Survival Mode 2019 Season 1 Lunge

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by geoforcee100, Jun 25, 2019.

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  1. Carilee Active Player

    you are correct. I should not lump you in with the others. you have clearly stated that flurry shot spam needs to be fixed. I apologize.
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  2. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    You can't be serious I have been talking about precision and a weapon pass since 2018. Like I said nothing in the video or this entire conversation is about "cheese" it was about lunging and lunging continually isn't cheese.
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  3. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Sooo you Complaining in the Video how People who did this are scrubs and only got to the end is because of this...Ok
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  4. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    For some reason youre putting lunge spamming and flurry shot in the same basket.You even said yourself you didnt run this sm,so you obviously dont know whats going on.Just to clarify,since youre blaming me for using exploits,I was able to beat r30 as 3man,without troll(main source of prec damage) without lunge spamming,without a defense debuff a damage debuff and a heal that would rarely touch the boss with a weapon attack,because your main source of damage on higher rounds is orbitals and pets and you just rely on survivability at this point not weapon combos.Even if they nerfed weapon combos to death in the next season,the highest round would still require 2 tanks 1 troll and 1 heal with troll and heal using weapon combos so that they build up sc and power while rotating orbitals and pets.(there's also a video on youtube if you would like to see proof):rolleyes:
  5. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Don't forget that these same guys in this thread talking about exploits / cheats had a whole month of testing SM before it was released. They then claimed to be the first ones to beat SM or they have no issues with building / finding groups and beating higher levels of SM and or they argue against adjusting the starting difficulty of SM so that more players will get involved.

    All of these guys are a joke.

    Hypocrisy at it finest.
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  6. Yaiba Committed Player

    I wanna ask if I ONLY use lunge to dodge the redskull attacks, then what is going to happen? I'm a good tank, or just a tank who abuses broken mechanic? :p
  7. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    The thing is Ive never said its a bug or a glitch.I just copy pasted the deffinition of what exploit stands for,the deffinition includes different categories such as bugs or glitches,game system,speed,rates,(key word etc.).Your point is invalid.Mepps already said lunge spamming is not intended to be used like this yet people would still use it this way.Exploiting means using something in a way that is clarified by the game's designers as not intended.You should read a dictionary,good day to you sir.
  8. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    How do you figure? I think what you and SO many of the people questioning testing is that we aren't testing looking for exploits. I am not going on test and the first thing I think of for a new elite raid is "ok guys lets wipe for an hour and try to glitch the door" I am playing test server the same way I play on live and I will never think of these exploits players come up with because that is never once in 8 years of the game how I have approached it.

    This is why I was immediately against the rolelessbuff system and was against the consumables used on Vampire Lord and was even against the 4 man SM and 10 bosses recycled for the next 20 rounds. If some group of players that love to exploit want to go on test and find all that stuff all the power to them but that will never be my groups.

    Hypocrisy is critiquing testers but not actually going on test yourself to provide feedback. I can barely find groups on test.
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  9. Elipsed Level 30

    Literally everyone has been using the lunge mechanic in SGE during Mordru fight to get out of Mark of Cain...
    Why has no one complained about that? lol...Isn't it pretty much the same thing?

    Don't understand, lunge mechanics have been around for a long while now.. we see people do it in pvp all the time, but suddenly its the new fotm cheese because of SM and everyone gets upset about bruh its been a part of this game for a long *** time. Chillax.
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  10. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    You do know the right way to do a 4 players . Is having 1 of each roles right. So he just exposed himself and the others who was playing with.
    Funny ain't it karma is a beep.
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  11. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Correct me if i am wrong..However I was Told Long ago when SG was firtsa out the Lunging it what you did to remove the Mark..I have used that technique Multiple times (not Always Successful)
  12. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    I was able to test SM a week before it came out.They made test server free for everyone for a reason,Im sorry for not going on test so that I try to exploit the hell out of everything.Im also sorry for being part of an active league.I dont think I was against nerfing rounds 1-10.
  13. Elipsed Level 30

    You doin it wrong man. You gotta keep lunging when you have mark of cain...
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  14. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    They could just add an extra hold to fix it.
  15. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    I mean....exploits are recreated by players,if the devs knew about an exploit before players are able to recreate them then there would be no exploits since they would fix soon enough.I dont see your point.Lets take as an example the boo glitch,the devs obviously didnt know about it the first day it got recreated,does that mean that it wasnt an exploit then but its an exploit now?
  16. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    O yeah don't forget they weren't using the right group they were missing the controller role And DPS role.
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  17. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    I realise there are people that didnt know if lunge spamming was an exploit and they were just waiting for a clarification from the devs.Although at the same time there are people that confessed they would do anything to beat sm regardless of something being an exploit in the eyes of the developers.People just got their response from Mepps,do you still think lunge spamming isnt a mechanic abused by players in a way not intended by the devs?
  18. AV Loyal Player

    Kinda putting words in Mepps' mouth there. He didn't say what you think he said.
  19. Millefune PSN Well-Known Player

    Wow, I don't even play Survival Mode (still don't have a character high enough CR), but this recent round of drama was interesting to read through and research. From what I've gathered, it basically comes down to:

    Lunge-Spamming isn't an exploit, but its effects were missed/overlooked by the developers. It is now being used in an unintended way to make Survival Mode easier than intended. It isn't cheating, but is "cheesing."

    Is this correct?
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  20. AV Loyal Player

    Impossible to say from Mepps' post. I suspect he's referring to the ability to survive US AoE specials and not its ability to mitigate damage in general. The risk:reward of PVP mechanics is the knockdown + immunity, not the damage mitigation. The damage mitigation is a necessary mechanic without which any of the 20+ SM bosses can 1-shot any tank unless they purely guess their attacks (except US, whose first mortar has to be pre-empted or PDed regardless. It's laughable to assume perma-ranging bosses, running two tanks in a 4-man, and gaming the AI is somehow more legitimate than trying to maintain a protective assault while avoiding granting blues and being quasi-animation locked/vulnerable.

    People can solo tank SM in a standard comp and talk to me about how "cheese" the game's mechanics are. This thread is ridiculous. There's no reason for lunge to mitigate US specials but it's also pretty useless and on an already pretty easy, if annoying, boss.
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