What do you think of Omnibus now, since its release?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aduzar Light, Oct 25, 2021.

  1. Darkred Dragon New Player

    PS 6 yr player; put in the time ( 8 to 10 hr, even longer ) to get strong, now I'm told that strength is now ********.

    Since I can't use that word and the end , how about this inconsequential
  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Took the words right out of my mouth. :D
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  3. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I di have to give it credit for what it's doing for the broker actually. Seeing rare collection prices plummet has been great. Really, the entire broker is in a much better place. Granted, some of that is due to the changes with premiums and whatnot but the boxes have helped there a ton. Even those of us not doing omni are reaping benefits
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  4. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Overall not a fan but the weekly bonus boxes are good-- I only use it for those and just decline raids until i get Doomsday or FoS3.
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  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I know I have enjoyed playing the old content again and

    that if people don't know the mechanics that they now have issues and for some reason that makes me happy also

    stat banding should have happened a long long time ago
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  6. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Wish we had more new players on the forum. I'd be curious to hear how many liked it vs how many miss just being quick carried to end game. As much as all the vets may be complaining, this is really the only way that newcomers can become as competent as the vets. So even if it's not great for us oldies, I really do hope it's doing something good for the general community. And I'm pretty confident the oldies will be happy with new dlc release
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  7. Clintelligence Level 30

    Big thumbs down from me.

    Not just for the stat-clamping, which I do very much dislike, but also the mandate of queuing for an entire tier, instead of actually being able to choose the content I wanted. And the Recent Episodes also is more obnoxious as well, with the requirement of queuing for everything and being placed immediately into the small content first.

    It's a daily routine now where I pop into a duo because there isn't a way to queue for something else first, and then I have to explain to my partner "Sorry. This character only has Tank/Controller/Healer gear, but I can't skip out on the duos and play in the raids where I'm needed and where I want to be. So we're both just going to have to suffer through me doing some abysmal damage."
  8. tukuan Devoted Player

    I'll run it for solos and duos pretty regularly. It's kinda fun to see what you end up with.

    Tried it for a few alerts and I'd say I'm running at around 50:50 success fail ratio.

    I don't see myself ever feeling masochistic enough to give it a go for raids. It's bad enough pugging raids when they are current content but for past raids I can only suspect that if you get a raid with any sort of mechanics you are at the mercy of teammates reading/listening to those that are trying to explain to them what to do.
  9. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    I usually run solos when I want to complete the weekly. I tried running duos this past weekend to change it up a bit, most players would just sit there and AFK or they would run behind me and spam the long range attack. I understand that one of the grievance people had with old content was that higher level players would blast through it and carry them but I don't see that it has changed much other than it's slowed down a bit.
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    Again, they created the EEG clamp to promote queues into old content, not to slow people down. It was just a side effect of the EEG clamp.
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  11. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    This makes no sense, if they wanted to promote queues they could've just promoted it with better incentives. I always thought the EEG clamp was in response to all the complaints about higher level players just speeding through content while leaving newbies behind...
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  12. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Isn't it the intent of the Omnibus to assist in contributing to the daily leveling of a not end game player? If this is intent, and players are able to more quickly level up, then that would be a good measure of its success right?
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  13. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Omnibus: Designed to be everyones Quickplay option. Never meant to be a full replacement for the old On Duty.

    Custom Play: Literally the old On Duty, where you can choose anything you want to play, at any time.

    You've just been using it wrong. The Omnibus Journal Rewards are Weekly for a reason too. They're not there to force anyone to play 1 way, simply a reward for helping a random duo/alert/raid when you're bored.
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  14. BumblingB I got better.

    It wasn't. The whole narrative of them introducing it to slow us down was something WE (players) said it was.

    The EEG clamp and Omnibus design was to give new players queues that would pop and old players something to go back to for extra rewards. (No loot locks.) Straight up, it was just to get queues to be active.
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  15. SpyderBite Active Player

    Queue times... I know that I might wait for a long time waiting for a specific raid or alert while I work on my SP. But if I run Omni, I will always be playing and have a chance at being launched in to the raid or alert I might need for that SP/Feat.

    Beats watching TV and washing dishes waiting for my hopeless queue to populate.
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You forgot a few things.
    • Massively long run times
    • Repeated explanations of the mechanics
    • Revolving door queue ins
    • Failed runs
    You might still have fun with that list, but yeah....those are on the list too, don't forget them.
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  17. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    yeah but...
    • Solid DPS or Tank == shorter runs
    • I have a keyboard and I know the mechanics by rote
    • It's kind of amusing watching people leave because they can't take one wipe
    • I can carry a Raid with four different characters and a minimal support cast.
    It's not perfect, but the "before time" wasn't perfect either, and to be blunt? More of what I used to enjoy about the game is back now so... What's not perfect can be not perfect, in favor of a more enjoyable overall experience, and as for me? I enjoy this experience more than "there's only three things that do anything for you, only run those three things".
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  18. BumblingB I got better.

    So, you list problems with all content, including the last 3 DLCs and not just EEG?

    Random queue end game content and see if it will go better.
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Great...so now I have to run a piece of content I didn't want to AND I have dirty dishes and fall behind on past episodes of 'Cake Boss'. :(

    So if you would have spent, say....3 hours waiting for that LnW queue to pop...heck even say 6 hours. And we have like 40+ raids in our potential queue up list...how many random raid queues would it take to get into LnW you think? As most clamped raids take at least 15 min (4 an hour)...some take 30+(1 or 2? an hour), to land in LnW randomly would take a lot more than 3 or 6 hours.

    Here's an idea, to get those same SP you wanted, do you think it would have been possible to build a group to get it done? Would it have been MORE possible to build that group if the group only needed to be 2 or 3 non-clamped players vs 8? Assuming it was you could have gotten those SP done AND finished the dishes after getting out of the content earlier...SP in hand.

    Sorry, but random queuing and hoping for the right run on top of hoping for a competent group AND a group willing to work on anything other than participation lists and speed feats....? Good luck with that....I'm sure it could happen. Not saying you couldn't still run and have fun with it, but listing SP as a benefit vs. custom queuing? Nah, not buying it.
  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If you are talking Elite...no...no one should be random queuing Elite and expecting much success. But these runs are not elite and I random queue the last 3 DLCs all the time with much MORE success than I see when I queue Omni. Not sure the last time I ran into a COU/FGS/FV/FF run where I got in at 50 min deep and had an 'off the scoreboard' roster at 1st boss, but I can tell you probably >10 times it's happened in an Omni raid.
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