This new update is a nightmare (clamping)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Civil, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    Not a fan of this dlc nor a fan of stat clamping. I didn't spend 10 years building my character up only to be cut at the knees on content I surpass many years ago. I know the mechanics, because I had to grind the content for months to get my gear.

    Anyone saying you should teach new players, not everyone is good at teaching. Not everyone is willing to learn.

    Devs claim this is for the health of the game? They should of thought of that a long time ago before putting everyone on the express lane of leveling up. They didn't want the new players feel left behind of the old players but only issue is they it left them way behind. Now they want to cripple the old players so new players have to learn what old players had to grind for many years. I did my time in trenches, why should I have to go back because the devs messed up?

    Also over the years players claim they want hard content, but in reality the majority of the player base cant handle it. We had some challenging raids over the years and they had to be nerf because the majority of the plyer base struggled with it. So they created elite raids, and we know how that goes.

    "Player" Elite raids are easy. I need tank, troll, healer, and dps all max artifacts, max augments, 500 plus sps and with experience."

    The reality is the player base wants to get through content as fast as possible.

    Like me and many others we don't have all the time in the world to play DCUO, we have this thing call a job. So what little time I have for DCUO, I don't want to spend hours on one content.
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  2. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    mmmm, UI issue, i think. After i pick a mission (example: Ranx Command Center one of 3 with Mark rewards), it does not automatically track that mission in Journal. It keeps highlighting Omnibus content. grrrr
  3. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    See, that right there is the problem I have. Brainiac's Ship USED TO BE set-up as a tutorial on the rudimentary basics of the game. And the levelling missions that took you up to Level 30 were supposed to finish your education on how to play the game.

    But apparently too many players "gave up" on Brainiac's ship, never finished it, logged out of the game, and never returned... and this was when that mission actually WAS a tutorial and outright told you everything you needed to do to progress through it! But apparently too many players were too stupid to read the on-screen prompts that TOLD THEM WHAT TO DO and then, you know, actually DO what they were just told! :rolleyes:

    So rather than just shrugging their shoulders, maybe saying "we don't need players that dumb, let them go play Call Of Doody" and moving on with their day, the Devs made the decidedly unwise decision to DUMB DOWN Brainiac's Ship to where a toddler randomly mashing on buttons can probably finish it now! For Rao's Sake, they eliminated STAIRS because players couldn't figure out how to CLIMB STAIRS when a big on-screen prompt TOLD THEM HOW TO DO IT! :rolleyes:

    So, you end up with what we have here. I still say, based on experiences I've had in Star Wars: The Old Republic, that Stat Clamping is NOT the answer, and that giving us MORE missions we can walk into with our bad-@$$, overgeared, overleveled selves and defeat SOLO was a better solution, but it is what it is. This is the way it's going to be until it isn't. :p
  4. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    I know for a fact alot of players left because of the neglect of pvp also, but this is all experimental and can be undone, that said, I'm only speculating the true motives behind the update, since we both know players come n go regardless, the people who are voicing their displeasure, I feel people needs to put in more effort to try and experience the update, all I'm hearing is whining about beating this and that, it's a MMO and that means what you are whether strong, skilled or powerful, other players want the same feeling but I get your point.

    The reused content has always been going on in a creative way and players complained but enjoyed it, lol.
  5. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    I more offered my analysis of the issues they were addressing based on the delivered solutions (reverse engineering). I didn't offer my own alternatives intentionally though. I have a few but I'll save that for another time. :)
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  6. timetrapper52 Well-Known Player

    There's about to be a mass exodus that's all I will say. The PvP playerbase is pissed and now the PvE top players is pissed that's been supporting this game for many years. Disaster is upon us sad and real
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    As for me, the time it takes to get thru a solo, an alert, or a raid isn't necessarily what is frustrating me about the changes EPISODE 41 have brought us. I have played for an hour or more in dungeons on Final Fantasy 14 or even in elite raid I would run on DCUO (over 80 minutes in one raid pre Episode 41).

    What is frustrating to me when I played yesterday was how weak I am as a CR341 SP383 character in the lower tiers. My gear was so broken it was useless, I don't get that hammered on at end game content when it is brand new and we have never played it before!

    As far as trying to teach others how to play, one ungrateful told me to mind my own business. Frustration.
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  8. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    It's a mixed bag for me. I like the QOL stuff. The extra inventory and bank slots are nice. I like the new movement mode icon next to my characters name. Love seeing Metamorpho in the new Hall. Bought one piece of gear that I didn't have from him and I ended up popping like 3 skill points of style feats.

    Thank you Mr. mason.

    I get the reality of the situation but I feel like all this should have been done in addition to a new dlc.

    I absolutely hate the new on duty tab. I just don't get it. Do I only get to queue into specific content from the custom tab? If so how do you queue into Save the Universe content and all the other stuff? Sometimes I get credit towards my new journal missions, sometimes i don't. One character popped a ten point feat my main hasnt popped yet despite running some 5 times more content than my alt. I've run the Spire solo more than five times on all difficulty levels but my journal says i only have 4 of 5 complete.

    It just seems to me all of the new stuff could have been accomplished with the on duty menu as it was.

    I've been neutral to the allies concept til now. Not hating them. Depends on future characters released. Not as intrusive as i thought they would be.

    Balance is all over the place. Some content is so easy to burn through, some feels like playing lpve. I managed to out dps four out of five dps in controller role in one fos2 run. Haven't seen that in a long time.

    The next few months are going to be rough without new content.
  9. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    I hope you're wrong.
  10. Plowed In Loyal Player


    Here’s hoping everyone finds some level of acceptance for themselves!
  11. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    Titans bounties, in Gotham and Metropolis, Easy. Black Lightning in CC, he's tougher but no problem (solo). Give a mark each
  12. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    You sound traumatized by someone similar to me, sad you would compare me to such a creature simply because I’m willingly to argue and fight for the things I want.
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  13. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Yes, believe it or not that’s what everyone had to do when a new aid dropped and no one knew what to do. They had to figure it out.

    You don’t think when content drops on test those testers don’t have to figure out the mechanics for themselves? Do you think the devs tells them the mechanics? No. And when that content drops on the live server, the testers are reluctant to tell everyone how to beat the raid. I’ve seen my league figure out many mechanics in new content, it’s not difficult to do.

    You open up your combat tab and you find out what just knocked you out. You identify the thing that knocked you out. You avoid it. You keep doing this until you figured out the mechanics, omg that sounds so difficult doesn’t it?!
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  14. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    There isn't going to be anything. People have been saying this game is going to die blah blah blah blah there isn't going to be a mass exodus as you put it. All dlcs are free people just like to exaggerate and want attention like this thread.
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  15. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Couldn't said it any better.
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  16. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    So I'm confused, all I hear is things are too easy then why aren't you satisfied with the clamp then.
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So they are fixxing the games mistake now rather then just allowing this problem to fester and get any worse
  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Theyre gonna mass exodus to another stat clamped game? :rolleyes:
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  19. shoegazer Well-Known Player

    You of all people know that's it's not about one shotting **** used to be on the other side these same kind of comments all the time...for some reason you just gave up and conformed...don't start slinging the one shot ******** just because other people haven't given in like you have
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  20. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    You have a female avatar and a name that ends with A. That's enough for some of the more charming people on the forums to dismiss what you have to say.
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