Sorry but Gadgets has to be fixed!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by appocolyps, Oct 3, 2021.

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  1. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    More nonsense, cool, lets begin.

    Your first point is amazing. Truly. For me though, not for you. You somehow came to the conclusion that even though you yourself cant get to 100%, somehow miraculously the gods bestowed upon thee the ability to judge if someone else is. Thats an amazing talent, and up until November 2021 was completely impossible. Can you share with the crowd how your Gauge system, to which you know not its limit, works?

    Your second point kinda tells me you're unable to learn from past mistakes. I mean c'mon man, it was only a few hours ago that you let an assumption destroy your point, and we circle right back to another assumption destroying a point? Really? Its very very, VERY odd too. I mean I actually went to the trouble of mentioning in-depth that I run around with multiple Armory Loadouts and even named 3 of my 16. Think it was ST Focus, AoE and 150% Range right? If you're really this bad at learning from failures then perhaps the blame really is starting to point towards the "Master Guide". I mean I let you decide, and you kinda just did with this.

    Appreciate the Talladega Nights video though. Among all the nonsense I CAN at least say you have a sense of humour if you like Will Ferrell. Although i'm pretty sure the post I just replied to and the belief it would prove anything says that too.
  2. AV Loyal Player

    You're either being intentionally obtuse to be a dick, or your reading comprehension is terrible, or you should take a breath before responding.

    There's a difference between assuming I'm 100%'d and being able to quickly tell when another player isn't. You said:

    Basically if you were anywhere near max then it would be statistically impossible for you to encounter that close of a separation with other players frequently enough to justify that language so casually. Anyone being able to give you a run for your money, no matter what power you or they were on, would be a less than 1:1000 occurrence and you wouldn't be rationalizing about it. It would be like meeting a unicorn flying a fighter jet. There are only a handful of players in the game near the (very soft) DPS ceiling. Just get better at the game and stop deflecting/rationalizing/projecting.

    Again, what is your character name?
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  3. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    I apologize but I think its become crystal clear that the time to take any advice from you has come and gone. I know that's hard to hear, its become more and more evident that you have an extremely high opinion of yourself, but its just the truth.

    I dont care about your little list of Elite "Dps ceiling" players, and even though its likely the most odd thing a Forum member has voluntarily revealed on these Forums this year, I dont care that you have one to begin with either. Im here to talk about Gadgets. I've talked about Gadgets. I've spent time reading posts from people with ridiculous details they tried to pass off as "facts" only to notice "Prec Gadgets" in their Forum Signatures. We've spent 11 pages waving through absolute nonsense, only for the people who think theres something wrong with this power to have the same points they began with while the ones trying to defend it abandon debunked points as fast as humanly possible hoping people didn't notice. People noticed. The ignorant would claim that the point has stayed the same because theres nothing else to argue. But ignorance sure is bliss. They'll happily stay "correct" in their own heads while reality continues without them. And reality shows that the point stayed the same because it was a solid point to begin with, but more importantly, true.

    Its in your best interest to agree to disagree and get going at this stage. I know you'd rather be the one giving advice and the lack of control may be torture, but so far all you've actually accomplished in here is to accidentally insult your own Master Guide, wreck your own arguments with assumptions and show your desperation to "win" this discussion by throwing out veiled insults in the post above. There is no "winning" in discussions like this, theres Facts and on the odd occasion, the Fools who deny the Facts despite reality.

    Im not calling you a Fool, i'm telling you that you can decide to face Facts, or decide to be the Fool. Once again, its in your hands.

    Lets hope you choose wisely this time.
  4. AV Loyal Player

    I don't think you know what a lot of the words you're trying to use actually mean, unless you're just operating on bad faith intentionally.

    You're clearly wounded, as your ego's doing all the talking here XD... which makes it super weird that you still aren't telling me your in game character name... but I'm guessing that'd pretty quickly identify the degree to which you're talking out your ***.

    Edit: Gadgets has one thing about it that needs to be fixed because it's objectively, badly broken (which most players were never doing and weren't even aware of until very recently) and one thing that should be fixed not because it's broken but because it's objectively worse than if it behaved correctly. If you think Gadgets needs more attention than that, you're off your meds.
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  5. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    You're lecturing the guy who curates the Might Meta FAQ; like "the dude who ran all of the Powerset tests and assembled the results for parity".

    If "the guy who tested Everything" says maybe there's something out of sync, MAYBE something's out of sync; maybe take another run at it before you toss "actual verified repeatable results" out the window because he's not saying the thing you wanna hear.

    Maybe produce some consistent evidence from direct personal testing instead of insisting that the (variable and inconsistent) anecdotal evidence is solid enough. At any rate.
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  6. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    I didn't read the post. I'm merely acknowledging how you've decided to make the "worse choice" for the second time today. Glutton for punishment springs to mind.

