Name Reclaim Event...when?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Valrasa, Sep 8, 2020.

  1. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    A reminder of what you actually said. You indirectly implied people complaining they couldn't get good names, without resorting to weird characters, lacked creativity.

    I wasn't telling you you couldn't reply. I literally asked you a question with a question mark at the end of the sentence and everything. It was an honest question. I'm challenging you to explain why you're replying to a thread that won't impact your enjoyment or experience of the game at all; you seemingly don't want others to enjoy their names as much as you do. Why don't you want that same enjoyment for them?

    Let's just take a moment to marvel at spectacle of accusing someone of an ad hominem while launching their own in return.

    You opened this door by attacking the creativity of anyone how disagrees with you. I didn't make a personal attack against you. I pointed out an observation that people, like yourself who accuse others of lacking creativity, are often embodying their own criticisms. I challenged the basis of your own argument. Apparently it hit close to home and you didn't appreciate it.

    You should probably know what an ad hominem is, when citing it. But, PHEW. I dodged that bullet, didn't I? :)
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  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    o_O For whatever it's worth, two points on this:

    For one, what individual players do and don't like isn't universal. It's one of those pesky "subjective" kinds of things.

    For another, there's no hard and fast rule that says a name in this game HAS to be a super hero name. If there was such a rule you wouldn't see half the variations of characters from other media such as anime (I've long since lost count of all the various characters based off of Naruto, DBZ, My Hero Academia, One Punch Man and other shows).

    And that kind of thing isn't contained here. I remember one player in Star Wars Galaxies who named his character something along the lines of "An Avalanche" (It was that or just Avalanche, can't remember for sure right now) because his character was a big white-furred Wookiee who fell down a lot. LOL

    So long as the name doesn't run afoul of the rules and terms of service AND the name isn't taken, we're free to name our characters what we wish. That includes what can look like gamer tags and gag names.
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  3. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Your reply to me has really missed the point here friend.

    Where is your reply to him reminding him that players who want names that aren't available aren't uncreative simply because he doesn't respect their choice of names?
  4. BumblingB I got better.

    He was pointing out that it's the person's choice on if they want a gag name or not, because the other player was attacking someone's preferences. It wasn't on main topic, but it definitely was something that needed to be said to show that there isn't just hero names. And reclaiming names because the more popular ones are already taken.
  5. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    And do you think that escaped me?

    It didn't need to be said at all. It wasn't the point of the discussion. As I clearly explained, if you attack others as uncreative, you're fair game to have the same scrutiny returned on you. Countering with "bUt tHaT's sUbJeCtIvE" doesn't matter since it was subjective when he used it as an attack originally. It's not somehow not subjective for him and only subjective when you use it in return towards him.
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  6. BumblingB I got better.

    I'm sorry, pointing out personal attacks and stating that there are options does answer your question and I'm lost at why you seem to think it doesn't.
    You said they were not good names, he said that's your view. And now you are feeling attacked.

    Nope. I'm out. This thread is going to spiral to just personal attacks and hurt feelings. I hope Mepps comes in and closes or at least moderates it. Then at least we know he read the topic.
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  7. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Why would I feel attacked? Did someone attack me? bad take.

    He attacked people who want names recycled as un-creative.
    I pointed out he's no better. Regardless of the nature of the name. (One of his names even has to use a 1 instead of an L. *smh*)

    Both are completely subjective. It's implied to be understood (and therefore irrelevant).

    Will joined in and pointed out people can take any name they want. So? No one claimed they couldn't. It didn't need to be said because it's implied that people can choose any type of name they want.

    Now you're jumping in to double down on this irrelevant angle. Maybe that's the strategy; to derail the conversation?

    So, maybe reply to your friends and ask them to restrict their replies from including personal attacks and stick to the issue.
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  8. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    There isn't one because I can't entirely disagree with that assessment. I may have phrased it a bit more diplomatically myself, but I don't think the criticism is without merit.

    Over the years here I've created 21 characters (I have 19 now, two were simply used to test new power sets for existing characters and then eventually deleted). Across all those characters I've had maybe three instances where my first name choice was a no-go. Two of them were flat out taken/unavailable, one was able to be snagged when I changed the spelling a bit (no special characters or anything like a capital "i" to replace a lower case "L" ) so I count that one. But that's it.

    Even though I didn't get my first choices, the alternatives I came up with worked well for me and the character concept so the most disappointment I felt was a mild "shoot, someone else got it before me." I've never stressed myself over the idea of someone else sitting on a name I may have wanted at one point because I was able to stretch my imagination (even just a little in some cases) and get something that worked just as well for me.
  9. Shadow Force Committed Player

    To me all i see it's pointless to explain to him/her anything, he/she simply doesn't understand. This thread should be closed. he/she blown this thread out of proportion. And i'm personally on the side name reclaim should not happen again.And if it happens i will just log in as all characters before it happens an play for a bit. First come first serve DEAL WITH IT.
  10. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    I know you can't. I only wanted to get you on record for the side of the argument you were on, rather than let you pass as if you were somehow neutral, when you aren't. In the future, consider saving us both time and just say you're for or against something so that you can be addressed directly.

    I mean, imagine thinking it's fine to accuse others of not being creative, and it's somehow not a personal attack. But when that other person/s returns the same criticism, it somehow counts as a personal attack now -- just because you're on the opposite side of the disagreement and the receiving end of the criticism. The lack of self-awreness here is impressive.

    Don't understand what? Your position isn't complicated. Not agreeing or deferring to an opposing position in an argument doesn't mean I don't understand the other side of it. smh

    We've had these discussions lots of times for years. You're not offering anything constructive to the conversation and it didn't stop the Devs from doing a name purge in the end. You're late to the party.

