This is why people don't like the CR cap.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Savior Prime, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    It's a good question, perhaps I should have been clearer. The difficulty curve is a lot steeper. Rather than going into old raids and simply burning things down, the ease will come slower with the knowledge of mechanics, and the incremental increase in abilities. The jump in power between tiers is huge, and once a set is complete, there's nowhere to go. the increases now will be slower, and ultimately create better players, the days of 8 DPS charging in and burning down a raid are over.
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Thank you for the further explanation. In FF XIV, they only a "raid" (8 players) to consist of 4 dps, 2 healers, and 2 tank. There is no controller function that I am aware of unless this ability also falls to healers. I don't know. A raid group will not form until all the above roles are filled. Perhaps something like this should be implemented on DCUO ?
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  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Thank you, thank you very much.
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  4. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    Nailed it. This is why I am not arguing with the pro crowd, it is pointless. A discussion is fine but when you hit someone with cognitive dissonance there is no point.

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  5. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    ^the topic itself
    and idk how much more "context" you need but since what was posted wasnt good enough heres your rest of the paragraph...

    New System: Omnibus

    Get into DCUO in a whole new way with the Omnibus system. Play any content your character is eligible for, prior to our latest three episodes, for full rewards and without loot locks. Player stats will be scaled to appropriate levels for all Omnibus content.
    • Omnibus Combat Rating requirements have been reorganized into tiers for simplicity and each tier will unlock in full at once
    • Player stats will scale to about ten levels higher than NPCs in whichever instance
    • Stats from Skill Points, Artifacts, Augments, Leagues, Generator Mods, and certain Movement Mode, Iconic, and Allies abilities will scale proportionally afterwards, which means increasing these will always add power to your character (even in Omnibus content)
    • Missions in the Mission Journal have had their Combat Ratings/Levels updated to correspond to the new Tiers
  6. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    Is this why???

    whereas Gameplay is bringing all of them to the yard? PS: not serving milkshakes.
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  7. Lady Mystyk Active Player

    Oh snap...I would give you handcuffs for that arrest.

    nicely done.
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  8. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Yes, the points need the surrounding paragraph to fill in their context. Explained more below.

    Wasn't it you arguing that stats came from CR while I was explaining CR was an arbitrary number that represented your stats in all of their slots? It might have been someone else. I can't remember anymore. ANyhow, this quote ends that argument.

    This specifically says they're added ontop of gear based stats (which are scaled aka clamped) and not scaled with that. This is what I've read and what I was remembering.

    Unless something changed since these quotes, only gear stats are scaled. The rest is added on top of the scaled stats.
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    A few years back Ninja's could help with a "controller-like" role, give energy regeneration to another party memeber. But they removed energy as a resource in it entirety i forgot when (i used to OOM pretty quick in classic on my ninja)

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  10. hhussk01 New Player

    So true, but it's also dynamic and measurable.

    If forum accounts increase and board activity postings increase, that almost always means negative feedback. (Just like in Customer Service, more people call to complain than to give praise.)

    So, most of the time, the community here is "the vocal minority" of people who love to post. But every once in awhile, "the silent majority" might check in.
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  11. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    We did play the game, but we already played the old content hundreds if not thousands of times and annihilating the old content is our reward for grinding the latest gear and feats. Now getting the latest gear is basically pointless. Because all of the elite raids can be achieved in the previous DLC gear or purple gear from the latest DLC. I wish people would stop bringing up with "play the game" or "you don't deserve rewards for 1shotting things" or any of the other nonsensical BS arguments I've been seeing lately. How many speed feats or burn check feats you think people can't get now that players can't smash content? Ran Paradox the other day just for giggles. When I used to run it, I used to see a bunch of @ tier player pop most if not all of the feats in their because you had a few high CR players annihilate everything. Now I don't see many people popping feats in Paradox anymore, definitely not as much as I used to. And I could name a bunch of raids where this used to happen.
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  12. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    No no...the vocal minority is the crowd that wanted stat clamping. The vocal minority is the crowd (you being one of them) that was super happy for CR differential where CR mattered and SP didn't. The vocal minority is the 1 person that complained about the Dual Wield Scarecrow cleavers being a a blue gear weapon style in WotL P2 and he complained, b******* and moaned in the thread till the devs removed it from the live loot table until a few months ago. The vocal minority is the ObsdianChill crowd that wants everything super hard, wants a whole new tier of elite gear just for those that do stuff that they approve of, that wants supercharges banned from elite raids because "it trivializes content" The exact words of someone in his discord (this same persona spams his SC, demands 2 heals feed him SC, kicks heals who don't and always switches to the FotM DPS power).

    All in all the vocal minority is screwing this game up because they think this game should only be catered to them and no one else. I don't wish to hear someone who is in the vocal minority on some of the issues I described above criticize other people because they're going against what the vocal minority perceives as a popular opinion. And they only believe that because they're in a echo-chamber.

    You are in the vocal minority, not the OP. I suggest you get in and smell the rotten roses of stat clamped raids and you will see some of this.
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  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Not at all, ive been asking for this (clamping) myself for about the last 7 years
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Ive been playing DCUO alot more because of the stat clamp. Ive been through plenty of clamped raids.
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  15. Ntwydimela Active Player

    Criticizing a post based on typing skills is both petty and dismissive. Every paying customer has a right to voice their opinion and the SUBSTANCE of that opinion can be debatable, but their typing skills should never become the subject
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  16. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    I believe on my original account I also was calling for clamping in 2014 - 2016. Mostly because of the faceroll DPS stacking.
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I get 2013 vibes when i play again. Its feels good to want to login again.
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Doesn't matter, because if 'nobody didn't even ask' it means everybody asked for it. Which is actually also incorrect, but double negatives are dangerous.

    So if nobody didn't say they didn't want no clamp....ok, I'm not sure what state I live in anymore.
  19. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    So in other words its just black or white, no in between?:rolleyes:
  20. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player

    From reading this there's no way to run content unclamped then?

    I quit some years ago, but some health problems mean I can't sit at my computer and I saw DCUO in the switch eshop and figured I'd come for the nostalgia. The population on switch is basically dead so I figured I'd get my CR up and then at least be able to go run the old content that you can walk into solo. Having wandered into Ace Chemicals today I found myself leveled down and came looking to find out if there was a way to turn the syncing off.

    I guess I won't be staying all that long but it was nice while it lasted. :)
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