Let’s Get some Letters on the HANGMAN Board!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrSuperman, Jul 6, 2020.

  1. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    Let’s do this Mepps!

    I’m ready to start guessing!

    Give me a letter L!
  2. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Letter S please! :)
  3. DiscoSoup Active Player

    The 7/16/20 week is obviously Bonus Lex Coins. I'd assume it's also got new vendor styles.
  4. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    It could be that - or it could be a follow up to the bonus PVP week idea I had the other week that a few people seemed to be interested in for the feats.

    Usually Bonus LexCoins is every 4 weeks so if it isn't that week it will probably be the week after.
  5. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    I'm wondering if the next bonus week is Bonus Catalysts? We haven't had that week in a while (along with the free Unstable Seal of Completion)
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  6. Dub T Well-Known Player

    Unfortunately, I do not think this is correct. Mepps updated hangman with the letter “s” and there is only 1 “s” for week 16, which is at the end of the 3rd word.
  7. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    I believe week 15 will be bonus catalysts and week 16 will be double or triple lex coins
  8. Brit Loyal Player

    It isn't "Bonus" Lex Coins. Instead, it is "Triple Lex Coins". 5 letters but without the S.
  9. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    “Triple PVP marks” may make sense.

    I don’t see triple lex coins happening. They only do a triple event like that once per ep.
  10. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    People are constantly asking for this, so it should be in the near future. Triple marks, plus 10x run count so people can get the feats as well
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    What is 5 letters? Triple is 6 (as is double) and the 1st field is 6....But yeah...."Triple/double ??? marks".

    I'd go with the other guess that it's something other than LEX for the middle though, we just had a triple week and new shineys...I'd guess we have one more double/triple coming the last week before Wonderverse instead.

    Double/Triple PVP sounds good...I don't really need them, but I know many do and many have asked for that.

    The other week I'd agree is bonus Catalysts(as LQ put forth)...now that the 'S's have been added. Unstable SOC would be great too...and we are well overdue for one of those...especially with the XP sale...it will be an incentive to drain the XP piles before the new artis launch.
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    2x/3x Marks yes....10x runs, no. PvP is already easy to complete if you know how to do it. Comparing 50 star labs wins to 750 runs for each 'family' category in LPVE isn't even close.

    Maybe 2x run count?...sure. 10x is not needed and basically equates to giving the feats away. 10x on LPVE still required a week of hardcore grinding to even get close to complete. PVP would be done by Sunday night if they did 10x...even for the worst maps. the PVP counts were already reduced a long time ago to make them 'reasonable'...even if PvP is a ghost town most days.
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  13. Samantha Christiano Active Player

    We can hope for pvp bonus. But we have to be patient. It might take them time to get that going. Devs haven't worked on pvp in a long time.
    It's very obsolete and probably in coding.
    They might be able to get it done soon. We can hope but we can understand it might take them time to get the pvp bonus in effect.
  14. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    Week 16 first word is 6 blanks. And already used "S" so it won't be bonus anything. I am not sure what it will be but s was used so no words with an s
  15. Whodini Well-Known Player

    Honestly I'd like another LPVE bonus week. Still a ton of feats left. I also liked the "raid the universe" week. I took 5 years off so there is a ton of content I need to run.
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  16. Samantha Christiano Active Player

  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Uh...how is that different from what I said? I said it could be D O U B L E or T R I P L E, both of which have 6 letters and don't have S in them. The second word has S at the end and is 5 letters so 'Coins' 'Marks' would work. I was asking Brit where 5 letters without an S were involved. I think he maybe typo'd 5 for 6.

    The only time I mentioned 'bonus' was in the previous week where we have ????S ??????S?S which would fit for 'bonus catalysts'. Week 16 is NOT 'bonus' anything for sure.
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  18. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    That was on me my nephew distracting me I read your post wrong. I knew I did something wrong but my nephew bugging me every 2 minutes to get his account unsuspended compromised my reading comprehension. But you are right. I misinterpreted what you wrote and apologize. I will trust my instincts and double check what I am reading and writing.
  19. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Guess: "Bonus Catalysts" will be the next one for week 15.
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  20. Supremo BR Well-Known Player

    Artifact nth bonus?