Time capsules suck now

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by OG ELITE, Nov 29, 2019.

  1. tukuan Devoted Player

    IMHO if you hated them before there's nothing new to hate now. If you were ok with them before I don't see much as having changed at least from the last 6 or so.

    From my perspective I've never spent more than my stipend on them and subsequently I've never felt ripped off or otherwise resented them. I can just about always complete 2 of the 3 collections just by grinding stabs and the 3 one I'll leave up to luck or some close broker watching to complete. If I can't get that one then c'est la vie. I would suggest that if one took on a more Lebowskian view on TCs then there wouldn't be nearly as much decisiveness on the topic.

    That being said if they were to go completely I wouldn't really miss them either.
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  2. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    In what way do they suck now? Specifically I mean, because time capsules have always contained styles and those styles have always been one step lower than the gear in the new episode. So what specifically has made them suck now, and not then? Not much has changed that I can think of, and I've never felt ripped off because I'm in no hurry to finish it now. By doing the stabilizer mission every day, I end up getting most of the stuff by the new time capsule. This stuff is set up such that earning the styles and at least 2 of the collections without spending money is possible. It's just the people want the stuff now and end up spending a lot of money, then complaining about the money they spent. Patience and self control is how I don't feel ripped off.
    Also, since you're not being forced to buy the keys that open them it's not being taken advantage of or exploitation (as some claim). What is it? A business. That's what it is.
    Every MMO I've played have time capsules of some sort (even if they call it something else), and some of them don't even offer the possibility to earn keys they way this one does.
    People who complain about a money glitch, it's not a money glitch. It's no glitch at all, it's some players being greedy which causes others to oversell their stuff so they can afford the thing they want that is overpriced...but then again prices being inflated over time as things get more and more rare over the years...pretty sure I've seen that in every other MMO I've played as well.
    People can complain all they want about everyone being sick of time capsules, but it doesn't change the fact people tune in to the previews of each capsule talking about how much they like them and the styles in them and literally saying "take my money". Time capsules are more popular than some people seem to think, just the people who like the time capsules don't spend their time online complaining about how much they love time capsules.
    Another complaint I see all the time is the reusing of old maps and getting "another Gotham map" and stuff like that. Sure there are storylines that happen in places like New Genesis, Atlantis, and Central City but where do a lot of major stories happen? Metropolis or Gotham. When was the last time an alien invasion force intent on destroying Earth landed in Bialya first? When was the last time evil invaders from an alternate universe decided to attack Hub City? When was the last time a major comic book event took place in Midway City, Fawcett City, Gorilla City, Amnesty Bay, or San Diego? Sure there are a lot of great stories that take place in other areas of the world/universe but there are also a lot of great stories that take place in the same two cities.

    Basically? If you don't like time capsules then don't participate-in or buy them. If you are fed up with the game then don't play it.
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  3. Crn Well-Known Player

    I don’t mind the capsules but it shouldn’t take 100s of dollars to get everything you need. At this point they are becoming super greedy. Who ever reported EA needs to do the same to Daybreak.
  4. Raven Roth Committed Player

    I gave up my TC addiction long ago. Now until they put something in it that I desperately want I will never spend another cent on one
  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    they have always been a dev driven cash grab nothing more
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  6. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    I think let feats be remove from capsules but let capsules have cosmetics. If people wanted style cosmetics capsules then let them used up their dollars.

    No more feats in capsules, thank you.
  7. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    You say "We" as if you speak for everyone, but that is not the case. There are plenty of people who enjoy Time Capsules, myself included. They're not mandatory. They're optional. Nobody is forcing you to spend anything on them. Whether or not you have one of the cosmetic pieces doesn't really give you any more of a real advantage over anyone else.
    "WE the players" do not have to put our foot down. I'm not putting my foot down.

    If you're jaded because you can't spend minimally and get everything you want, which, I can understand, don't get on a podium and speak for everyone. It's getting really tired that people want it all and don't want to spend much, and then come on here and insist there's a problem with the game, or something is broken, or something isn't fair. Just because you don't get what you want doesn't mean it's not fair. Especially when it comes to Time Capsules. Daybreak is a business. So many people demand newer bigger content with new open world locations, but want to spend as little as possible? Come on.
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  8. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    They forcing us when FEATS are attached tho
  9. Lick Of Frost Active Player

    The problem is that the EU takes forever to review these things so it will most likely be a few years before they get any sort of fine
  10. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    No. Not really. The amount of feats that you would get from anything Ultra Rare, or even close to Ultra Rare, aren't enough to truly make a difference in performance.
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  11. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    To the people who feel that they're getting ripped off by Time Capsules: Do you think Casinos are bad business? Do you think lottery tickets are bad business? If you were to buy 5 lottery tickets and didn't win the jackpot, would you storm into the convenience store and "take a stand"? Would you accuse them of cheating you out of your hard earned money? I'm genuinely curious about this. Time Capsules are optional. You don't have to open them, and they even GIVE you the ability to open them FOR FREE. Time capsules are a gamble. Maybe you'll hit the Jackpot. Maybe you won't. Maybe it'll take you 3 tries, maybe it'll take 40. I know at least 2 people who've gotten a Neon Chroma. One used stabilizers that were achieved through running the duo daily, and one spent about $10. You win some you lose some.
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I do similar but I run on fixed accounts (too lazy to keep creating new ones) all of which are already premium so I can trade any coolio stuff unless it's platform locked (I do run PC/PS4). The other thing I do is I sit on all stabilizers until a mega comes up...then open as many megas as I can, so I won't know if I can actually catch a Neon for another 4 months or so....no worries. But yeah, the last real world cash I spend on stabilizers/TCs was back around the Quardian one or so when they had a 40 for $20 pack and that was back when you actually had some sort of chance of getting something decent vs today's drop rates. Lesson learned...I save my real world money for a sub or other thing where I know what I'm getting for my cash.

  13. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    People who dropped hundreds on TCs, knowing how they operate, were just being stupid. Hopefully they have learned not to do it again.
  14. Brit Loyal Player

    I run the same fixed 10. Just not all of them are Premium yet, since some of them have never turned up anything I really felt like I needed to trade to my main.

    I do the same thing though about saving all my stabilizers for Ressurgence. It gets you a 9/7 return on your investment. Even at the Premium rate, that amounts to a whole lot of time capsules in the end.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    While I agree with you on some of your other points (not everyone dislikes TCs...though I don't know why, and the TC feats are optional for sure), I think this analogy is not really applicable. I don't think anyone is really complaining about spending 5 bucks... it's the 20-100 dollar buyer who is likely the majority. Also, a Neon Chroma or ANY of the other 'high end' cosmetics are not equivalent to a life changing cash jackpot. Furthermore, a person who goes to a Casino goes there to gamble. A person who goes to the convienence store to buy only milk is not told to get the better milk they need to take a shot at the lotto first. Most people came to DCUO to play a game about super heros...gambling was thrust upon us when it was shown to be a great money maker as subs declined and feats were attached to decrease the 'optional' factor (although they are still optional, but who doesn't want the 'better' milk?)

  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    9/7 + the 'spiff' box....whatever it is that round. Got 50 power set chromas saved up I hope to help rebuild my fortune on whenever the current nonsense is over.

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  17. Marek Committed Player

    So you would be ok if they took the feats out of time capsules then right? Because they shouldn't be there to begin with.
  18. Irvynnge Loyal Player

  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Oh boy! Just what ive wanted a 9 year old game with no major improvements for the second console generation in a row!
  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Last time i posted a video of Jim Sterlings videos in a thread it got removed, because it was basicly "stirring the pot"
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