NPC's hitting too hard post GU80

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Deus Ex Machina, Mar 8, 2018.

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  1. C3alix Committed Player

    Seeing that Lying Claw has no tell when she's going to attack us with that, it's absolutely annoying and unfair. That's like a programmed predetermined death to a random player.

    I've also noticed less people shouting for ZooE since the update...
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  2. Vagrant Committed Player

    I refuse to run ZooE again until this is fixed, its so ridiculously sloppy its embarrassing. TEST YOUR CONTENT IF YOU PLAN TO CHANGE NUMBERS DEVS.
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  3. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    the irony in this thread is amusing.
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  4. Darth Loyal Player

    I'm not sure about USE but I know ZooE is pretty ridiculous right now. A lot of healer shields can get you through, otherwise you get wrecked by Lying Claw. I can imagine USE is off as well.

    PanE is entirely fine. The same as it was pre GU80. I will likely look into EscapeE this weekend.

    This update seems to off kilter. I really wish proper testing would have gone into the update before it launched. It should have been postponed.
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  5. MC GreenLantern Active Player

    Zoo E seemed a whole lot more hectic. One of our runs it seemed like Talia was just mind controlling people twice as much as normal.
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  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Yeah. Almost like we don't have many testers willing to do it anymore because of backlash from the revamp
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  7. Darth Loyal Player

    Test server players or not, the devs should test their own content when they make significant changes to end game content.

    As for the revamp, as a player that started in 2012, I really enjoy it. Any backlash wasn't from my direction.
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  8. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Ahh, so that explains why ZooE feels like a disaster today. I've been running it consistently for a while now but today was failed run after failed run. Running that raid has been one of the only things to get me to log in as I'm about done with ep 30. The insanely protracted wait for a new episode along with an ill conceived buff to contest that no one wanted or needed? Business as usual it seems :(
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  9. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    This is just ridiculous come on devs test the game don't just let players test the game for you, 1st Mr Freeze is killing us in a seasonal and now we can't even do elite raids because adds and bosses are buffed like crazy, no wonder we can stack soo many soders now.
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  10. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I was actually in ZooE last night. A league mate seemed pretty desperate for help with the Talia fight and so I joined out of loyalty and morbid curiosity. It was my first elite raid in god knows how long, so there were plenty of things that made me think “daymn, son!”, but as previously mentioned I’d forgotten about this aspect of the update, so I figured that’s just how we roll in elite. But now I know there could be bugs, I’ll detail what I discovered:

    1) NPC’s were hitting crazy hard. I could still withstand a couple of glancing blows weirdly, but we needed a second tank to split the aggro up, because even they were struggling to weather sustained assaults. Struggling so much, in fact that we had to have two healers as well!

    2)Psionic Snare was also one-shotting me from out of nowhere. I could just barely survive with a shield up, though. I think.

    3) We got the notification that Talia had enraged, but nothing actually changed. I thought she was meant to instantly kill everyone she touched after that happens?

    4) She uses her mind control darts much more frequently, but summons waves of adds and teleports/focus blasts random players less often than in Normal.

    This could all very well be intended, but I’m putting it out there anyway, just in case.
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  11. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Oy! The reactions in this thread. There's been thread after thread for months of players complaining "there's no challenge anymore", "Elite is a joke", "I miss the good old days when it was an accomplishment to finish PW"

    Now here we are and elite for the latest episodes is no longer a walk in the park (randomized one-shots aside....that's never cool), and folks are acting like elite raids are broken and they refuse to play it until the Devs "fix" it.

    This is why so many posts can't be taken's just plain laughable. Instead of complaining, try viewing it as a personal challenge to rise up to the difficulty and overcome it. This is what players have been asking for. Seize the opportunity!

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  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    You know, I was thinking that. Especially since my group did actually beat Talia after a handful of tries, despite being a fairly ragtag bunch with muggins here < solo trolling. It was hard but not impossible.

    I’m actually okay with random oneshots in elite to an extent. Plenty of games I’ve played will straight up murder you with little to no provocation on the hardest difficulty settings. But the rally limit needs to go if they take that route.
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  13. Roocck Committed Player

    Find this thread hilarious, I take a jab at this when I see it. Community asked for certain changes and complain when they get it. LMAO
  14. C3alix Committed Player

    I don't think yall understand the difference between a challenge and b.s. mechanics. Getting one-shotted ACROSS THE ENTIRE SCREEN from a no-tell attack w/ 300+ sp is a b.s. mechanic. Having to take down a boss while making sure certain ads don't buff the raid is a challenge.

    Our biggest complaint is not knowing when she'll one shot someone because it's not even a .5 second animation, something not long enough for anyone to predict.
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  15. Zneeak Devoted Player

    The usual suspects are here taking shots, I see. I guess people should just settle for things that get broken and adapt that as a challenge.
    Logic all around, folks! Logic all around. :D :rolleyes: On a serious note, it sounds like a good change overall for future content, but broken one-shots has been spoken up on again and again in regards of Elite-content. It just doesn't add up well with a 2 death-limit in place.
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  16. Vagrant Committed Player

    Sounds to me like someone isn’t running ZooE or UsE after this update.....or has never ran them at all. I loved the difficulty of these raids because they were already challenging. Things felt fair, you dies because you made a mistake. Now you just die because well ads hit too hard regardless of what you do. There is a difference between difficulty and artificial difficulty. If I can’t prevent deaths because things are broken then its not difficult its cheap and imbalanced.
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  17. Tilz Loyal Player

    Mh... Just did Pano Elite yesterday. I had the feeling that the group took more damage (I'm healer), but it was easy to heal. Still.

    I will try to get into a ZooE run over the weekend (or multiple runs). But from what I'm reading here i'm not that happy.

    I don't have a problem with elite raids that are hard. Like having complicated/fun mechanics, so you have to look out all the time and react. I actually like bossmechanics with a skull = block = alive => go on. Those mechanics are cool, because you need to be fast and not just sleeping during gameplay (like in normal content).

    Random oneshots on the other hand are just stupid bs. Getting killed out of nothing, by a random hit from the boss is stupid. That has nothing to do with gameplay mechanics or awareness or skill.. That's just random bs.

    I also think ZooE was actually fine.
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  18. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    C'mon now. There is challenging and then there are one shots with no tells. There s a difference.
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  19. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I ran both raids on normal last night as the tank. Things are hitting harder. I couldn't run my damage build with the group we had, bad burners. Got killed once in the hallways, lol.

    Sorry, but it should have been this way from the get go. I enjoyed feeling like I could solo the raids before the update. Not anymore. Very good devs, very good.

    As for elite. Let me ask one question to those having trouble. Are you running with PUGs or set groups. Sorry, but not every should easily beat elites, and yes, everyone was. Elites should require fully geared, experienced players. Kind of sounds like it's working correctly, except for the one shot crap with no tells.
  20. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    lol....GU 80 is GU 47 again! Now they wanna say it involves artifacts! Thanks goes out to all you “not challenging enough” folks out bums, lol! Only pertaining to the NPC portion for all you s-m-a-r-t guys
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