, free players means more population for the paying players to play with. (Lot of plays there...)

    They've been adding more and more items that are taking a lot of source marks to buy. Catalysts are a HUGE mark sink, especially on their new Ally system. So you can pay real money or farm source marks. Either way, they have you in the game and to be honest, I feel like they would prefer the latter, since you also get other paying players happy and they can spend money.

    Time seems to be the ongoing theme in this thread. It doesn't seem to be about the clamp or difficulty, but the time invested in older content. I see it, it's valid, but it's a personal player problem that everyone will have to deal with as time goes by. This game is almost 11 years old, there is a lot of content that still has quite a number of rewards in it. It really is how YOU (the player) looks at it, not how the game is.
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  2. Plowed In Loyal Player

    If they were 313 then you were doing the event version (Have to be CR 327 for reg). You both would have been scaled down. Did that really take you 40 minutes to complete? I’m assuming you all wiped a time or a few. Was it boss damage or overall damage? Did you get teleported down every time/ a few times? We’re you focusing adds or the boss? It’s also event, where no one actually measures anything because it can be really wonky sometimes. Shrug it off :hugs: :)
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  3. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    Well said. I don't think anyone can argue with that.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Whaaaa? According to the 'clamp' theory, running the old stuff is just as fun as endgame, and endlessly challenging. Why get to endgame? To perhaps actually make use of those advances you gained in CR/SP/Augs/Artis? Isn't that against the clamper rulebook? I mean endgame you get loot locks...and we didn't want or need those...right? Sounds like endgame is terrible with people at 348 'one shotting' Zeus or Grail in FGS and the chance of some poor 300 being 'left behind' by players who are plowing through as fast as they can. Isn't endgame where all the 'OP jerks' are? The ones who ruin runs for everyone else? I'd think the new players would want to stay as far from them as possible or only meet with them in old content where the clamp system will keep them safe from the 'toxic OPness' on display.

    It's funny to hear someone say 'nobody ...wants to have to go through 10 years worth of stuff' while also saying how great that same 10 years worth of stuff is once made 'challenging' again.

    You don't see the disparity? I'd guess not. That's cool....most people have blinders on when it comes to a particular issue. Guilty of it myself from time to time.
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  5. BumblingB I got better.

    Your honor, I'd like to go on the record I'm not in that camp. The theorists or challenging aspect of it.

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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I guess it's not technically the clamps fault, more the fault of the overall changes (loot lock removal, omni, clamp). It used to be if you landed in a run, you wanted that run and needed it for some reason (feat, style, collection) so there was an incentive to stay and succeed. Now it's 10 marks mainly...which you can get anywhere. There is little incentive to stay vs to keep from having to re-queue or go run a bounty or a few solos to make up that loss. The part I put on the clamp is that whereas if pre clamp I ran a run I needed, the other people didn't matter as much if they were good or not...walked out or not. Now it does, and MY gameplay is now tied to 7 (or 20) other players ability or want to finish a run.

    Example, I had an alt who had the Earth 3 checklist still. I needed Pan to move it along. Queued Pan from custom and it finally popped about 10 min later (yea right?)...but then someone declined...popped again a min later and someone declined. Popped a 3rd time and we went in. No one was in tank role so 2 people left. We finally got someone in who could tank, and we did fine on 1st boss, but lost a DPS who then stepped out after being knocked out. Backfilled the spot and after having a bunch of people die in the halls, got to Owlman. No matter how many times I said 'roll out of the fire' people still died in the fire. 1 or 2 more people left, someone voted for disband and it passed leaving me and 2 others who voted 'no' in the room. As a disbanded run won't re open, I shouted in LFG a few times, then the other 2 left. From queue to walking out, it was probably 40 min, I got 1 1st boss loot and still have the checklist in my Journal for a run that I could have gotten done at almost any hour of any day pre-clamp because people ran PANE regularly.

    Again, my main problem with the changes is my time wasted...not the loss of OP'nes or whatever. More failed or shoot-show runs means more time wasted... more teaching(rather RE-teaching) means more time wasted... more waiting for backfill from quitters means more time wasted. And yeah, I can lay that squarely at the feet of the clamp.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So noted...+1 for the Caddyshack reference....greatest comedy ever made.
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  8. BumblingB I got better.

    This is NOT the clamps fault. You CAN blame the devs, but it's not the clamp that causes this problem. If we only had 2-3 tiers below us, we can't random queue for an instance and expect to get a perfect group. This is purely a matchmaking problem. And maybe your idea of what you could solo, which is definitely a dev problem for letting us go that long. Heck we were able to do that to an extent on high end new content too.

