Attn Mods: Suggestion For a New Consumable Item...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jack T. Chance, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    So, after playing this game for roughly 6 years, I've been thinking a lot about ways to improve the gameplay experience for us players, and in return, possibly draw back in some players that have left the game.

    Amongst the consumable items that give us temporary boosts, one of the most massively useful is the XP Booster Box, that gives you a period of time wherein that character gains more experience, so you can level them up faster.

    Along those lines, I'd like to suggest another Booster Box. Given how important their characters' personal styles are to most of the game's players, and given that some of the rarest, and most desirable, styles in the game (including ALL of the Cross Faction Styles) are STILL only obtainable from Promethium Lockboxes, and are therefore being held hostage by the Random Number Generator Lottery, I hereby propose a Lockbox Drop Rate Booster Box!

    Activating this item would give a player a MINIMUM of 24 hours of playtime for that character during which the Promethium Lockbox drop rate would be SIGNIFICANTLY increased. I'm thinking a TRIPLED drop rate would achieve the desired effect, i.e. making it easier to farm for some of the game's rarest, and most desirable, styles, such as the Demon's Tail Waist Style! ;)

    So, to any Devs reading this, PLEASE make this happen immediately, if not sooner! :D

    And to any and all players reading this, if you also would like to see this happen, PLEASE like this post, and post your agreement below! Thank you! :)
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  2. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I think it's about time they upped the drop rate normally, without the booster item, personally. Also, I don't know how big a demand there would be for this item. But, more stuff on the MP is better, so if production cost is minimal, I'd say go for it.
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  3. spack2k Steadfast Player

    ok but a tripled drop rate would mean every 2h a box, wont make any difference cause of being held hostage by the Random Number Generator Lottery as u say... they would need to drop atleast as often as time capsules every 20min.
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  4. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I've personally requested on NUMEROUS occasions that the Devs do another Increased Drop Rate Event like they did when Cross Faction Styles first launched in the Dropboxes. And every single time, Mepps has shot down the idea and said that no, they won't do it again. Those of us that missed out on it (in my case, due to game-breaking glitches for people playing on a Windows Vista machine that arrived with one of the Game Updates, which the Devs then took many months to fix) are just SOL. :(

    But we ALL know, thanks to Time Capsulepalooza, that they LOVE finding ways to monetize anything and everything the players ask for now. So this is a way to give us what we want AND make more money selling us consumable items in-game! Those of us that are trying to nab that stupidly rare one specific Lockbox style we need to make our character complete will buy them repeatedly until we get the item we're after. So via this method, there's no GOOD reason for the Devs to say no! ;)
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  5. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Well, when Cross Faction Styles first launched, we had at least a few months of an across the board doubled drop rate. So you'd get one after every 3 hours of play. And that enabled a LOT of people to acquire a TON of Cross Faction Styles and rare styles for their alts, so that's why I suggested tripled, because in 6 hours of play, you'd get 3 instead of only 1! But I definitely wouldn't object to every 20 minutes! :D

    The Free To Play and Premium players, on the other hand... they'd probably be pretty ticked off, due to all the Promethium Keys they'd have to buy! ;)
  6. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I'm down for whatever either improves our odds, or after a certain amount of time, your able to select which item out of the box you want. Sure that would kill people's way of making in game money, and sure people would buy less stabilizers. This WOULD make the feats attached to them a little more acceptable. Just random ideas. :)

    I can tell you this week I was able to finish 3 SP worth of feats. I'm very frugal with my money. The first day of this resurgence TC I was able to finish all the original auras. The collections were very, very cheap that first night. Since then, myself and others, bought up those cheap collections to resell for higher prices.

    My point, the devs don't control the broker pricing. We do. Better odds won't make better prices for long. People like the $
  7. MaryMagdalene_DCUO Well-Known Player

    The devs have had plenty of opportunities to change the prom boxes again or create a cross faction vendor.
    They missed an opportunity of putting black manta T5 vendor villain style and Heroes' T5 counterpart version as drop gear in deluge.
    lol speaking of demon tail, just got my third one a few days ago. I'd rather trade it for Aegis of Azarath feet or Metallo Maw head but of course, those styles aren't tradeable.
  8. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    For the love of.... you've got 3, and some of us don't even have ONE for our ONE character that needs it! :(
  9. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Well, on one of the updates they DID do to the Lockboxes, they put in a loot selector, so for awhile now, it's been giving players the choice between 2 different pieces of randomized armor/styles. The problem is, with the RNG Lottery as jacked up as it is, the thing should really give us 4-6 to choose from, AND it should automatically eliminate as possibilities any styles that character has already collected. And it should also be guaranteed that at least one of the options will be one of the rarest styles in the Lockboxes, and there should be guaranteed at least one Cross Faction Style.

    Oops, there I go again, making sense! I keep forgetting that's not allowed! :rolleyes:
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  10. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    I have 3 too. It's actually a common drop.
  11. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    I’ve never seen it...(not that I care. What I want that I’ve also never seen is Circe’s costume...)
  12. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    The Circe-Inspired Iconic Style set is Ancient Divine Sorceress...


    It's obtained from the Throne of the Dead Raid in Amazon Fury Part II.
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  13. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Only for villains.
  14. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Ah, gotcha. I think the cut-off for Cross Faction Styles is the content just before Amazon Fury II. Cross Faction Styles badly needs an update, preferably in the form of an actual Cross Faction Style Vendor. But there I go again, making sense. I keep forgetting that's not allowed! :rolleyes:
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  15. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    So, this just happened! :D

    Original post was HERE!

    I'd just like to state, on the record, MEPPS, I LOVE YOU AND THE OTHER DEVS FOR MAKING THIS HAPPEN!!!! :D

    Starting Sunday, I'm on vacation for 1 week. There will be LOTS of time spent playing DCUO during that week! :cool:
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  16. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Yeah that was a really nice thing to for them to do completely out of the blue. :)
  17. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Especially considering that some of us missed out on the original period of increased drop rates due to the Devs taking FOREVER to fix game-breaking unintended glitches that some of us experienced while it was going on, thus causing us to pester them for YEARS begging them to do increased drop rates again, only to get a firm "NO!" as the response! :rolleyes:
  18. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    GU82 triples the drop rate of Prom Boxes.
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  19. Dene Devoted Player

    Thought you'd like this more LOL

    • Fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent the style for the Mastery Two style from saving in an armory.
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  20. Dene Devoted Player

    You are going to get this one day and the forums will explode LOL

    (hope this increase gets it for you :))
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