Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Con, Sep 2, 2021.

  1. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Why are you my problem? Sounds harsh but seriously, answer why I am involved in your enjoyment of the game. Make friends. We did and still do. If I wanted to enjoy 10yr old content as it was intended then I would find or convince 7 others to join me. Not my job, I'm paying to be a satisfied customer not to be your playmate.

    Now, it is the devs jobs to find you players. And yes, this is a start. Now advertise the hell out of it. I was about to tell friends to join me that were always put off by having to play catch up. Now I told them nevermind because I'm not going to play much/ at all anymore. Is that good advertising? They need to continue to step up now that they put their feet on the stairs. Offer massive incentives to new players, leave the players that don't want involvement alone. We aren't actually hurting anything. We were supportive and still want to be. We aren't and will not be till source is returned or currency caps are removed. This is the compromise to their clamp. Right now it's just another thing taken away.
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  2. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    Here a solution for you & one that has worked for a decade, use LFG & Form Your Own Group.

    Problem solved vs a problem created.
  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You will never make everyone happy, My experience with DCUO was ruined years ago to appeal to this generation of DCUO players. Now players are upset because DCUO is having their experience ruined to appeal to a new generation of DCUOers. But it brought some of us whos seen the first few years of this game, back.
  4. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Ok, well sitting here with most feats out of the game. And who is this team you speak of? My league mates are my team. Or players on my friends list. Y'know, the ones that used to run end game stuff with me till about a week ago. I do not want to do old content for source so I will not. Get the hint I love DCUO so. I will not use replays when I'm not getting source also. Not worth the money. The hands will level up fine by using broker and running the daily and getting the free coin on 4 toons. (We should probably all get ready for not being allowed to buy op catalysts with alts soon so we can get more forced "fun")
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  5. The Con Dedicated Player

    No... It favored those who take advantage of all that the game has to offer... INCLUDING JOINING AN LEAGUE (and groups) THAT WILL HELP YOUR EXPERIENCE AS YOU PLAY.

    This really does sound like a "EVERYBODY DESERVES A TROPHY" argument.
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  6. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    So because you're an anti social player that left the game, we all have to hate it now. Got it. And for the literal 138th time, the fn clamp is fine. Keep it, have fun. Leave those of us who do not want it out of it. If that makes you leave the game again, we don't care. Same as no one cares if we leave. We aren't important individually. But one group will be declared more important eventually.
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  7. The Con Dedicated Player


    Why aren't you content with you not being happy?

    Your happiness doesn't trump my happiness.

    I never left. You shouldn't be rewarded because you did.
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  8. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    Without those hypothetical newbies, this game doesn't have much of a future. Attrition is a real thing. They need to attract a new base to support the game and hopefully evolve the game (people are wanting new engine etc.... it will be essential for that to happen).
  9. The Con Dedicated Player

    Yes... No one is denying any of that...

    Once again.... again.... again..... THIS ISN'T THE WAY DO THAT.
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  10. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    Its a compromise because it allows you to avoid the clamp. Which defeats the purpose of the clamp. I'm not your problem, you are not the one making decisions. I'm the developers problem to deal with. This is how they've gotten me back. Its quite simple really. In order to keep new people they need to make it seem like the world is full enough to experience the game. In a few months after advertising, I'd personally put source marks back into endgame once I've hit my new player goals enough to actually populate the game with newer players, but until then...I view it as counterproductive.
  11. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    Then once again.... again.... again.... what is your suggestion to do that?
  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    How are you supposed to grow your playerbase with this mindset?
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  13. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    when new dlc comes out you can cash in old marks for source marks and you get source marks from daily rewards so if you save that stuff up you will never have to run old content
  14. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    So does chasing off old timers help with lessening attrition? Because I'm fairly certain it doesn't. And again, what does that have to do with existing players? Know what would bring a ton of players back too? Pvp. How's that working out? You are 100% correct they need to attract new players. If their method of that is to remove anyone that's been playing for more than a year, just tell us. We're already leaving, no reason to hide the goal.

    I've got nothing against you, I'm happy to see new players coming. I would happily talk you thru any aspect of the game. I would have come in amd made a save for your group back in the day. In healer or tank role so that you amd your group would still have to do your job to accomplish the end goal. I'm that type of player that I believe is good for the game and it is losing me shortly. If that seems good for the games health then so be it
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  15. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Which is why I'm saying either give back source as it was or remove the currency cap. There are options to this compromise. But the other camp refuses any compromises. So they can have their game and we will move on
  16. The Con Dedicated Player


    Offer rewards (and marks) for older content... so they'll want to continue to play.

    Have new players learn how to form groups that will work with them... so they'll want to continue to play.

    Let experienced players experience the experience that they earned to experience... so they'll continue to play.

    Just a few suggestions.
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  17. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Go back to trade chat and continue bullying there, you're out of your element here. Plus easier to ignore you there. Yes, I wont run old content for source. Because I do not want to run old content. I was a paying customer, I want what I paid for. I'm no longer getting that
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  18. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    “I wouldn’t judge you!”

    *Immediately judges him*
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  19. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Oh wait, it was actually really easy to ignore. 1st time for everything I guess
  20. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    It's ok, I judged him a long time ago when I saw the hatred he spews in trade chat. Wish some of those players would leave instead of the good ones
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