Survival Mode 2019 Season 1 Lunge

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by geoforcee100, Jun 25, 2019.

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  1. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    And that’s the same type of thing that led PVP on its road to ruin. The devs will follow their pet players right off the cliff again, and then there won’t be a game left that anyone wants to play.

    This will affect the entire game - not just SM. People who play casually will be affected too.
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  2. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Lunge is one of the core mechanics of the game from the tutorial and throughout all content. You're supposed to not take damage when proper countering a channel attack with lunge. If you got one shot every time you tried to lunge counter, it would be broken.

    The problem is not the lunge mechanic, it's the bosses have to many lunge counter attacks that they spam constantly during the fight. Just tone down the the bosses lunge counterable attacks or put in more feint attacks on the bosses. That will put more of the lunge spammers on there back.
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  3. AV Loyal Player

    Almost all of which are non-skull attacks which deal damage WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY in excess of the hardest hitting skull attacks in SM.
  4. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Lunging wasn't originally like this. Lunging away to avoid ranged damage was a pvp thing exclusively, not lunging toward to avoid damage overall in a pve environment. And that only started in pvp till 2016. That has never been the case up until now and out of nowhere its called working as intended? Thats what makes me confuse about that response but Im not into dcuo politics anymore to dig deep.

    When you make a lunge counter successfully then, depending on which patch, you would gain an immunity system. It has never been a thing to spam lunge while the enemy was doing etc an obvious ground attack because... you would get damaged. This is a result of the many things under dcuo list that needed to be resolved due to game updates.
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  5. AV Loyal Player

    It actually did/does/is/was/has been. Eg. Age of Justice was released over two years ago and this is how US's special/ground/AoE attacks behave/behaved. It simply isn't/wasn't exploited because it isn't/wasn't safe/reliable/effective and is/was/has been pointless and and stupid, including in SM. It's sorta being used as a disingenuous, manipulative strawman right now. There isn't really anything else important/noteworthy that behaves the same way, it's just US has always been a broken, buggy, unpolished sack of grody hammers.
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  6. SalazarTitan New Player

    You're been lied to in several ways:
    - The damage that you are avoiding in SM is only select ranged damage. Mortars, Bunker Busters, Corrupted Blasts from Vampire, lunges and uppercuts, Heat Visions, etc. all still damage the player.
    - It didn't start in pvp in 2016. That was when it got big because of the server merge. PC players were rolling away and lunge spamming and using legends moves that grant dodge way before playstation. It existed since the launch of the game since there are no game updates or patches that ever changed dodge, it just wasn't practical or known about by a large community of people until server merge happened when pvp was imbalanced and everyone was forced to use it after being made aware. At which point it went over to people using it in pve instances as well.
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  7. AV Loyal Player

    Just want to re-emphasize that it does not, in fact, currently work on US's Mortar attacks, which can only be mitigated with a perfectly timed/prempted lunge just barely leading the first frame of the attack. Deathstroke's Mortars appear to behave correctly and US's used to prior to 16 Jun (when the server went berserk for a few days and we kept losing chat/mail), but for w/e reason they've been messed up since then and lunge isn't correctly mitigating them (applies to 9, 19, and 29). So while lunge can be derpily used to derp US' skulls (which, why bother?), a tank trying to approach the fight that way will be quickly fed their own lungs.
  8. metro2k Well-Known Player

    but what you're saying? ****
  9. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Yes it is a problem 8 players are always was post to be 2 of each roles, 4 players post to be 1 of each role. They are using the role buff for having no controller in there group. It's like people using the luning spam. Spamming no controller group some consept.
  10. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Has lung always gave immunity tho?
  11. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    My only issue with this lunge issue is this:


    I learned that staying in your own lane can get you far, thanks United States Army!
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  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Roleless buffs were removed from the SM while it was still on test. Players learn how to manage their power so a controller is not needed for most of SM.
  13. kingmasternova Loyal Player

  14. myandria Item Storage


    Because spamming one attack to defeat a target was not intended, as Mepps has said:

