What do you think of Omnibus now, since its release?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aduzar Light, Oct 25, 2021.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Hey! Thats 3 less people in the queue, filling out a 8 man raid.

    Gotta keep those queued filled!
    (Seriously however, players will remove themselves from queueing more and more in the public queue the more gear they have with AQS and that increases queue times.)
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  2. FullMetalTitan Committed Player

    Bruh I don’t like it…Just resubbed and idk maneee
  3. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I freaking love it. I love seeing old content that I haven't played in years. I love not being able to completely one shot the bosses, I love the (not really that hard) challenge. If anything I wish the bosses were buffed up a little. It's fantastic and I am very happy with the addition of omnibus.
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  4. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    Completely agree.
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So, as usual, the 30-40% of 'bad' players get to dictate what and how the rest of us play. The queues will still pop if some groups were pulling out for 'short' group raids, you'd just be saddled with all these players no one wants to run with, now that the clamp has made things 'tough'. So welcome to the anti-clamp...anti-Omni club. I knew you'd come around.

    EDIT: Let me clairfy....If I knew every run I'd random queue for would be staffed with competent people, I'd be perfectly fine with Omni save the few excessively long runs that would come up. Omni would be fine...if you can just eliminate the scrubs. Had a group of 8 put together for ToTD the other day and said 'lets do omni raid", when we finished. Pop 1 got FOS2, we all moaned....pop 2 got Escape. We were out 12 min later. So it's not really Omni that's the issue. I hadn't run Escape in 3+ years...so kinda fun.
    Omni-Rando scrubs=fine
    Omni+Rando scrubs=pass
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  6. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I believe part of the intent of the Omnibus system is for experienced players to teach the "scrubs" you mention about mechanics, how powers work, how roles work, etc. The issue I often see is that many players who have that experience would rather complain that people aren't following mechanics than actually explain those mechanics. I saw one person in an Omnibus raid yesterday tell the group to "follow the mechanics" without explaining what the mechanics were.

    I unfortunately couldn't explain the mechanics to every part of that fight either. 3-4 years ago when I last ran that raid, there was always someone in the group who knew what to do and would say, "I'll do X." I can't explain mechanics that were never explained to me. I need to do some research on the late tier 3 and up raids to catch up with the rest of the players and stop being a "scrub" myself.
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  7. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Going off what you just said, we need a much better way to communicate since no one talks to scary strangers anymore. I took one of my worst alts into omni out of boredom this morning. Shattered gotham. It isn't on my "god no" list so went in. Wow. I will say, we did finish eventually. The tank was in full dps gear, which actually shouldn't matter in clamped content since it gives you stats, but no clue what they were doing. But anyway, 49mins and 1 person helped me get Shazams cog once. I topped the scoreboard by 18mil to second and 33 to 3rd. Literally just carried 80% of the team between a healer and 1 dps. Doubt they learnt a thing. But point is, we don't even have players that can turn a cog that's going to help them stay alive.

    I won't even get into how many teammates sat outside all the fights once a mechanic was placed on them. Since they didn't ask what killed them or what they should have done, I'm guessing they don't want help.
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  8. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    not using omnibus, i refuse to let rng dictate in any form what i run.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    See when I say 'competent people' that includes people who might not know mechanics, but are willing to listen and learn. A scrub is not someone who just doesn't know....it's someone who doesn't care to learn, or listen to people who are willing to teach them. If you were willing to listen to instructions, but were given none...you are not a 'scrub'...just maybe a 'newbie'(at least in some of the missed content). There are plenty of experienced players who can still be called 'scrubs'...it's not a new/old player thing, it's a skill or mindset thing.

    I've come into several Omni raids with mechanics where they are 40-60 min in. I will type the mechanics they are missing ONCE. I will repeat that one more time...then I'm out. There are people that either willfully or through lack of ability cannot be taught...sorry, I'm not beating my head against the wall any more than I have to...that's not why I play a game.

    I'll give you a real example. HH, you have to take out the drone so Supes does not become invulnerable. I will type in the chat "when granny comes out, kill the drone that follows her or we will wipe". After try 1 where I'm the only one on the drone...wipe...I will type "Kill the DRONE behind Granny". If I'm still the only one on the drone, or maybe a healer or troll is trying to help but the other dpses are just working on the bosses...sorry gone. Or in HoH when people insist on jumping towards the forge spirit to bring out more Neophytes to wipe the room...after being repeatedly told 'don't hit the forge spirit'. You'd think the explanation wouldn't even be needed after wiping 3 or 4 times, but you'd be wrong in a lot of cases.

    And don't even get me started on fatal exams with how many times I've tried typing "Block and Roll"..."BLOCK AND ROLL" on the 2nd test room....just to see my team mates blowing back as they plow forward upright. Or had to shout "Go to the circle with the color matching the lazer" on last boss. The saving grace on some of these things is that if enough scrubs die you can get past without them messing things up.

    Now, so you know it's not all gloom and doom from me...I ran AnB the other day via Omni. We did 1st boss fine and I suggested splitting into 2 teams as we had 2 healers...4 to Metro, 4 to Ranx 1 heal each side. We did that. I was on the Ranx team and we did our part, and someone kept hitting the maze button so we'd get the adds. I said 'don't hit the button till the other group is done'....they stopped hitting the button. 2 of us went to metro to help burn Lyssa Drax, I told our heal and a low dps "just stay here, we'll be back"...they did. We finished Metro with the others and came back....they had already started the maze and no one was watching the tubes...wipe. I said 'I'll run the cogs, I need 1 DPS or a DPS and Tank to watch my back for the tubes"...1 dps stayed but didn't stop the adds...wipe. I asked the tank to stay and help, he did...no more issues. Took a min to navigate the maze, but no more wipes and we finished in a reasonable 20 min runtime.

