A Place for Discussion/Advice About My Bases

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by K3str3lDC, Aug 4, 2020.

  1. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    odds are ive got some extra toilets(standard) you can just plain old have.... ik ik you weren't asking for em but ive got more stuff then space.....also try the metal bed frame for the jails, the shabby pallets aren't bad but I think the MBF drop more often..... actually I got a few of those as well I think....
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  2. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Aw, thanks a bunch!
  3. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Maybe I could put cages close together if it'll let them get that close to make big, long cages
  4. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    no problem, cant remember what toon(s) all this stuff on offhand so idk who to tell ya to watch your mailbox for lol but il add you to permissions for a few bases ive got in the works and il send ya a list from my main Incenerater.
  5. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    If it helps at all, I did a creepy/haunted house/house of horrors theme on one character's base, and this is how it can look when you line up cages.



    And yes, there is a reason for the busted playground horse, there's also a Joker-esque demented playhouse theme mixed in there as well. LOL
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  6. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Ah, thanks!
  7. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Thanks for all of that! Started a Batman shrine, too, alongside the Superman one so now both boys have shrines for their dead dads!

    And are the any Gotham U banners or anything like that to go with the Met U stuff?
  8. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Hmm, more furnaces would prob be good for body disposal. Where/how do I get those?
  9. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    not sure on Got U banners, I don't recall ever seeing any but that doesn't mean anything either.
  10. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Might try to eventually get the Flash base item pack so I can get the Cosmic Treadmill as the Regime would probably take it, especially if they had any speedsters that might use it. Come to think of it, Kryptonians have super speed, so maybe they can use it, too, in which case Jon could use it.
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  11. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Hmm.... what else could I use to represent living prisoners currently imprisoned?
  12. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    you could place a cage over your sparring target.

    some years back an update made it so we could "smoosh" base items together so you should have no trouble lining up cages. the more you play around the more you'll discover.

    this is a few years old. its my haunted house base. the entire front of the house is completely different but there are a few things i'm proud of. i wanted it to start off kind of cute, like something you'd see in a hallmark diorama with a hellraiser vibe finish to it.

    this is my nature base

    i have a ton of base items i need to sort through. there are a few very talented base builders here on the forums. always impressed with how quickly they can incorporate new things into their lairs eventually the nature base will be getting some adjustments.

    best advice i can give you is if you want to show your bases and and have people actually want to see them try to keep them as brief and as to the point as possible. even the ons above are too long. try to keep things under two minutes.
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  13. myandria Item Storage

    I need to figure out how to take a video of my bases and put them on youtube from the PS4 without having to go through the PS4 to do it. I also have a fair amount of base items on each of my toons to sift through and use/sell/donate. And to your point, experimenting with base items is the way to go to see what you can do with them.
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  14. Brit Loyal Player

    I've spent the past couple of years gradually working on my base, which I wanted to look like a prison.

    The Gotham Zoo cages with a few inmate style furnishings does look good. The JLD cages lined up can also look good.

    Alternatively, for a more High Tech feel, the Justice For All stasis pods, and the Birds of Prey - lexcorp stasis pods, can give you the appearance of detaining some people.

    And the JLD magic force-fields can be used to create sort of mock Magic Cages just by boxing them together.

    Though sadly, any amount of effort still seems to fall short, because the prison just looks so empty. Having 100 jail cells but no prisoners doesn't make it look like a jail, but rather like it's some sort of bondage enthusiast haven. We really do need some sort of generic NPCs for bases. We've got plenty of cats and dogs and robot drones, but we need a human being.
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  15. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    my web fu is weak. i would imagine you would have to download it to youtube, copy that video and then delete the one on your ps4?

    what would also be a big help is if we could have more than four deeds on any given character.
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  16. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Wait... can each toon only have 4 bases per?! Why?
  17. myandria Item Storage

    Good question.

    Perhaps the server can't handle more than that per character.

    Or, maybe the devs have decided that 4 is enough for each character, since you can share bases with all of your toons on your account, even your villains.

    I would not mind having only 4 bases per character if there were different locations to choose from aside from Metropolis and Gotham. When the Atlantis episode launched, there was a high demand to have a base located there. But tech difficulties prevents that, according to the devs. Imagine having a dive base in Gotham Wastelands or have the House of Mystery as a League Base.
  18. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Makes me wish even more all toons on an account could either share their base item inventory or all be able to fully decorate bases they've shared with each other, or both. Hate when I get a base item, consume it so It's not taking up space in my inventory, and then like 3 months later realize it would be perfect for this base on another toon. Of course, I could use banks, but I can't really put every single base item I get in there or I'd run out of space in no time!
  19. myandria Item Storage


    How many characters do you have? I use my alts' banks as storage for base items and other things... (yes, I am a hoarder). I keep certain themed base items on certain characters so I can search for them more easily. You may want to expand your bank/inventory size in the future (if you haven't done so already), so all of your characters can hold more stuff.

    For example, I have a character that has the Eastern Base, so I keep most of the Dynasty/Asian themed base items on her. I have a nature themed toon with a nature themed base, so nature themed items go to her. I'm working on a fire tank, so I will keep fire/lava themed items on her. My main toon has the Brainiac Base, so I keep most of the Braniac/Anniversay/Coluan base items on her. My water healer character has the Atlantean base, so I keep the Atlantis/Summer Event base items on her. I have an Ice Tank (which I need to reroll 'cause I haven't changed her powers since last revamp) that has an ice-themed base, so Winter Event/Ice themed base items go to her. I have a villain character who has a medical center/dungeon themed base so I keep medical/laboratory/pharmaceutical base items on her. All other type of base items go to my other toons' banks. I think I have about 16 toons now.

    Oops..went a bit too long there.. sorry..:oops:.
  20. Batman2099earthcold Committed Player

    You could use mr splikbash AND the Boo pets as prisioneros maybe also use tekky as a prisioner. I don't have the cave liar or brainiac liar i have the gotic liar but i after a lot of work it's almost looks like a batcave