Members should receive 1 stabilizer per run

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BƖack, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. BƖack Dedicated Player

    I think that members deserve it to get 1 stabilizer daily.
    In turn Premiums should get 6 Stabilizer Fragments and the Freemium should get 4 Stabilizer Fragments.

    Just my opinion, your thoughts?
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  2. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    You must be new here.
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  3. BƖack Dedicated Player

  4. Megastar New Player

    That's just greedy.

    We get 2 stabilizers a week for free as members.

    And they often run double stabilizer weeks too.
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  5. Engendro Nefasto Well-Known Player

    I agree, 1 stabilizer per day to the people who support the game with their hard earned money, and members should be allow to solo the instance.
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  6. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Us? Being greedy? Oh help me please don't get me started.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm with you in the fact that we should get more, but I'm also realistic that if DBG gave out 365 stabilizers every year, that spiff alone is worth 3x a year's sub at $120. That's not including other 'hard' goods like the DBC/Loyalty and Replays we get already. I'm not even including the intangibles like promethium boxes or unlimited cash. I'd guess if anything like this was implemented it would be with a membership price increase.

    It might get more people to sub...true, but I'd guess it would really negatively impact Stabilizer sales OR the already abysmal TC drop rates would be made even worse to compensate and drive Stabilizer sales back up.

    I will go with the fact we should get a bit more than we do compared to premiums. As it stands members get 12 TCs a month...Premiums get 8, F2P get 6. I'd say if we were increased to 8 frags a day, or 1 Stabilizer every other day....16 a month it would fall in line with the difference between the 3 tiers more. That's still about 194 Stabilizers a year vs the current 146...probably not going to happen, but neither is 1 a day. I'd just rather lobby for a more realistic request that won't probably result in us spending more money in the long run.

    We have gotten a 5x stabilizer week about 2 times a year (so far....we've only had a few, so not really a 'pattern'...yet). I'd imagine at 1 a day, those would be things of the past as well. 40 stabilizers in one week x2 a year would increase the total to over 400 stabilizers under the '1 a day' model. That's just nutty.
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  8. Magnificent Loyal Player

    As someone who has paid a membership almost every month since EQ was 989 Studios (then swapped over to Sony's All Access the moment it was first offered), I agree whole-heartedly. Membership benefits could use a little sprucing up to bring in more members but considering DCUO is the cash cow for Daybreak (and now EG7), I don't know that they see reason to tinker much with what is already their most financially successful franchise.
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  9. Wildcat Committed Player



    Members get 2 stabilizers per week... thats enough
  10. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Maybe not the full stabilizer, but at least 8-10 fragments per run. 6 feels a bit low to me sometimes. :oops:
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  11. L T Devoted Player

    Members should totally get free cookies too.
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  12. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Hell, I'd just be satisfied if they made the stabilizer fragment mission a solo instead of a duo... or moved the stabilizer fragment and Nth Metal rewards to one of the loot crates in the vault.
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  13. Eve YouTuber

    I don't think it should be one per run, but maybe getting a monthly stabilizer (Since we are getting 2 every week) would be just fine and fair.
    So we get one as "Benefit" and can choose to save up or buy with it.

    You also get the monthly Daybreak\Station Cash, so honestly you can get like 5 stabilizers as well in addition.

    I think for members we need to think of better benefits. Like monthly xp for artifacts we can get in the day we receive our daybreak cash and replay badges. A seal of prevention pack, perhaps, to help with artifacts. (Or 1 seal of completion every month). Members get a starter amount of new episode's currency, lets say 50x marks, as a member gift for a episode's launch. Since "Access to new episodes" is no longer a benefit for itself. Just a few of the top of my head...
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  14. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I'm down.

    I got a lot of stuff to grind up into Exobytes and I could always use more styles and collection items.

    Plus I already spend a ******** of money on other things so more Stabilizers seems like a fair trade.
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  15. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Not really. Greedy would be asking for three stabilizers a run. One per run per member is very reasonable.
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  16. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    I don't know. I run Vault and Stab on each Toon I log everyday, mostly for the Nth.

    The Stabs are nice to see "YOU'RE STABILIZER FRAGMENTS FUSED INTO A STABILIZER!" once in a while, but I don't really notice it.

    My first Resurgence, I ended up buying enough Stabs to open enough Kryptonian Time Capsules for the Arts.

    I think I was on a break during the 2nd.

    Last Resugence I had stocked up, ended up buying alot of Stabs, and opened 150 Resurgence or something like that.

    I'm an addict and a whale, but that's my choice to be, and not the focus of the thread.

    I'll continue buying Stabs during sales, so I have 700 each Resurgence. I'll continue buying enough Unlocked Time Capsules for the Feat, as long as I enjoy the game (and can afford it)

    I really miss the Owners Treasure Chests we had Earth 3 to BoP.
    Base Items so I don't need to Replay the Feats (miss those too) nor bother choosing it from Loot. A few Source Marks or Currency. The chance at getting the Enhanced Style for Feat or make 50k-15mil. Just for running Instanced Content while subscriped.

    I like the idea of adding Seals. I'm a fan of Artifacts and have been since I started playing.

    But I'm starting to see how telling new players: "It's free to play. Pay to enjoy. You don't *have* to pay more than the monthly subscription to advance. Use your Loyalty on Seals of Preservation up to 120, witch is all you need for normal Content. Seals of Completion for 140 and up." sounds really hollow when I also say "You need at least 1 extra Armory to play both Roles. You don't have to pay for it, just use your Loyalty. Don't buy 1 tho, save for 3 months and get 4 for the price of 3"

    And I've kept track this time. Using the Nth from Vault (including the weekly 3k I tell people to save), Stab and normal drops, it's taken me 6 weeks to get Solar from 140-160. Playing roughly 8 hours a day, hitting most Nth drops every 8th and 12th minute.
    Either Arts will be stuck at Breakthrough or you won't get Armories :oops: Not to mention extra Inv, Bank and Shared Bank I also tell people to get with their Loyalty...
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  17. Recon4thCav Level 30

    I think we should get 10 a day. With 1k replay badges. Just give us everything, so we do not have to work to earn anything.
  18. ALB Dedicated Player

    It's greedy based on what? The person arguably who brought it, who is also the creator of Neverwinter, give you the equivalent based on 1 stabilizer for free without running anything per day.
    It's like some people got stock in DCUO parent company
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  19. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Just give me an option to spread cash to my alts. Stabilizers are whatever to me. At the rate we already get them im usually sitting at around 50/60 by the time the next TC drops. Add with the broken economy and how easy it is to make money, everyone should be walking away with at least a billion in profit and every style/feat everytime a TC is dropped
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  20. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Neverwinter does a lot of things differently. Probably because, you know, it is a different game...

    There are definitely a lot of things DCUO could take from other mmos, but TCs aren't one of them. I actually like TCs for the free feats they give. The way stabilizers work now, no subscribed player even needs to spend any money on them to get everything. I'll admit I might buy a pack of 20 every few TC drops or when they are on sale. But ive never actually needed to do this to finish any of them. 6 frags a day is good imo. Don't get me wrong, I wouldnt say "no" to more though lol