  7. AV Loyal Player

    You've demonstrated you wouldn't have comprehended a word of it anyways.

    What is your character name? Third time asking.
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  8. Not Lowtie Level 30


    All these people coming out of the wood works lately with their fragile egos sure is entertaining.
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  9. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Hmm, or maybe hes "standing on the shoulders of giants", players who did 80%-90% of his work for him before he ever used a power or typed a digit. Maybe his reluctance to face failings in his posts here suddenly make any past findings of his questionable. Maybe someones put him on a pedestal while I viewed him as a peer. Past tense ofc, due to his conduct in this thread.

    If we're done with maybe's though i'd rather bring up one Fact and one question. Until he revealed his true, controlling, borderline-narcissistic nature, I was willing to consider your "maybe's" as well as my "maybe's".

    Are you?
  10. AV Loyal Player

    Do you.... live in reality?
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    Probably worth toning it back a little I think.

    Although I don't exactly agree with the limited extent to which AV thinks gadgets needs work and think there are instead multiple aspects causing issues with gadgets that need changing, AV is not particularly narcissistic and generally speaking a lot of people respect his views.

    He is usually friendly and helpful with providing advice and help and openly shares his knowledge, he's not exactly hiding anything in little closed club circles like some others, so in fairness and not that he needs me to defend him, but I think you're unfairly categorizing him a little.

    I get your upset about gadgets imbalances, that much is obvious and there's nothing wrong with that, I agree that some people in this thread are being a little intellectually dishonest because they have an invested interest (based on the fact that they are gadgets) but that's not AV ;)
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  12. flawles New Player

    After skimming through 11 pages I decided to offer my opinion on what i think is causing gadgets to look "broken"

    Being a returning player after a 7 or 8 year break The jump clipping turret has been in the game since the beginning of the game as far as I recall and has never caused gadgets to be crazy op. As for the stealth exploit thing which I believe obsidianchill has addressed in one of his videos, it is terribly inconsistent for the most part and also wouldn't cause a massive disparity in dps. does it need to be fixed? probably, but that's beside the point I'm getting at anyway. from what I have seen the biggest advantage gadgets has, would have to be the ability to run a second loadout with 3 supercharges which allows you to proc EOG far more frequently then most powersets would.

    Run a dps competition without any artifacts on and then see how well they stack up to each other if you really want to compare if a certain powerset is more overpowered then another. Now factor in your artifacts and question whether it is the power or the artifacts causing the imbalance.

    Starting out on a fresh toon on US servers as gadgets player who changed powerset to water in the last month or 2 has let me see both sides of how EOG has been affecting them. being forced to run 3 supercharges to give power/supercharge back to everyone as a healer makes me sad. cant have much variety in your loadout and really takes the fun out of healing with that overpowered artifact :/

    P.S If anything is broken and should be nerfed it is EOG. Make it so it can only proc off the first supercharge you use with a 2min cooldown window where u can only use the same supercharge to proc it within that time and people wont be able to alternate between 3 25perc supercharges to have EOG up constantly.

    Seeing people specifically ask for EOG healer in elite content for example shows how much of an impact this artifact has as they wont run without it.

    I highly doubt the devs intended EOG to be used in this way when they created this artifact. but as usual the players will find the best way to use something as they always do.
  13. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    You brought up Penryn’s guide as if both it’s past and present iterations were unknown to me. I replied to that incorrect assumption by informing you that I’ve actually been one of the more frequent contributors to it.

    Also, I never stated the result of that players comment regarding my not using the standard turret clip other than that I researched what he was referring to. This bowing to pressure idea seems to be a result of your imagination creating yet another incorrect assumption. Though, even if you were correct, that’s an extremely odd way to characterize one player passing on advice to another (rudely stated though it may have been).

    Also, I mentioned watching a clip from Titans showing the turret clip because it is the very point in time that I originally stated that I knew for certain that these standard gadgets loadouts and rotations were being utilized. So yes, that supporting eye witness testimony was indeed intended to support my statement that it has been around for AT LEAST as long as the Titans DLC. I never stated they were around since the game launched. Again, your imagination is running wild. I don’t know when they started. My point was that if they’ve been around that long or longer, the recent surfacing of the perception that gadgets is significantly overpowered must be the result of a similarly recent change or event and not it’s long existing and utilized damage potential.

    It seems like conversational logic and reading comprehension aren’t among your strong suits. I’m not judging nor criticizing. We all have our strengths and weaknesses and that’s perfectly normal and ok. Nobody is perfect. At the same time, I’m not going to continue a discussion if I have to keep connecting the logical dots between point and counterpoint. That’s more effort than I’m willing to expend.
  14. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    I respect your view of the Forum member in question, but I also respectfully disagree.

