Kryptonian Time Capsule!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 27, 2018.

  1. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    That's a different point. It's also entirely subjective.
  2. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Man, not even 24 hours before the torches and pitchforks...

    I had a bunch of stabilizers saved up...used them up.

    I definitely PREFER this version to the previous TCs.

    No more grabbing gear capsules to wind up with 8 sets of feet. Market won’t be as flooded with specific pieces. The value of gear vs collections will be a little more normalized.

    Hairstyle isn’t a choice, it’s part of the capsule opening. You won’t have to choose hair or rare collection.
    You still get quarks with each opening, it’s not only a choice.
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  3. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Heat vision after revamp became a cookie cutter, which equaled less choice. They scaled it back. We applauded.

    If you want to use it with the new artifact, go for it, but you’ll sacrifice a different artifact and those bonuses. That’s the choice. I’ll reserve other opinions until I see how a single target fire loadout works with this maxed. New fotm?

    We should all eat more cheese instead of playing with it.
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  4. UnbreakableII Well-Known Player

    Blue? Really, Fire beam in blue color? GARBAGE!!!!!
  5. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Very well put.

    Guessing they think players are nice and all. I can see right now, no one will have a choice on how they troll any longer. If you aren't using the correct artifact, the multi debuff, then you'll be kicked.

    This is our community!

    Like others have said, and yes, it looks very very suspect, obvious, whatever term you want to throw out. That it seems very much that you've taken our suggestions and turned them into money makers. To say so without even addressing the issues is a bit arrogant. Sure, maybe you all didn't mean to do this. That's why theres the saying, look before you leap.

    This last year it is a struggle for me to keep interested in playing this game. Now with the way you've made the artifacts work, not only is changing powers costly, changing playstyles is almost not worth it. I say this because of a comment Mepps said a week ago or so. That weapons balance is on your radar. So do I go ahead and cross my fingers with what weapon will work correctly? If weapons are balanced, does this mean the two that are abused are just being nerf'd? I'll be damned if I grind out and level up an artifact to have my playstyle nerf'd in 6 months.

    So, from most of us players, please answer this. Why was the controller role debuffs not made this way? You all miss what most are asking with wanting more options as a troll. Doing AOE debuffs is great for everyone, obviously. Is this what players have been asking for? No. Especially not by means of an artifact.

    Say what you will Avair. Your companies lack of communication, proper testing, and arrogance is pushing players away.
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  6. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    You are probably right. But as I don't open many TCs because I don't buy stabilizers, it doesn't make much difference. And having only one collection piece to choose from instead of three, as with the subcapsule, seems like a step backwards.

    I'll go so far as to say that I'd be more inclined to buy stabilizers if ALL the old items (collection pieces, gear) from older time capsules were in the quark vendor, since it would no longer be flat-out gambling. I would be buying quarks and possibly getting bonuses instead of just hoping I got a lucky drop from an old Amazon Time Capsule.

    I'm still missing a lot of emblems and even more collection pieces. I would not want to see the Phoenix Material or Void Material or Corrupted Aura in the vendor, but I would like to be able to complete each of the collections. As a completionist, Time Capsules hurt my heart. I have collections I know will never get completed because the final pieces are stuck behind horrible RNG that's stuck behind a paywall. The devs could ameliorate that simply by putting those collections pieces and emblems and gear pieces in the Quark Vendor.
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  7. EconoKnight XIII Legion

  8. SuperHarley Active Player

    YES!! All they do is COMPLAIN. Things WON'T change a LOT more because capsules and artifacts are FINE this way, many are ENJOYING AND BUYING the capsules, even Fatal Star agreed to buy stabilizers and SUPPORT the system and the game.

    The DEVS have changed a LOT the capsules to STOP the CRY threads, so, instead of COMPLAINING every 10 seconds, just let US enjoy the GAME and the COOL STYLES/STATS.

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  9. Aren Sul Committed Player

    Reactive gear sounds cool.
    On a related wish: I always wanted the ability to choose an aura style to appear when you're in combat (somewhat similar to choosing a secondary weapon style).
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Cool. thanks. Was hoping for something like that. Didn't open any last night, so glad to have an answer.

  11. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    You can enjoy your "cool stats" as much as you like. You're free to love p2w systems as much as you want. Just don't complain when the games gets emptier and emptier because vets are gone.
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  12. Soul ReaperX Well-Known Player

    Don't really have any negative opinion on the new TC's. I mean you guys have to make money one way or the other anyhow. As for why not put styles in the MP is beyond me but I'm sure you have your reasons.

