Adding an option to play old instance without stats clamped would just solve everything

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jason Martin, Sep 6, 2021.

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  1. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    I'm incredibly confused. I am saying the words, those three words he used imply a perceived ownership of the character. Not that they are ownership? Seriously..what?
  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

  3. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Man, I remember when I used to get bans for derailing.
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  4. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    I wasn't arguing that point specifically, I was arguing the idea Solowing has that the TOS is above a country's laws. People read TOS and automatically assume that the **** is bulletproof, it isn't. The TOS is only applicable within the parameters of the product and doesn't circumvent actual laws.

    The TOS is fluid and flexible and must adhere with a country's laws and parameters. The only reason a lot of these gaming companies get away with a dirty TOS and predatory practices is because the lawmakers and the government doesn't give a ****, yet.
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  5. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Exactly this.

    So holding up a TOS as proof or a shield for anything is outright absurd.
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  6. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    Can you show a law that circumvents the TOS in regards to ownership/licensing of a digital product?
  7. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    My last sentence answers that question.
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  8. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    It was a good move that Developers have restored source marks to end-game , now going forward why are players still displeased with the route of the game, because as an adult we all know things doesn't always happen like you would expect for it to, that said why as a individual investor, that you should feel obligated to forget that others also invested in probably same amount or even more, this is common sense.
  9. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Solowing never said that. Apolloina implied that that is what Solowing thinks even though Solowing never said anything to that effect, the only one who brought up other countries was Apolloina, and it was all irrelevant.

    I believe it was an attempt to suggest that the ToS is not applicable in this situation because of some mystery country and mystery consumer law. I think I remember Apolloina saying something about normalising admitting when you are wrong, since I’m assuming you don’t want to upset them you may want to apologise to Solowing. Unless you still think he lost the argument about whether or not the tos is applicable in this situation.
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  10. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    All laws do. A TOS is not a law it's a contract between a business and consumer in this case.
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  11. Plowed In Loyal Player

    “ I wasn't arguing that point specifically, I was arguing the idea Solowing has that the TOS is above a country's laws.”

    Where did they make this claim, that a TOS is above a country’s law?

    At this point, it’s time to move on.
  12. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    "If its between the ToS and you. I believe the ToS."

    This is the quote that I was referring to.
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  13. Plowed In Loyal Player

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  14. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    It answers that there are none. Good. Lobby congress, move on.
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  15. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    That was my point? lol
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  16. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    That time were once we had 1 mark type for every tier, and or needed thousands of marks of triumphs for endgame tier and the devs did not like we doing low level instances to acquire end game gear.
  17. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    Holy.... I've offered to help you level, if feats are turning people full Karen I'll help you.
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  18. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    My point still stands, I could go back to gates if I was CR 101 and get full rewards. Then the devs came out with CR differential which also came with CR relevancy and locked down paying members to only getting beneficial stuff from the last few DLCs. And became a scam where I was paying for all of the content but only benefiting from a small percentage of it.

    I think they should add an option to run un-clamped and we get the whole kit and caboodle. And if they don't wanna go that route, I'd accept 50% source marks for running un-clamped. That way the crowd that wants to enjoy content without it being face rolled is happy and majority that doesn't want to be clamped get something out of it too. But this forced stat clamping on everything but the last 3 DLC is stupid beyond belief and just another example of the vocal minority dictating everything for everyone.

    Because if thats the game we're going to play lets take Chill and the other 1 percenters idea and make everything hard all over. No skulls, no just have to read patterns and make all elite raids and normal raids harder across the board. Because thats the other end of the spectrum. You have the small minority on one end that wanted everything clamped, and other the other extreme you had Chill's crowd of people that wants everything everywhere hard so only they could complete it and lord the gear over everyone else....THEN in the middle you have the majority of players that doesn't want that nonsense.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    No, no rewards, there needs to be incentive for keeping the queues flowing. You shouldnt be rewarded AT ALL for trivialized content. Why would you suggest them give out marks for content you can run in your sleep. They just fixed the queue problem and this idea would immediately bring back queue shortages for everybody now since everybody will run the easiest quickest content to faceroll for rewards.

    It be unclamped FoS3 spam every DLC. Youve created a bigger problem then the one you aimed to solve.
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  20. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I’ve suggested compromises that would very much keep queues flowing for clamped instances (because I really would want to run clamped 99% of the time, I’m not trying to get out of doing it) but you’ve shut me down.
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