    No... no you can't. Let me ask you, were you queuing for EVERY available piece of content pre clamp? Or were you just cherry picking the ones you wanted to run because you could solo it? Were you queuing an instance that you know you couldn't really solo it? No, you were picking the ones that benefited your time. It's not very different than now and the only true problem is that you don't want to be the guy to explain to players how their role works, what kind of rotation to have, how the mechanics work, etc. I get it. I have a full time job with a 1.25 hour commute one way. If I queue for something, I'll join the league or do it on the weekend, but this is NOT the clamp problem, but it definitely an issue with how the devs built the game. (I can't blame the current devs, they are still relearning the 8+ years that precedes them.)
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  9. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Apart from my self and two other league mates it was a pug group. There was one total wipe, the pugs were not being mindful of the Punisher. There were several teleports, several instances of players going down and needing pick ups, and there was the need to explain to the tank it was his job to focus on the Shade while the rest of us attacked Ares, although, I think the Shade took damage from anyone who hit it. Several people received a feat so that was good. So apart from me getting humiliated, yeah it was a fun run.
  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Running old stuff isnt bad at all. Why get to Endgame? To unlock new instances and stuff to add to the available list of things i can do. Rather then replacing 1 set of content for another set of content.
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  11. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Nothing to feel humiliated about in there, you should get bonus points for just sticking it out and not walking out :)
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  12. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    It is my understanding the CR Boost by 5 was for End Game Players such as my self. We are clamped DOWN to the instance level plus 15 CR above it now. I don’t really know about the Up Scaled players, which my league mate was apparently up scaled.

    So yes, an increase of only 5 more CR is not a lot but it is better than what was.
  13. KoscheiDeath Well-Known Player

    I think they would be upscaled to the minimum CR requirement for that particular instance.
  14. KoscheiDeath Well-Known Player

    My bad didn't mean to insinuate that you said otherwise, I was just stating something in general.
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  15. BumblingB I got better.

    This a snip from the last Game Update:
    They got buffed a lot!
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    player here that's been playing since release (11yrs or whatever) - I hated the prospect of clamping, loathed it, fought against it for a decade, with absolute passion... but am no longer concerned.

    I think they need to work a little more on the old elite content - there's always going to be a need to find a bit of a better balance there, but as far as regular content (clamped) has gone the only time I've come across problematic instances are when people refuse to follow mechanics or just generally speaking are clueless.

    The clamp itself here is not the problem, the problem is when you come across players who are summarized as one word; 'trash'.

    Can't blame the game for that - food for thought.
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  17. ChickeNnBiscuiTs Level 30

    well put im one of them that feed there money hunger and its very frustrating that content is recycled and feats are almost impossible to get on old content especially pvp they killed it so much content now could never complete it all in one week but its all most all recycled content at that
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  18. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Exactly, if anyone is having a problem with clamped content, the problem isn’t the content, it’s them. And I don’t know if I’m trippin, but for some reason clamped content seems easier than before, I’m essentially, or almost, soloing everything again. Did we get a new buff for clamped instances ?
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  19. BumblingB I got better.

    See my post above.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Who was asking for 'perfect' groups, if I wanted a good group (for a feat or something) i''ll build one. And who wants random queue? Oh, I know there are a few, but the rest of us got saddled with it too. I'd be fine with having to use custom menu if I didn't also have to find 7 other people to do it with me. This is what we had before the clamp, so the clamp didn't fix anything. It just makes it harder once you do get in.

    And I never said I wanted to solo everything...I'd just like to NOT have to require 7 other people. The clamp did nothing to fix this either. You still need to go to randoms if you can't fill a group. Randoms are where the issues come in. Randoms were not an issue pre clamp save for doing 'skill' based feats.

    And while I wasn't cherry picking only stuff I could solo, I wouldn't queue anything where an impassible mechanic made me depend on some random goofball. Multi user gears or 'don't do that' mechanics (like hitting the essence pre-changes) and I'd opt out of those runs. That was probably only 10% of the runs. And yes, on occasion, I'd queue about everything on alts that needed source or whatever...everything but those few runs. See the other guy not knowing his role and not having a good rotation was not an issue in those is now. That's where I blame the clamp. Was it wrong that there was EVER a period that this was not a problem...maybe, but there was...and much of our player base plays poorly because of it. We are now paying the penalty for that...'mistake'? Oversight? Something like that.

    Do I miss soloing things and blowing through stuff fast? Sure. Would I trade the unlimited source and no loot locks to get it back...yep...I never had a problem getting source and was fine being locked out once a week/day depending on the content.

    BTW...I barely run anything older than WV now, so this isn't really an issue for me. I'm not sure I'm even anti clamp anymore, as so much as I'm anti EEG. Once my omni missions are done(for the box)...sometimes they are not even done(I don't need it that bad) far as I know the game starts at Wonderverse. In another month the game will start with Flashpoint as I despise Legion, clamped or not. It's great that for a bunch of non subs and new players the game has all this content open....for me, it's eliminated a lot of it...and I'd guess I'm not alone.
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