gold sellers vs rng. which avenue do u go?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lukelucky, Feb 25, 2018.

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  1. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Okay so earlier I saw and checked out this thread and started to respond but decided to "be a nice guy" and say nothing... But I', sorry Shark is right. Do you realize that you just came on the forums and literally confessed to violating the TOS for the game you "supposedly" love and would hate to see gone?

    Sadly as The Philosophy pointed out there is not an on line game that hasn't had issues with gold Spammers and while many have tried its a losing battle so most just give up. That does not change the fact the the TOS clearly state you are not supposed to be buying that in game cash off of them. Even without Shark reporting you once the Mediator for the forums saw this thread you'd be looking at some time banned from the game.

    NOW I am not a huge fan of the RNG myself either but you listed two option. There is a third.

    Option C.... I do not shell out ANY real money to buy things like Time Capsules .. I run the daily duo and craft stabilizers as it becomes possible. I have never bought a single Booster Bundle and if I had it would be to obtain the things they promise will actually BE INSIDE.. like the replays, Total Recall Kits etc... I refuse to shell out a pile of cash to MAYBE get that "special Aura" Mainly because I really don't care if any of my alts has one of those things anyway.

    That does not mean I don't spend money in game. I have subbed for all but the very first week I played this game and that was going on 7 years ago. I have used replays but mostly just to buy SP for alts so I don;t need to repeat some of those LONG TEDIOUS BORING feats over again. But I have numerous lairs .. most of my 26 alts have at least 2 and all of them have at LEAST 2 armories if not more. There is not a style or a furniture pack that I have not purchased for one alt or another. and I got tired of waiting on the right collectable to finally appear and years ago just bought the account bound amenities package so I can place any I like in any lair.

    So basically Option 3 is go ahead and spend money but only on stuff you will actually get.. Not get a chance at getting. Not a clue what you actually hoped to accomplish with this thread but eventually it will get shut down and as I mentioned .. REALLY good chance you will spend time not just banned from the forums but from the game with that confession.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Well, well. *grabs fruit snacks*
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  3. lukelucky Devoted Player

    I applaud u and try to do the same to support good old USA.

    U said u look for USA and buy that when u have a choice but what about when u have no choice? U simply skip said item because it is not made in the US? U then go forien no?

    Dcuo does not give me a choice. If I had a choice i would pay extra and support dcuo. Not one subscription but with two I have always paid monthly rather then buy discounted subscriptions. I could pay a year out and save but who cares I support dcuo over spending and am happy to do so.
    Currently for months I do not play Dcuo. I have a sub and will so until this game is shut down. Will I ever play again? No idea and at the moment not looking good.

    Don't paint me the bad guy for garunteeing I walk away with the item i desire. Dcuo has options to get my money and I am all but begging them to take it. You said when u have a choice and I say when I get a choice i will chose dcuo not third party. Till then I can't stomach paying a third party and dcuo gives me zero way to garuntee u get what i open my wallet for so here we stand.
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  4. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    I had to read the OP's intitial post multiple times, still tryna wrap my head around the 11 years thing. Regardless if you meant 5.5 years a piece on 2 accounts, it doesnt read well saying 11 years.

    I find the gold sellers spamming bots uber annoying. They make up 99% of my ignore list.

    I certainly do wish if TOS says dont buy from them, then figure out a way to eliminate the spamming and figure out a way to eliminate bots. If the DCUO economy wasn't already so messed already because of the DUP cheats, the gold sellers are certainly not helping the matter. The broker prices are so ridiculous at the moment. Its a game within the game to work the broker game.
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  5. Knarlydude Loyal Player

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  6. Knarlydude Loyal Player

  7. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    This is bold of you. Ppl are making fun of your decision of posting this kinda make me wonder if they're doing the samething, but making fun of you so they wont get caught.

    I don't applaud your actions, but I do applaud your honesty.

    i'm sure you are confident that they're good amount of players that are doing this and your brining it up to the light.