    BUT, I must say, putting old Tc's styles (Wings of sin) In the Quark machine just MAY prove to be more profitable in the long run.

    Also, I was asked about the ability to gift market place cash to friends and league mates. I don't know how difficult that would be to implement but I do agree with the concept.

    Thank you.
  13. Plowed In Loyal Player

    So...a little pushback...:) ;)

    There’s a whole bunch of individuals who post. I disagree with saying “All they do is complain,” because there’s so many specific topics with a lot of good discussion. And those good discussions came from dissatisfaction with the current system. So many things are in game because of our community’s feedback, both positive and negative.

    I’m sure Fatal isn’t out taking a second mortgage so he can open time capsules ;)

    I get that we speak lots of different languages, but there are many ways to phrase things and essentially say the same thing in English. The way we say things is sometimes more important than what we’re saying, especially when it’s all done through text. No one likes being objectified.

    “You’re stupid for writing that.” vs “I disagree with what you’re saying.”

    See the difference?

    So what do you like better about this version vs. previous TCs?

    I didn’t like the Assassin capsule had a whole sub capsule containing sin stones. I’m really happy they did away with that. I wish artifacts were separated completely from time capsules, but at least this way they’re only minimally tied to opening them. And I’m assuming they’ll be on the quark vendor soon enough.
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  14. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Honestly. Has the whole EA fiasco not taught companies anything that the majority of players in this country atleast have wised up to these toxic tactics and arent going to put up with it.

    This game is just flying under the radar because its not as popular which will also be its downfall. Since its not as popular it can't really afford to lose players. Now i dont have any clue about population. All i know is since i started in 2012 lfg is almost at a crawl compared to previous years.

    Now they can say they are making money im sure they are. The long term effect is that you end up with say 500 players who are happy to drop cash on p2w stuff but at the cost of driving 5000 players to just say nah im good and leave to take their money else where. Those are numbers for sake of example obviously. But thats how it feels this game is going.

    Im sure they are making money but the long term of it drives casual players away. Casuals who could possibly become regulars but leave instead. I've seen streamers new to the game realize how paywalled the game is and are never seen again. I would never recommend this game to any new person in its current state. Mmos arent as popular anymore and that combined with people having enough of p2w boxes results in the casual actually just saying the heck with it and peacing out. All opinions of course but i genuinely believe that.
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  15. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Frankly Avair, you don't have to believe anything.
    What you should believe is the player base as they pay your salary and keep this game going think by and large believe something different.

    No, the customer isn't always right. But when enough customers voice a dissatisfaction it should be noted and acted upon.

    Many like me have gone from spending litteraly thousands on this game (on top of our monthly subs) and frankly many like myself have had it. You currently get my sub and thats really it.

    Keep pushing this way and you won't have even that anymore. This is not a threat as I love this game will continue to hope for a change in the future and support it as long as it continues to be enjoyable. But understand and realize its harder and harder to continue to do so the way this game is going.
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  16. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    Someone may have mentioned this (didn't feel like going through 9 pages of comments to see), but FYI: if you use a replay badge to buy the feats associated with the new artifacts for your alts, you automatically get the artifact in the mail for that alt (just like the Assassin Time Capsule artifacts). So you DO NOT have to open 15 TC's for each of your alts. Feats are only 1 star, so also not as many badges need to be used as the previous artifacts.
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    All of which doesn't change the 'perception'™ that it was reduced only to sell it back at a later date. That's the problem, taking Avair at his word, which I'm more than prepared to do, it was obviously unintended. ;)

    We're just going to have to wait to see how powerful it really is at 160.
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  18. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    i do actually like the capsules this time around, probably cause i'm after gear this time, but as realTegan has pointed out for this system to truly work the quark vendor needs to do what was originally asked for, and that's to make the styles from capsules readily available.
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  19. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I'm not a fan of time capsules but this one I like. No exobytes or other crafting stuff and the artifacts are selling like hotcakes on the broker for no less than $800K.
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  20. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    And that is a 100% legitimate opinion and point of view!

    But a CEO saying they're looking carefully at how to approach monetization is not exactly shocking or horrifying. Monetization is not a bad word. Doing it badly is bad. That's all I'm saying.

    Jackster might be the worst thing ever, but quoting him saying that they're trying to monetize thoughtfully is not the best evidence of that to wave about. That's all.
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