New Stats Clamp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DeitySupreme, Jul 7, 2021.

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  1. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Somewhat surprised at the amount of eagerness for stat clamping here. o_O

    I myself just hate that it exists in any form, and it only makes me anxious about old elite feats that are annoying to get or even some of the new ones that are just a no no with LFG (CoU e speed feat, FFe no death). I was always ok with those feats because they were pretty much time exclusive to the top of the top players (and the shady players), but now, there's a real FOMO. :(
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  2. zNot Loyal Player

    Im sure that speedhackers will be appear even more after this. I just hope that the newest Elite raid content will be top tier difficult i dont really do old content.
  3. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Patient is waiting two years to build up gear and SP so that an elite feat can be do-able.

    Some people’s fingers just can’t physically do the epileptic movements required for that sick, game breaking burn that many elite feats need. I can generally survive by following the mechanics, but I can’t DPS enough to stop Grail’s elite omega beam without out-gearing it. There is nothing to “learn”.

    And for those who say, “you don’t ever have to do those feats” - well, I don’t ever have to do ANYTHING. Let’s see the game make money off people doing little to nothing because they know it won’t help them to grind.
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  4. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    We always knew that if we ever got the Clamp..... it would be mandatory.

    And now... here we are. :(

    So please.... please.... please.....


    I hope it"s not to late to reconsider.
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  5. theAverageGuy Well-Known Player

    Not a fan of the clamp. Gives the stats even a shorter life span. I would write a passionate response, but I'm kinda numb at this point.

    Have more source marks that I know what to do with.

    Not queing old stuff much anyways. Now if I see a support role call in LFG for old stuff, it's most likely a NO response.

    Devs should baseline measure queue time for old content; before and after this. If you think queue time was long before the clamp...
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

  7. Dene Devoted Player


    or FOS2 - oh god.. the bridge.. the bridge
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  8. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    The way I see it, when running a lower level instance and you are lets say 342cr in a 106cr alert, there would be different levels of burn. There would be the slow burn to where you are at minimum and below the enemies. There would be the match burn to where you are at the same level of the enemies. There would be the faster burn being a full episode gear higher with it getting faster each episode. Then there is the point to where it is one shots and the enemies die like flies to a blue light.

    Where should the clamp be placed? A really good question. Putting the clamp mono a mono with enemies is too low and puts it back to that specific episode of gear stats. I may not have concrete instance numbers that we should have, but it should be placed higher to a point to where we dont one shot enemies but not take forever to burn enemies. I would suggest a Cr clamp solution of +50cr added to the max value of that instance. So if AF1 is maxed at 106, then you be clamped to 156. Another way is to do a percentage boost from max instance cr so it stays consistent as cr does jump around from episode to episode. Just a couple ideas.
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  9. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    You know the saying if you try to appease everyone you'll appease no one. This game has been appeasing those that don't mind ripping through content or for their content to be ripped through by others for years.

    For over six years this has been a problem; for over six years this game has disrespected those that want to play DCUO properly. Comments are still giving excuses to why players should wait longer. Is this community going to make them wait six more, twenty, forever? Nope, because the devs are finally going over their heads and doing something about it. Actually having the courage to do so despite the over six year long threats of leaving if any form of stat clamping were to come. Like the proverbial "finger over the red button".

    Veterans: We dare you devs, just DARE YOU to add stat clamping. Come on, just come on, try it, JUST TRY IT! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
    Yes, the fanaticism is "real". However, veteran comments within this thread are rather tepid compared to six years ago--did age mellow out their opinions?

    Most games use stat clamping to solve the face role issue. The community has been expecting Ink to make a system that likely hasn't been invented yet by the gaming industry. Why would ppl expect that much from Ink, it would practically be a miracle if they could invent another solution that no one else in the industry has created (albeit, they did try to with stat flattening which sounds, on its face, a knock off of stat clamping).

