I just want simple answer from anybody from Daybreak Game Company.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BƖack, Aug 9, 2018.

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  1. BƖack Dedicated Player


    This isn't one of these 'nervous post'... i am sorry but not this time. xD

    Anyway i just want simple answer from anybody from Daybreak.

    And the question is why if someone makes post here on these forums about Marketplace, Replay Badges, Membership, Time Capsules, Stabilizers etc gets almost immediate answer? And players who make posts and asks questions related to PVP are completely invisible?

    A good example will be this post that was made last time by Brice Allen:

    Legend Bugs: BM, Robin, and 5-Tap Combo

    The answer still didn't came as he waiting for it....

    But i'm not talking just about this one post i'm also talking here about many others which can be found in the 'Battle of The Legends (PVP)' section which also are unanswered. I personally do not remember when last time i saw there a post for which developer would respond.

    I am aware that not all these posts can be answered but let's do not overdo with it. People ask questions so please answer to them, that would make many players happy i assure.

    If i put myself in place of all these people who ask questions about PVP i can say that even few words would be enough to really satisfy my curiosity. :)

    I am just saying that most people are worried about this matter. that's why i am asking for a correction of this situation.

    Thank you!
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    I too wish we could all sit down and have a meaningful discussion about pvp, it's a ****in wreck right now.
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  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Devs whenever PvP gets bought up:

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  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    This may just be a loser idiot typing, butt, have you maybe considered the non-answers toward PVP to actually be an answer?

    The reason it ended up 'broken' was because whiners complained when their intended 'victim' was able to fight back and beat their sorry arze. It's the same reason why they haven't done anything new with Legends in years. You see it all the time: crybabies whining because someone used a Soder in a duel, or some other consumable that turned the tables on them
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  5. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    The devs have said many times that they had nothing planned or in store for pvp. Its no secret that pvp doesnt bring in revenue, so thats why its the way it is.
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  6. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    A fix for pvp might be tough, but there are really simple legends fixes that can be done in a hotfix. I know this because they've done it before. They had a hotfix last year or so ago just for batmans block breaker.

    The code or fix got erased or something after the revamp, so all they have to do is literally whatever they did before.

    Pvp breaks the monotony of pve grinding. Regardless of what the skilless new generation thinks, some of us still lije pvp for fun. Im maxed out on marks on 5 toons and still play daily
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  7. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    I don't believe the PVP community is naive enough to think there is an entire PVP Revamp coming their way, nor should they. I personally just want small tweaks to address balance issues here and there as my thread suggest (the one Black linked).
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  8. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    because pvp is as it SHOULD be. you don't realize how the powersets are TIERED against each other in pve because they're not hitting YOU with the damage or healing someone you're against, just you when npcs are damaging you, which either way is alot of damage, now you're just assigning it to an actual person and actual emotions come into play like resentment, envy hatred etc. as someone else mentioned pvp is just a way for others to feel superior, all of us who never really pvp have had that one pvp player who won't leave you alone and CONSTANTLY tries to challenge you despite having pvp invites turned off. even legends pvp has nothing wrong with it, certain characters are just out of their bracket in comics and dcuo both, granted batman/robin SHOULDN'T be wrecking red lanterns but when looking at the source material, in justice league comics they DO. the truth is you don't "like" pvp, all the people wanting pvp "fixed" hate it and just like the rush of victory, it fuels your superiority complexes as a prior poster stated. and what's worse is that it seeps over and permeates into pve sometimes halting entire raids because person A doesn't like person B in the raid/alert group but doesn't say so and tries to wreak payback on them by holding up the group content or as evidenced by all the people flinging racial slurs at each other over open world chat channels for EVERYONE to hear.
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  9. Owl Devoted Player

    The development team members that post in the forums are not the ones that can fix PVP.
    It is not within their scope (or skill set).

    An Artist that creates and modifies Styles and Objects can NOT fix PVP.
    A Content Designer that builds Maps and Instances using existing assets can NOT fix PVP.

    Artists and Designers do NOT have the skill set to fix PVP.

    Also, how much revenue does PVP generate compared to other items you mentioned such as the Marketplace, Replay Badges, Membership, Time Capsules and Stabilizers? Those other items have real world dollar amounts attached.
  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    There doesn't need to be a PvP dev to comment on it. A simple "we don't care" or "later down the road maybe" well suffice just fine
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  11. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    I don't comment on those post because of no interest. Many that play here may ignore those posts for the same reason. Mass multi-player playing with each other as team is always the draw for me. Solo games are the aim in many online games for me. PVP games and content, ignored like gold spammers.
  12. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    PvP is not a top priority right now. It could be later on down the road maybe.
    • Like x 7
  13. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

    So see you again in another one or two years? The player base that PvP'd and played this game is tired. Have you looked at PvP phase in the WT? All those customers are gone. I wish you guys understood those pvpers were the same people that put a lot of money into the game.

    How about we have a REAL discussion about trying to fix PvP instead of ignoring it?
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  14. BumblingB I got better.

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  15. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

  16. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    I really don't think monetizing PvP is the issue, there have been so many unique ideas in the past and there will be so many more brought up in the future. I believe the true problem is the developers ability to actually rehaul PvP to the playable competitive standard we all want and hope for and also fitting it into their work schedule. If only we had a true dedicated team of PvP developers, then we would see consistent progress, but that may be too much to ask for - even though us customers are keeping this game running with all of the money we constantly pour into this game, it's a shame that it's a half-working game.
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  17. Xibo Loyal Player

    At least, double PvP rewards would be great.
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  18. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    It's tough to gauge because the evidence can be interpreted 2 different ways:

    1. A small minority of players actually played PVP because they don't like the way it works in this game. This means it's not cost-effective to invest resources into, leading to in being neglected and currently extremely unbalanced, unfun and unfair.

    2. The neglect and bugs present in PVP, as well as its extremely unbalanced, unfun and unfair setup, has driven players away from PVP. This means a small minority of players actually play PVP anymore, so it's not cost-effective to invest resources into.

    Either could be true, but the end result - expensive to invest into - is true in both cases and means they would have to use important cash that could go to PVE episode development into a gamble that they don't know the final result of. If the bugs and imbalance are the problem, fixing PVP could help elite players stay busy and avoid boredom and give all players another aspect of the game to have fun with. If the general dislike of pvp in the community is the problem, no amount of money will change that.

    As much as the devs are major proponents of RNG for players, they extremely dislike RNG when it comes to profit margins, lol.
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  19. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

    To you it was a small minority. The game had a big pvp following and had a lot of players pay money to them. Look at PvP WT. It's empty now.
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  20. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    While I understand it is not a top priority Mepps, is it possible to get small fixes here and there (such as suggested by my thread regarding Batman and Robin's BB as an example)?

    I mean I have no delusions of a full gauntlet of PVP updates but do you believe it is possible to get small fixes here and there applied?
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