  15. Shattered Psychosis Well-Known Player

    Catching up on this thread, but wanted to leave a link. This was back in June 2013 (before I started watching yt,reading the forums, etc. I was a noob doing stupid things most times/still learning). I didn't even know about the dodge mechanic, but I realized that I stopped taking damage when I was lunging from most of the attacks in the T5 Bizarro instance (scientist shots, security lazers, turret shots) and that lunging did more damage to the NPC's than they could do to me at the time, so I didn't find a reason to stop. Easiest way I saw on youtube for how to get the feat of not killing the scientists. Well, lunging/waiting for them to run away for some reason. Now I actually know why this worked back then.
  16. ShottiBloodangel New Player

    This whole conversation is a joke at this point. There are so many exploits ppl use in this game but no 1 say anything about it. Even the so call elitists use these other exploits. But since they want be the 1% of players to complete SM and they bragging right go out the window they big mad about it.
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  17. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    That is not correct in the slightest, with respect to SM nearly every single ranged attack or otherwise can be avoided with lunge spam. Melee taps and uppercuts can still damage you but with lunging you wouldn't be in melee range regardless. US ground lightning, arc lightning, flamethrower, vampire denigration beam etc lunged for no damage, heat vision, scatter shots, lex lasers EVERYTHING zero damage most with video proof as well.
  18. AV Loyal Player

    It doesn't stop any of Vampire Lord's attacks that aren't already interruptable by a lunge, he's actually pretty properly programmed. Ie. his beam, which is counterable, is mitigated by lunge but his Black Splooge Blast (or w/e it's called) is not. Other bosses have varying degrees of programming quality. Heat vision CC's you, breaking lunge and dealing damage, same with eye beams, hammer, etc. The problem is not that lunge has always had this fundamental behaviour, the problem is that some attacks weren't correctly programmed (ie. US' skull attacks). "Abusing" it, especially as a tank, isn't some magic path to victory, aside from the below caveats. US, as always, is just on the deep end of the "Omg this is an umitigated programming disaster" spectrum.

    It should not be possible to lunge away from something and get immunity to its attack. That behaviour is silly. The benefit should only apply when lunging a target or, at the very least, lunging in the direction of the attack. Similarly, AoE/non-PVP skull attacks should be properly programmed such that they aren't mitigated by lunge unless you moved in such a way that the AoE missed you. Lunge should, however, still deflect if/when an enemy is doing a PVPable attack but it has blues, as without that immunity becomes way too unbalanced in that you or the enemy already gets the knockdown + immunity to knockdown, allowing them to do w/e attacks they want w impunity and oversimplifying core game mechanics in both PVE and PVP.

    What needs to be addressed is not the mechanic, which has existed forever, but why certain attacks were allowed to interact with it when they shouldn't have been able to. Moving forward, the best thing they could do is actually program new bosses' attacks appropriately and just not use bosses with older, depricated, broken programming for SM (looking at you, US).
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  19. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Is this dc universe onwhine or what! I personally have not used the lunge but geez guys/gals they have beat it how they beat it. Mepps has said his two cents, why keep beating this dead horse. Who cares how many groups have beaten SM? I don’t! Congrats to the crowns and wear them proudly whether you lunged spammed, 2 dps, or water heal ice tanked it! Lets focus on the real issue of lowering the cast time for frost blast on ice! Thanks!
  20. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    The thing is................

    Don't forget that these same guys in this thread talking about exploits / cheats had a whole month of testing SM before it was released. They then claimed to be the first ones to beat SM or they have no issues with building / finding groups and beating higher levels of SM and or they argue against adjusting the starting difficulty of SM so that more players will get involved.

    In other words.............You have guys that used the heeeeeeellllllll out of these so called exploits and argue against adjusting a few things in future SM's to better benefit everyone. NOT JUST THEM. Now they are screaming for nerfs for the exact things they are using.

    IMO. If there are going to be nerfs to anything. They need to lose everything that they received from the SM.
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