    Now I don't know the skill level of these players, but they obviously didn't know how to run the run but were willing to listen. Some were on the 'jumped up' side of the CR spectrum, so I'd guess they were newer, but I didn't have to say the same thing 2 times really...which I qualify as a 'competent' group. 70% or more of the runs I've been in are NOT this way especially where there are mechanics where a single person can biff the run.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    EW.....SG via Omni...no thanks. With all those people failing of the rocks, just waiting at the boss for them to find their way seems like a disaster. And if someone needs to be told 'Don't fall off the edge and die' as a mechanic...yeah, sorry....not running with that crowd.
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  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    It was my assertion that the point of Omnibus might have been to assist not end game players to level up by providing a pool of players from various levels of experience to fill out duos, alerts, and raids for the benefit of not end game players. Daily and weekly event instanaces plus open worlds being unlocked are also available to not end game players just as they are to end game players for leveling purposes.

    I am an end game player. I have no need to use the Omnibus as I don't really get anything out of it (Plus I have been boycotting Ep.41 but that's another thread). The only real reason at this point, for me, to use the Omnibus is to A) Help another player out who is a lower level or B) just for the pure entertainment value of playing older instances.

    If participation in Omnibus by end game players is low, then perhaps an incentive needs to be added for us to use it like earning <Insert Currency Here> for purchasing the new gear in the next dlc (Ep. 41).

    If my assertion is incorrect, then I am at a loss as to the purpose of Omnibus. Now that the stat clamp has been adjusted I might run some missions randomly chosen by Omnibus.

    I still think it would benefit ALL players as a daily leveling tool we could all use regardless of our status in game.
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  12. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Omnibus and the stat clamp are the best thing to happen to this game since its release. That’s my opinion.
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  13. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Dont use it, its literally checking each tier in on duty like we always could do but no one did cause we arent foolish enough to subject ourselves to that.
    They gave his option a name and made it “front page news” and suddenly people act like its this great new feature.
    It was a dumb idea before (as evidenced by the fact for over 10 years no one Q’d this way) and its a dumb idea now.
    Just dont use it if u dont like it. The headache an wasted time is not worth the source marks. Just run other stuff for quick source :)
  14. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I queued that way all the time. The issue with doing it that way before was I would queue for everything, then I'd queue for everything except the one I was loot locked from, then I'd queue for everything except the two I was loot locked from, etc., etc. until I only had 1-2 instances left that would take 30-45 minutes to get into.

    With Omnibus, that's less of an issue except I do seem to get a lot of repeats with it.
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  15. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Oh agreed, but in reality, omnibus is not whats allowing you Q everything unlocked. The devs removing loot pocks is whats allowing u to Q unlocked so omnibus isn't what solved that issue, removal of loot locks was.
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  16. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    Damn i think that statement is HIGHLY UNDERRATED of how broken this CLAMPED SITUATION JUST GOT..

    So you actually dont even need to collect support role gear because the clamp will GIVE YOU TANK STATS even in DPS GEAR.. OMG!


    Im really lost and confused..



  17. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    You'd be building up your toon for end game. And what I meant by my comment was that if you go into any clamped content in a role but aren't wearing your roles gear, you will be clamped dowm if you're over cr to that roles top stats regardless of gear. Same would be if a low cr healer in dps gear goes into omni and gets upclamped. They would have the base stats of that crs healer. It's not a bad thing. Means new players can do their roles no matter what. Now they won't get bonuses if their artis or augmensts aren't proper for their role but there isn't any way to change that.
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I think you'd be right for T1-T3. T4-T5 (or whatever the 'newest' clamp stuff including BOP is called) not as much. Try doing clocktower with a 'DPS' healer and I think you'll feel it a lot more than in Prime or AnB. FI will be a lot messier with a 'DPS' tank vs a real one when the forge spawns all the swords and the lava is spewing. I ran NGN last night with a piecemeal group and we wiped maybe 10x on the first boss...quick, before we even had the artifacts placed. After a few bodies left, I back filled with a real tank and healer from my friends list and we got it done...slowly as the burn was also bad, but yeah...we stayed upright after the swap outs.

    I get what you are saying, but that only accounts for gear, IF it even gets them to the right point of those base stats. Having 0 artis or augments for your role is a big detriment, much less your SP loadout NOT being in crit heals or dom.

    The clamp was written with adding all those things on TOP of the clamped number, in mind. Can it be done with the base minimum you'd get from the clamp? Yeah, technically you can do that in endgame too. The only thing you need to do to change role is 'change role' on the D-Pad menu. It wouldn't be pretty or effective...but yeah, you'll pull agro...you'll push heals. Just not anything helpful to the group.
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  19. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I get a lot of the complaints and issues.

    At the end of it I enjoy the omnibus missions and the reward box complete with its op collections. I've come across a few trainwreck instances, like others I hate it when an instance I'm burnt out on or don't like pops up. Its three duos, an alert and a raid a week.

    I also don't hate "Save the Universe" but I do think it could have been made more exciting. All the mentor missions should get the elite treatment. It also wouldn't be hard to come up with "Save the universe" events featuring other characters that have enough content to focus on a solo/dup, alert and raid with (Green Lantern, the Sentinals of magic, the titans, etc etc ).
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  20. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    You are correct, my bad for not putting that in. But yes, you would have to spec your sp loadout and whatever else properly. Was solely speaking of gear and commenting that it is actually helpful that you get the base stats so a player can try their role without having to commit to gear.

    In the end, a proper toon is the better toon
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