    The devs chose a player base that changed an ancillary activity--speed runs---into the central way of getting through content. Players would have a conniption if their new content could be faced rolled on day one. To be clear, ALL CONTENT, IS NEW CONTENT FOR NEW PLAYERS.

    Note: I am speaking from principle so to me, your reasoning does not justify having face rolling (just as hacking would not be justified to get through content). If we were both in the same level you would either get your way or I would get mine. And in todays climate, you would likely have gotten yours and that would probably would have been the case throughout over the past six years. So when I read your comment I am hearing well, you waited six years, heck wait another six more, why not forever.

    Players can literally break a level by completing one too quickly; ripping through content is an exploit rather than a intended part of the system. Devs should have clean systems in place for players; not ones that have been compromised.
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  10. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    I see your points. There will be sweet spots to farm and can lead to many things that were not intended such as leagues running content and kicking others so they can farm it fast and repetitively. I think this is a good move for dc, but I also think pessimistically and cant wait to see what happens. Just wait till the devs gather a report and see what is being spammed and what hasnt even been touched. Cant wait to finally see stuff with no loot locks!
  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Here you go turning yet another thread into a “difficulty to low whinny cry”. Oh well

    They already said that the cr clamp will still put you at a higher rate that the content. So you won’t be out at the same level as them. You will still be stronger than they are just not able to one shot them.
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  12. zNot Loyal Player

    You got a problem with that? Or will you always reply to me crying about it?
  13. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    I think it just really depends how much they clamp. Like, I sincerely don't think anyone believes we need our henchmen able to solo raids, because we're 300 CR higher than the content. I also don't think anyone enjoys feeling weak or like content is slowing them down.

    I expect there will be hurdles, a lot of feedback and re-balancing. I think that once the balance is found, more people will be playing and enjoying old content than are doing so now. It may even suck at implementation, but I think the potential is a big win.
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  14. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    It should be where you need the help. How much you need is where the debate should be.

    For example, my partner within a duo should need my help to some extent to complete the mission in a timely manner. Right now, if I were to leave my lv 300 cr partner they would could complete the mission without me quickly whether or not I was there. However, if they leave it would take me a while or if I was new I would probably not complete it at all (trigon duo with those horde of adds comes to mind).

    Bottom Line: Justify the point of having two, four or eight players on the team.

    Note: Sometimes "super players" mess with the above player dynamics. These players are at your CR but are ripping through content as if they did have endgame gear (their modded and know the game).
  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I mean this thread has 0 to do with elite difficulty. Yet you want to derail the thread to make it about what you like. Very self absorbed of you. In fact maybe they should make an easy elite that’s as easy as event version just to mess with you lol
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  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yup I agree. A sweet spot will be needed to find for sure. I biggest hope is that it gets put on test with more than just 2 weeks to test
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  17. zNot Loyal Player

    The stats clamping is kinda a waste of rss/time all that balancing and clamping could be used instead to upgrade the newest Episode and the difficulty there i think focusing on old content despite the issues with new episodes we face such as low difficulty on Elite Raids,bugs/glitches,short/rushed content is not the right thing to do.
  18. zNot Loyal Player

    I mean they did easy elite raids for episode 40 so ? And if you actually would pay attention you wouldve seen the threads people posted about this topic and the response from the devs. So no its not about me but about many players stop trying to make things personal like you are trying to blacklist my feedback.

    Even the devs know that the elite raids were easy seems like you cant deal with facts
  19. Eve YouTuber

    I will wait for it to hit test before I judge it. It's too early to judge and tell and so many speculations are made right now.
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  20. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    You highlighted the main hypocrisy of those that justify not having stat clamping. "I want to feel strong". So to do those players going though old content. They may not be as "strong" as you but they are getting "stronger" with every gear upgrade they get. Endgame players probably see a noticeable difference from their entry gear compared to their end of endgame gear.

    Are you noticing that you're having an easier time getting through content with your incomplete gear set?
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