Handling Rude Players?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SethZoulMonEl, Sep 19, 2021.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    No, that's what the lawnmower guy at the park is for.
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Or, maybe you could start using trade chat for trade and not your dirty jokes ;)
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  3. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    The developers filter and choose which reports are even considered. Like I said, if you're afraid that your chat might be misinterpreted or if you're jokes are too inappropriate for the public, do it in private. Simple.
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  4. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    How that concept seems to be too hard for him to grasp, is certainly baffling to me.
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  5. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Worry about yourself then. "Everyone else" should also adhere to that philosophy, keep your dirty jokes in private.
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  6. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Short Answer? Yes.

    Long Answer? Again, yes.

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  7. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    It almost seems like this topic has devolved to it's end state.

    People are arguing largely the same thing not realising they are in fact in agreement. Little issues, ignore and move on. Bigger things, report every time. The stuff in between, do as you see fit, the GMs are intelligent enough to know what a flagrant violation or violator looks like.

    But public chat is not your personal plaything. What you say, everyone sees. To argue that you should be able to break the ToS because it's just a joke, nope.

    I don't believe we have droves of players watching chats, reporting every little slip up. Abuse of the report system is toxic itself, and can cause account action to be taken against the abusive reporter (I've just read the relevant conduct section). Unless you are habitually toxic and have numerous strikes against you, you have nothing to fear from reports if you didn't do something VERY wrong. If you are habitually toxic, good riddance when you finally catch that perma ban you've been working towards.
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  8. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Watch out for the neighborhood (DCUO chat) watch, if you use profanity they report you to the authority!

  9. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Meh, that is the case if people just practiced what they are preaching an showed grave an gave the benefit of the doubt.
    Follow the “steps”, utilize the system and its escalation steps they built into the game for us an there no issue at all.
    If the steps for escalation are followed, im willing to bet that 99% of the reports ppl do never even need to get done because it wouldnt get to that step.
    But, i digress. I just want people to be understanding an considerate as they are saying they expect from others.
    The wold would be a much better place if everyone followed the escalation steps rather then jumping straight to reporting.
    Heck, if they did, then the game would have a min of 2 more good, kind, helpful players currently permabanned over false accusations
  10. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    It had two wheels and I had to pedal, so I guess you're right?

    How was yours? Short and orange, I presume?
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  11. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Even if people jump straight to reporting, I do believe the developers are diligent enough to investigate and make sure the report was legitimate. If it wasn't, I'm sure they ignore it. I'm sure it's not like random unjustifiable reports are kept on the book against you.

    A lot of people here acting like they're getting reported left and right and receiving consequences for a crime they didn't commit. If you're getting banned, I'm positive you deserved it.
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  12. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    School buses are public transport where you're from? Weird. Who makes fun of the less fortunate and those who were bullied? Yikes dude...
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL are bicycles generally used as public transport or viewed as buses where you're at?

    I'm just not sure how, after he clearly described a bicycle you then moved to "bullied on that bus" lol
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    Speaking of bus rides, I found a picture of you riding the omnibus.

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  15. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Such mean people on here. At my school there was some classes for the developmentally challenged kids and they the were most loving children with kind feelings for everyone.
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  16. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Wait... what are we talking about again?
  17. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    It's not effective. I've kept mine on since the beginning. People who want to curse you out or troll public chat activity go out of their way to bypass said filter and use the most offensive language possible. There are countless ways to do it, as I'm sure you're aware.
  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    This is certainly not how I expected this thread to progress. I still don't know if reporting is worth it in the long run. Mostly, I was hoping for some wisdom on how to let it get to me less. It's definitely easier to shrug things off a few years later, so age makes more of the rude behavior just seem absurd instead of bothersome. Maybe I just need to keep getting older? ;)
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    And I like I said constructing your words in a manner that circumvents the filter shows an intent to cause offense, someone who makes no effort to get around the filter shows little to no intent.

    Someone who is making that effort to circumvent the filter should be reported for that reason.
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  20. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    I provided real world examples of 2 people i personally knew in game (1 was a real life friend as well) where they didnt so no, the devs are not perfect, they can and will get it wrong. They are human too and theres an element of human error involved. Given that there is a massive ammount of subjectivity in it and an element of human error we have to assume the opposite of what u suggest because its factually true the devs arent perfect and factually true they can/will get it wrong (as anyone would).
    Thus, as players, we should be taking every precaution and not just arbitrarily reporting people.
    Reporting is fully one sided (why we should exercise restraint an caution). The accuser has nothing to lose. The accused has everything to lose.
    Its not something that should be taken lightly. Plus, if we all understood we may not have all the details and may not fully know the context or meaning of what we are reporting then we shouldnt because in all the grey area situations (some are clear cut an deserving, dont get me wrong) then the human error an subjectivity come into play and thats not fair to the accused. No ones acct should be at risk ever unless its extreme.
    Fact is tho, each time a report is made, the accused acct is 100% at risk. Its just not polite nor good advice nor good precident to jump to reporting for every little tiny meaningless thing.
    I outlined the process the devs gave us.
    Why do we have the option to kick if the correct course is just report everything?
    Why do we have the option to ignore if the correct course is to just report everything?

    Obviously the answer to both questions is because by design we should be excercising restraint and politeness ourselves an exhausting all options BEFORE reporting.