Survival Mode 2019 Season 1 Lunge

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by geoforcee100, Jun 25, 2019.

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  1. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Lots of Lunge-a-palooza happening in Decadent Cheese Universe Online. Here I come brother. I didnt wanna roll myself in shredded cheese and wade in the fondu pot of velvety smooth cheese, like the majority of cheesemaniacs brother to do SM. But with the lunge-o-mania spamming wild brother... Ima git me of them rewards dude.
  2. AV Loyal Player

    So... all the attacks I said it's always worked on and none of the attacks I said it doesn't work on. As I thought. This behaviour vs US has been pretty well known and, as said, is generally not "exploited" because it's frankly pointless and ultimately stupid since it's actually more dangerous than just avoiding the attacks altogether and ultimately dealing more damage in the process, since a combination of user/server lag creates tiny gaps in the deflection coverage during which fire will 1-shot, ground/arc lightning can easilyCC then kill; in a 20-30min run, you can bank on that happening followed immediately by US flaming the corpse as he's want to do. So the sweet "exploit" works until it suddenly doesn't, then your group has to realize in the dumbest way possible that maybe it would have been easier to just do the fight normally.

    Using US as an example to try to suggest lunge deflection is an exploit is disingenuous and asinine unless lunging is actually preventing melee damage, which would either be an outright bug or require additional, exploitative steps unknown to me. The only other noteworthy uninterruptable special attacks in SM that lunge prevents damage from are, as previously listed, Minotaur's spinning hammer (but it doesn't prevent the CC so it still strips your protection and ***** you up, especially if you have hate) and Minotaur's throwing axe (which is a ranged attack anyways). Everything else ignores lunge deflection.


    - You take damage from US mortars unless you perfectly time a lunge. His mortar fall ignores even blanket lunge deflection, making the tactic both pointless and dangerous from a tanking perspective.
    - You take full damage from all of Vampire Lord's uninterruptable skull attacks
    - You take full damage from Black Manta's bombs, grenades, eye beams, and Rocket Jump
    - You take full damage from essentially all of Ultraman's and King Shark's mechanics aside from Stomp Smash and feinted Stomp Smash

    Initial lunges "barely hit you for 60-70k" and are immediately followed by attacks that must be either rolled from, Phase Dodged, or blocked for massive damage then, regardless of your mitigation strategy, leave you temporarily vulnerable to all the other mechanics that lunge does nothing against as well as to subsequent lunges (see Ultraman). Blocking isn't viable vs some bosses, eg. Blank Manta/Ultimate Soldier who will deal lethal melee damage if not avoided; successfully surviving while blocking a lunge combo from most other boss requires shielding and/or healing to survive.

    Bottom line: US was kinda a lame SM pick for multiple reasons but strawmanning his goofy mechanics is disingenuous, especially coming from people who have absolutely known this behaviour existed for this boss well before now and might have an agenda here.
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  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Lunge has not changed and has always worked like this - applying a fraction of a second of damage immunity during the lunge. It is not an exploit to lunge.

    However, this way of utilizing lunge was definitely not expected or intended, and we are looking at all solutions that might address the issue.
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  4. Carilee Active Player

    unless Daybreak says its an bug/exploit I would ignore anyone else's opinion on the matter. they determine what is a violation of the TOS. if they aren't aware of the situation and these videos are intended to make them aware, great. it looks like mepps has posted about this
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  5. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    They just did.:rolleyes:
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  6. AV Loyal Player

    Are you referring to it mitigating US's special attacks, specifically? I agree it should be fixed in that lunge shouldn't mitigate damage from Arc/Ground Lightning or Flamethrower but I really want to emphasize that it doesn't work the way people have advertised against him; people trying to take advantage of the immunity will both underperform in their role and most probably eventually die due to the gaps that naturally occur in the lunge deflection, resulting in a group wipe shortly thereafter or losing due to the resultant inability to DPS his healing shield. In large part, that's probably why no one has ever made a big deal out of this before despite this being a thing since Age of Justice launched... it's just not a very smart/good strategy and anyone who could/can seamlessly integrate perfectly timed lunges to avoid the damage into their tactics would be doing so at great risk and with a hefty skill + luck requirement (the luck factor being that if the server had the slightest hickup, they'd still die).

    Edit: Another thing I don't think is intentional is that US's mortars are ignoring lunge deflection unless you lunge so early you cancel the attack and the damage would have never happened in the first place. Once in the air, all US mortars will ignore all lunge immunity. Deathstroke's mortars do not share this new behaviour and this wasn't the case prior to 16 Jun. From SM launch to 15 Jun, US mortars behaved normally and lunge deflection applied correctly to them; after 16 June, US Mortar began ignoring lunge deflection entire and, to a large degree, player position at time of impact. This was around the same time the server started going bananas and we lost chat/mail for a while; while most other behaviours returned to normal, US's Mortars maintained their new lunge-ignoring damage (and his Arcs at all of 9/19/29 maintained a new and greatly increased damage profile). Maybe a bug left behind by whatever caused the server to go bonkers there.
  7. Yaiba Committed Player

    It's a viable tactic but we are not allowed to spam it? I think it's ok to spam DW right ? :)
  8. Carilee Active Player

    actually he commented about it but did not say it was a violation of TOS or an exploit.
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  9. Badname392023 Well-Known Player

    i understand weapons are on the radar regarding precision

    but while you guys are at it finding a way to fix the lunge exploit, you should look into man-bat form allowing players to roll & lunge further away than you normally would in human form which can be used to avoid mechanics in the game. something also being used in survival mode and in the game in general
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  10. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    The other unmentioned issue is that content gets on test, and feedback is given based on the use of these types of tactics. In effect, the content ends up tuned to the tactic.

    Use bow flurry? Content is “too easy”; so the devs get conned into adjusting difficulty to the point that bow flurry is practically necessary.

    There’s always an angle. And this didn’t start with SM.
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  11. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Does DW-spam make you take ZERO damage? :)
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  12. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Hope the fix doesn’t break any other aspects of this move when not in SM...
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  13. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Hahaha. Oh that’s cute. :D
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  14. xAcHieVeD Well-Known Player

    Mepps said it before I did, but this definitely has been used forever even during pvp to get away from someone (especially the old 1hand lunge days. RIP) :(
  15. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    Deffinition of an exploit : An exploit is the use of a bug or glitches,game system,speed etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.

    Mepps: However, this way of utilizing lunge was definitely not expected or intended, and we are looking at all solutions that might address the issue.
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  16. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Some people in this community will go through lenghts trying to justify anything just as long as it brings them the new shinies. It's equally hilarious as it is sad.
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  17. Yaiba Committed Player

    They give you mobility plus damage (vital for certain fights like Ultraman), but now both ways got attention from the devs.
  18. Carilee Active Player

    actually I don't. I don't even bother with SM its not my cup of tea. my original point is DAYBREAK is the only determiner of exploits or TOS violations. you are not nor is any other person not employed by daybreak.

    I can use partial quotes too

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  19. Carilee Active Player

  20. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    So which is it? Lunging itself is obviously not an exploit. But in the second part, are you saying the way it is being used is an exploit? Because using certain mechanics, bugs, etc, created by devs or not, to gain an advantage in a way not intended is literally in the definition of "exploit".
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