What Powers/abilites/weapons do you think Overperform?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by zNot, Apr 17, 2021.

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  1. zNot Loyal Player

    I remember you,when you got angry that DWFS was getting nerfed,also no sh*t sherlock elite raids are made for endgame players ofcourse most will find it difficult thats the whole point of it and thats not a valid argument and makes no sense we are talking about elite not regular.
  2. zNot Loyal Player

    So if the devs want to give people a challenge the devs have 2 choices nerf/buff things or design the content and the difficulty knowing that people will use these Broken things,the way content is designed currently its all about ST DPS you can make it x times easyier on your group by having high DPS ,which makes this even more obvious they can design content where DPS isnt gonna carry you or doesnt have any effect on difficulty if it does thats where these broken OP ST users elitists benefit from. These people will struggle once their OP DPS isnt gonna do most of the work for them.

    Peopl wait 4 months for challenging elite raid content and each of the Elite bosses get beaten after a few minutes of fighting just why. :(
  3. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Super speed is broken.
  4. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Wasn’t mad, I welcomed the change after seeing what it was. Wait, why are you bringing up something that occurred nearly a year ago??

    And endgame players still find elite challenging, it’s just that 1 percent of the playerbase that thinks otherwise. You’ll play with the top players on the game, yet still complain about the game being easy, does that make sense to you? Furthermore, you literally give reoccurring complaints that ask for nerfs, or dark souls buffs for raids, but you have the nerve to bring up valid arguments, when you rarely deliver anything that can be deemed constructive?
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  5. zNot Loyal Player

    Please stop trying to act up with the 0.18383% playerbase nonsense the devs have the numbers stop assuming things there was a reason why they wanted to give us a challenge i and you dont know what they know and what DMs they get from players.

    Also ofcourse you welcomes the changes once you realized that it barely nerfed DWFS lol
  6. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    The devs have tried to curate a fine medium for everyone by allowing you to choose between tiers of difficulty, and you’re still complaining because the game isn’t directly weaved towards your wants, yikes! That says alot
  7. zNot Loyal Player

    Dude im not saying they should up the difficulty to increase the gap further learn to read they should nerf things imo such as DWFS or they could buff things up content wise but thats not ideal for others that dont use broken things
  8. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    There always has been a challenge, just not for you and your peers, who aren’t the majority of the game, since you don’t seem to know that
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  9. zNot Loyal Player

    Your argument is invalid it makes no sense. We know the devs know that most players are not endgame thank you for repeating this 5 times. Also this doesnt change the fact that DWFS is Broken.

    Also this thread litteraly says nothing about difficulty in my original post ,its about overperforming things stop trying to change the subject. I dont think difficulty needs to be increased but things that are broken to get nerfed.
  10. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Why would you tell me “ learn how to read”, and then proceed to write a sentence that’s hard for me to read. Again, make it make sense

    And you are definitely asking them to further the gap with your request(s).
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  11. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I get what you're saying. But you need to get what I'm saying too. The devs will balance eventually. They've said as much so let's hope it is coming. In the meantime, we ourselves can choose to not use the "broken powers" and create difficulties. My group has no precs usually and does not use meta builds. I mean I'm a pet build dps and doing plenty of damage. All our dps are might based. Solo heal maybe but why since every attempt is a no death attempt for the time being. 2 tanks for the same reason. We know we could solo every role, we choose not to.
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  12. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Nothing you mentioned is broken, stop throwing that term around so loosely, broken and overpowered are two different things. Dwfs is not broken, or op, gadgets is the only powerset making it excel, yet, it’s still not doing more dmg than it’s might counterpart. Now, that’s a problem with gadgets, not dwfs. Gemini spam, as much as I dislike it, it’s still not broken, or overpowered, but when you couple it with 25% supercharges it starts to get crazy. Now, that’s a problem with the 25 percenters since they accumulate so quickly, allowing for consistent Gemini circles. You see where I’m going with this?
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  13. Dubb Lantern Well-Known Player

    :eye roll:
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  14. zNot Loyal Player

    Artifacts enhance this issue further there are many things i dont want to write it all down right now.
  15. zNot Loyal Player

    It has been touched slightly dont act like the nerf did much to it because it clearly didnt proof = all main DPS dealing players (battle troll/battle tank/DPS) top tier sm r30 winners used it ,top tier teams using it right now as we speak nothing has changed after the baby nerf. still the best ST in the game with gadgets might being just as broken on ST.
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    ummm.... Didn't he just say most people find elite challenging, why are you going on about regular? If his assertion is correct and 'most' people are struggling with elite, then where's the problem?
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Your argument is invalid, because at no point in this thread, despite the fact you started it, have you presented any meaningful data, but you're suggesting that things are broken without naming anything and without presenting any information.

    That's because you personally don't want to be seen as "raising the nerf cannon" so instead you're hoping others will whip up a storm on your behalf , you didn't even make your own list in your OP that's how bad it was, you're just waiting for others to make lists so you can nod your head and let someone else take the fall, when people, rightfully so get upset about the request for nerfs, especially in the absence of data.

    Put up or shut up zNot, if you want to be taken seriously then show the actual issue, don't just cry on about how whirling dervish should be nerfed, how DWFS is broken OP, show people why it is broken, if in fact it even is.

    I don't want to see you run a raid in a video either, I want you to establish a benchmark of what you believe is acceptable potential, then establish where these certain imbalanced moves, powers, weapons register within that benchmark, until then you have nothing and this rather pathetic attempt to obtain widespread nerfs remains exactly that, a pathetic attempt.
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  18. zNot Loyal Player

    Pathetic attempt of someone that thinks that gadget might should get nerfed but DWFS shouldnt,nice logic right there both do almost identical ST dps seems like you only want things to get nerfed you dont use yourself also your whole statement is invalid and makes no sense using random words to try and make up for your lack of arguments in this topic is not gonna save you from facts that DWFS clipping is broken.
  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Once again you've added nothing to the conversation, you keep saying gadgets might, you keep saying DWFS..

    That's like me coming in and saying "Nerf all finishers in the game, I don't care why, just do it" Do you agree that would be a stupid statement, perhaps as equally stupid as yours?

    What exactly is broken about gadgets might? Why is it so OP? what are the players using that is OP? what defines OP? In terms of DWFS what is OP about it, why is it OP, again OP in comparison to what exactly?

    Where's the benchmark? Where's your damage output parsing information, what are we even looking at here?

    In that other thread I mentioned to you for example the fact that Supressor Turret is a 3s cool down and doesn't act like any other pet in the game and gadgets are using this to clip and jump cancel, but you haven't even gone as far as doing that, so there's a head start for you to perhaps start engaging in a meaningful discussion and not just saying "omg dude, you make no sense..."; that isn't going to fly and everyone sees straight through it, hence the majority of responses in this thread being negative. You're not approaching this with logic and rationality.

    more effort my friend, don't expect others to form the debate for you, if you want something nerfed then be specific about what, how and why, don't just use a scatter gun to spray at the wall and hope something sticks.
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  20. Shalayah Committed Player

    And that’s a good thing
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