    The Devs want to deliver the best experience possible for new and existing players. That means making desirable names that aren't used anymore, available again. It's that simple and it's good business.

    Ps. You simply don't seem to understand how it works. You don't need to log into your characters because your account is active. Take time to learn about topics you offer your opinions on, so that you can constructively participate in the discussion.


    There are 2 types of people in the world:
    1) people who want to thrive and have a peaceful happy life and see their families, friends, loved ones, and neighbours thrive also.
    2) the misery loves company people; they had to struggle so they don't see why anything should be better or easier for anyone else -- everyone should have to struggle as hard as they did too.

    It doesn't matter whether we're talking about something like game development or as serious as politics. People will always divide on that exact line.

    If you're melting down at the idea that other people might get the names they want and get to enjoy something you enjoy already, guess which group you fall into? It's time for some self reflection.

    If you're happy with your name/s. There's no reason for you to even be discussing a name purge/reclaim since it
    A) doesn't impact you at all and
    B) the Devs haven't announced immediate plans for this either.

    If you're unhappy with the current state of naming in the game and you'd like a name purge so that you or your fellow players can have a more enjoyable name, character they're more attached to, playing experience; then you're directly impacted and should be supporting threads like this and letting the devs know this matters to you.
  11. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Heres my take, IF I had the disposable money I could change my name 1000 times and have unique names every time, so I ask this question, why cant anyone in this thread begging for a rename thing do the same?
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  12. theAverageGuy Well-Known Player

    If you change your name that many times, how will your league mates or the people on your friends list know it is you?
  13. theAverageGuy Well-Known Player

    Not arguing, more curious. If name reclaim does come, what name(s) would you want to claim?
  14. Magician Dedicated Player

    This post is going to end badly and I am surprised it isn't locked yet with the attacks happening.

    That being said, I got the name Atom on PC. Willing to sell for 25 billion :)
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  15. Magician Dedicated Player

    I always wanted the name "The Flush"
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  16. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    No need. The people tossing personal attacks can have their derailing posts cleansed from the discussion and be given forum vacations. :)
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    What I love about the 'All the good ones get taken and sold' what?

    So if you want a name...say 'Batman' (it's not allowed...but for the example, let's say it is...I don't want to accidentally blacklist). And the guy who has 'Batman' last played in 2013. So as of right now someone who wants the name can't get it,'s locked up on that unused toon. A purge happens and some lightning fast hoarder gets the name and puts it up for 10 billion dollars right? So you don't have 10 billion, so you can't buy it now....but assuming you really wanted to you COULD get the money together for it. There is at least a chance. Worse case someone would buy the name and put it into use at least...meaning later maybe you could come up with 100 billion to buy it off him....whatever. It's in play now, which is better than sitting on some dead toon that will NEVER be played again.

    I think that (with this 'Batman' example) the guys who are against it that have 'Batman' variants that are somewhat decent and having the 'better' version back in play makes theirs that much worse. Mis-shapen B's, double letters, whatever it is that they used, looks worse now so they'd rather have the 'better' names buried.

    Personally I don't care...I don't worry about iconic names and play very little dress-up, but the argument against not doing a purge because 'the sellers will get them' makes no sense....let the sellers get them, it's at least better than the guy who hasn't played in 5 years having them.

    I think you do one more with an advanced warning....3 months to give people who don't play often (like maybe 1 time a year) to get in and re-activate their names. Then after that it goes in as an annual thing. Don't sign in on a toon for a year? Lose the warning. It happens at reset on Jan 1 every year(date is arbitrary, but 1 year from the last purge) and any toon not used in the last 365 days is up for grabs. If you can't log in 1 time a year on each toon, you aren't that interested in the game or characters. Toons that were created in the last 365 days wouldn't be an issue because you would have logged in when you created it...even if you just then left it in the ship escape mission at level 1.
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  18. Magician Dedicated Player

    Really? That's your plan? What about those who have active memberships? I for example have a Lifetime subscription. If I cannot log in for whatever reason, military, broken PC, or I lose interest...I've paid my dues and so now I am lumped together with some shlub thats Free to Play to lose my name? Nah, ya gotta rethink that strategy.
  19. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    This is also an excellent point.

    From what I can tell reading through the objections, people like Berza, ShadowForce and others simply have no idea how the purges work in general in the industry, or how it worked in the past in this game. They seem to think they'll lose their names because they have bad breath or something irrelevant and don't realize purges aren't done on active accounts and would never happen against an active account. Any account that is paid (incl lifetime) is considered active. Any unpaid account that's been logged into within 4 years (I think that was the timeframe last time) is considered active. So all these people crying about "WhAt iF i GoT sIcK fOr 3 mOnThS" are a little ill informed and objecting based on their lack of understanding. To meaningfully address the issue, the Devs ideally would narrow done the activity window to within a year or 2 (at the longest) instead.
  20. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I wish people weren't so defensive when it comes to the name reclaim, because there are players like me who waited for it to drop and as soon as it was up, I got the names that I wanted for the longest and I'm proud to say that I never sold any of them and I'm still using til this very day.

    It truly sucks how one OG name like "Jasmine" or "Lora" can go for billions, people definitely took very big advantage of the last event just to sell them eventually. I am someone who's sold couple names that I had bought, but the prices were always around 200-300 mil and they were pretty good names like "Demon" , "K" etc.

    At this point I believe that if we ever get another name reclaim, at least have it against ToS to not do such trades otherwise the person gets suspended or banned. I believe that way people will calm down with selling names and rather use to play with them than abuse their power.

    I would loveeeeeeeeeeeee it so, so much if we get a green name to put their thought on this.
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