Favorite power of all time

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Stanktonia, Nov 14, 2021.

  1. Rip Kurrent Well-Known Player

    I'm not sure if I have a "favorite". My mains are water, but I'm always messing with loadouts, etc because something just seems..off. Any load out that I actually like doesn't include a PI power. I'm sure I'm missing out on dps due to that.

    I started playing as an ice character. I love the way it works currently. Resonating gale followed by ice boulder strike are my go to rotation starters. I like being able to stun adds while I get most of my rotation in. I like quantum for the same reason. Singularity and lift..must haves for me. I like atomic, sometimes it feels like a slog though. With all of that being said..id say ice is the closest to my "favorite".
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  2. Achikah All About That Base

    Though it hasn't been easy being this power through several phases of the game, Sorcery will always be my first, and favorite since day one.
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  3. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Overall I would say Celestial, it is fun to heal with and fun to DPS with.

    When you find the right DPS rotation it is strong but also fun to use. Depending on the content you won't use the same rotation over and over as depending on if you need to block or if there are breakout mechanics you don't want to spend too much time combo-ing. As such you will probably be updating your rotation for every raid boss in some cases.

    If you try it with Lernaea's Amulet it becomes incredibly strong especially midrange - but for special occasions only.

    Celestial also has my favourite animations in the game. Nothing too in your face, but since it draws power from light and dark you get a mix of different animations and colours.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Sorcery since i started, no plans of changing it.
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  5. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Gadgets has always been my favorite power because i'm a huge batman fan and even my main is a batman. I love the troll side and the dps is great and has lots of options, i'm a huge fan of the stealth and love sneaking up on enemies in the open world, its just a super fun power.
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Favorite is going to be Fire. It was my first power, it allows me to tank (which is my favorite role if i'm doing role), and it's steady reliable as a DPS, even if it isn't the 'top' ever. I do miss the AM blue flames though....and fix my dang shield when tanking. No fire person wants to use Hard Light shield once we had our own fire shield finally.

    Sorcery is second. Love the pets and animations, but it is power hungry as healer and a bit lacking as DPS. It is the power I make a lot of farmer toons as it's very self sufficient and no one likes a dead farmer toon.
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  7. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Rage, of course.
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    That actually made me think of my power choices. In all games I play if there’s an option to be electrical based I always choose it. When I first play it was a dlc power so my first power was actually ice. I played a 2 days and bought the electric dlc just to be electric. Electric was my main until I made an alt who was HL. I fell in love with the combos and the green lanterns were my favorite organization in dc comics which was my my alt was HL. My HL became my main all the way until gu36.

    My 3rd alt was earth since I love elemental based powers in all games I play and I needed a tank. After gu36 I quit because of what they did to HL lol. When I came back the closest power to old school HL was atomic so I switched my earth to atomic and that became my main for a little lol. Eventually they made atomic slower too so I defaulted to electric. Electric is still my main today. And now that there are artifacts if I switch my power I do it on my main since it has all the artifacts. But I always go back to electric. After HL because of nostalgia, my favorite is and has been electric.

    I like this thread. Brings back memories lol
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  9. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    im currently fire, thats what made me make the thread about hardlight shield last week! dude why would they nerf the shield like this its so gross... but hey it beats babysitting brick
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  10. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Tank - Fire (Pre-revamp)
    Heal Celestial/Nature (Pre-revamp)
    Troll - Mental (Pre-revamp)
    DPS - Mental AM (Because it was simple), Fire AM (Because it was dirt simple), and HL DPS (Pre-GU36)...because it was fun and taught me how to DPS with other powers.
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  11. Beat Active Player

    Munitions, simple and very effective power for me. Perfect combination.

    I could have an alt with 120skill points, and blue artifacts and with Munitions I could still be a decent Dps at worst regardless of the circumstances, using a rotation of essentially 3 powers for the most part.

    Side Note: Also is my number 1 because of the irony.
    I used to hate on munitions thinking "This is a super hero game not call of duty, why would I use guns" but now I've been Munitions for nearly 3 years, always returning to it. Love it.
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  12. L T Devoted Player

    I *LOVED* Atomic when it was released. On the DPS side the combos were fun to clip. On the tank side, countering with abilities (and having to worry about being countered) while healing yourself was a blast.

    It was absolute top tier in both roles if you were careful to not get countered, and great fun to play.
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  13. Zero303 Well-Known Player

    gadgets all the way. i like beeing a "powerless" hero/villain.
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  14. BumblingB I got better.

    Gadgets' Guass Grenade + Oribital before they made it not work on bosses. I absolutely was delighted to see Brainiac from Prime Battleground writhing in pain on the floor. <3
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  15. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Always quantum, day 1 of release and only quantum lol
    I switched to it day 1 of its release and have even entertained the thought of changing no matter what was OP or the flavor of the month or broken etc
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  16. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    Obviously Water! I was campaigning so hard for this before it was officially announced and I'll never forget the excitement after longing for it for so long. The visuals, the unique animation designed for the power is just so beautiful.

    Now before Water, I was Sorcery so I would rank that 2nd and 3rd would be Nature as it was my first ever power choice when I started DCUO over a decade ago, I was so fascinated with its shapeshifting abilities heh.
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  17. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    For me it's Atomic. When I first saw the reveal of that aura everyone including me lost it! It made me feel like I was transforming giving me vibes of super saiyan lol but also roleplaying I'm a Newgod. It has everything I want in a tank. High base defense, healing combo mechanics, damage mitigation, and versatile.

    I don't really touch with mental but when it was AM era I was in love with Mass Terror. Celestial combos were so fast it felt incredible, mass detonation from fire in the OG days was really really deadly. I sort of liked Vacuum Bubble previous animation but now ....... no comment. I like how powers were precision and might lol
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  18. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    I still have a soft spot for electric healing when I first started playing DCUO. When you bio charged all 8 people, then your priority head became an 8 person heal for everyone. You would have to move around, because bio cap only bio charges 4 at a time. And of course the original emergency heals before everyone got it with page of destiny. Galvanize still works the same, most powerful single healing power in the entire game (you just have to be close to each other).

    But current and all time favorite has to be celestial for many of the reasons listed above. I switched when electric dps was broken for 3 years, and remains my favorite!
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  19. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    I’ve been Hard Light for years. In fact, my good friend who was also a lantern that recently switched to switched to electric just handed down his old name to me so I can carry on the mantle as the leader of our league (he moved on to a new team).
  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    All the powers people dumped when the new ones came out xD