    Throughout every interaction they had the chance to agree to disagree and leave it be. They chose otherwise. At one point it was even revealed that I had used their own Guide to help test what we're discussing. Normally one would find a compliment in that, however they didn't. The argument turning into "its not the powers fault, its yours", whilst ignoring how many people they'd need to say that to before it became time to concede. And judging others abilities with absolutely no context to base this judgement on, compounded further by the fact that they readily admit the scale they judge everyone on makes no sense.

    History proves time and time and time again, you never really know anyones true character until they're pushed. I can't think of that being more evident than the decaying quality of the Forum members replies, culminating in the last of their replies that was worth my time, which began with veiled passive-aggressive insults. And that happened without me even intentionally trying to push. They ended up pushing themselves by spewing nonsense and then, obviously, being called out for it.

    As I said before, I came in to discuss Gadgets, not to psychoanalyse a person with clear-as-day control/ego issues. I noticed this Forum member doing something similar to other members in previous threads before. I stayed silent before, brushed it off as them having a bad day. Today he just picked the wrong person to try it on, and it landed him on another ignore list.
  15. AV Loyal Player

    You do realize that just asserting a thing doesn't make it true, right? Especially when your professed personal experience was already one of losing to other powers routinely enough that you rationalized the shortfalls. You've just sprayed subjective bs at the wall and tried to back it up with anecdotal evidence. Your assertions that "I used your rotations and lost" doesn't mean jack when the response is effectively "k... other people aren't losing, so sounds like a 'you' problem," plus... frankly... nothing about the way you've been talking leads me to believe you're a trustworthy individual discussing in good faith to begin with so it's hard to take you at face value.

    You neglected to specify which rotations you used (there's like a hundred and they're not remotely equal), what the content you were running was, what artifacts, your CR, your SP, your in-content rotation modifications like which 2x SC and swaps you're doing, the group config, the buff artis, the consumables, your mods, the allies, etc etc etc. You're arguing that you're in the right because you allege you're doing badly with stuff that other people don't do badly with and you're not even attempting to provide additional background info to support your aassertions. The whole "I even have different armouries!" thing was also kinda a red flag in that... um.. yeah... obviously?... that's not something a serious DPS would even bring up... hence why it'd be real nice and useful to look your character up or.

    It's almost like if you provided your character name... or literally any actual meaningful information that wasn't "I lost so Gad bustedz0rz" there'd be more context....... Be more objective.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    That's fine, I appreciate the fact you're here to talk about gadgets and that's what I think people should be doing without the unnecessary mud slinging is all, no matter what direction you perceive that to be coming from.

    If you really have an issue with gadgets then perhaps its realistically time to be more succinct and concise about the actual issues, perhaps, since as you state, you are a knowledgeable player, a video demonstrating and articulating your view of the issues so that everyone can see them for themselves might be in order?
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  17. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    You have a very interesting mind. And i'm being honest saying that. Its neither an insult nor should it be taken as such. Your views of events seem unlike anyone, ever.

    Take the point about the Turret advice. You disclose that the player called you a noob. Now at this point i've never referred to you as stupid and I still at least hope you aren't. Knowing this, you must be aware the person called you a noob as an undeniable insult. Yet, when you recall the event, the only one you refer to as rude is myself. Interesting.

    Then there's the complete change in story that just.......happens in paragraph 3. Did you see it or notice it? Because one reply you're talking about discovering things when JLD released, and now its Titans again. Began as Titans, changed to JLD, back to Titans. Is JLD up next again in a few replies? I let it go the 1st time as a mistake. Its fascinating watching this unfold, it really is.

    Then lo and behold, a paragraph with pretentious insults. Predictable at best, but as the saying goes "Insults are the last resort of insecure people with a crumbling position trying to appear confident". Its the slightly nicer version of the saying that doesn't refer to you as an intellectual coward. (You're welcome)

    To top it all off you then try to discuss "Point vs Counter Point". Thats amazing. Really. The person who's points have been proven incorrect time and time again over about 4 pages, actually voluntarily brings up "Point vs Counter Point". That was Incredible. I'm not some child who's going to type "lol" or "lmao", but I do have to thank you. That laugh genuinely brought a tear to my eye. Amazing.
  18. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    I may just have to yeah. Although it seems unnecessary given the videos that already exist.

    Btw do me a favour. I have a bet going with a roommate that AVs control issues would force them to ignore the fact that they know they're on ignore and would still try to reply to one of my posts, if for nothing else but to "get the last word in".

    Let me know if you see any replies to me from him past Post #206. Its only €5 but its a near-sure bet.
  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Nah, not a thing, guess you just lost €5 :)
  20. Not Lowtie Level 30

    Cringe + Petty
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