    Not saying it right but I do see your point. Why pay for RNG when you can get threw the black market.

    It is a dirty lil secret that some of these vets do use to accomplish things and get sp.

    I do understand other ppl argument that DCUO cant do anything about this.

    But I do understand where your coming from. DCUO has to at least do something about gold sellers.

    But here's the thing. Over the years (ppl won't admit this) to be the best in DCUO you have to cheat, speed hack, glitch raids, cheat and cheese in PvP to be the best and don't get banned doing it.

    That's the secret in being the best. and this was true b4 GU 47 as well.

    I do believe in the future it will get worst. H1z1 has a very big problem on cheating and I think DCUO is next in line. We have a generation of players that need instant gratification instead of earning it. If they have to use 3rd party to get what they want faster in order to feel elite they would doit.

    DCUO do have a history of not doing anything unless it affects them financially. And this is why I feel cheaters will grow even larger in PVE.

    I feel that OP is being very truthful cause I think he/she knows it will become a bigger problem down the line if this isn't taken cared of.

    But to be fair this isn't just DCUO it's Daybreak period that have a cheaters problem
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  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    By that logic it means if I make fun of someone for attempting to rob a convenience store, I'm just really hiding the fact that I also attempt to rob convenience stores?......:confused:
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  9. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

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  10. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    too many ppl making fun and not addressing the issue
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  11. Ant Tao Well-Known Player

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  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Which automatically makes them guilty?? Ever stop to think they're mocking because they don't consider gold bots an option because they don't use it? Or ever have?
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  13. Ant Tao Well-Known Player

    None of you work for DB, so quit crying about the TOS and let Mepps do his job if it comes to that. However you all are ignoring the discussion here. Many people would rather buy gold from a 3rd party site than take a chance with RNG. I dont buy TC's and I dont buy gold, only my membership and then work for everything else. Violation of ToS or not, it still happens.
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  14. Ant Tao Well-Known Player

    Not necessarily. People on this thread jumped on him for admitting that he buys gold and we all know people who do it, so idk the surprise. The bigger issue is that he is part of a larger community. DB is losing money from RNG by people who want to guarantee that they get what they want.
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  15. Dene Devoted Player

    Brought to you buy the same poster who said the game should sell its currency...

    Any money I spend on the game, goes to the game... not that it matters.

    You state you are not promoting gold sellers yet you seem to feel it is your only option other than buying lots of TCs or BBs... there *are* options that do not break TOS

    There *is* an Option C:

    I have a fair few awesome league members that i adore... most of those play the the broker as part of the game, they barely buy TCs or BBs.. you keep forgetting or pretending to forget that not all those that have lots of in-game money got it buy getting lucky in RNG and just selling things for lots.. it is a lot more complicated than that.
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  16. Dene Devoted Player

    The healthy alternative ? lol
  17. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Not saying it isn't a problem, but if it hurt DB as much as you or him are insinuating, they would have done something about gold bots long ago, or at least made more time for it.

    Not to mention if this gut feeling I have is correct, I don't think we'll be getting a new time capsule for awhile.
  18. Dene Devoted Player

    So is promoting gold sellers and so is making multiple posts about the same thing.
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  19. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I wouldn't be shocked if they are guilty.
    How many old school pvpers hated cheaters on the foums but actually cheated in game. How many hated flavor of the month powers but yet switch to quantum for TOTD.

    Come on Fatal we litarally seen top players become who they hate over the years. So many top players have been exposed.

    That being said. I don't want to go back and forth going off topic cause this could be Lucky last post. I'm sure he is well aware what could happen to him.
    And I want to pay my respect to a vet by staying on topic with this issue. Cause even tho ppl may not like what he is saying. It is a problem in the DCUO
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  20. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    The point he's trying to make (doing a bad job at it) is that the RnG on the TC's are so bad that its better to buy your items from broker than to take chances opening TC's. People who don't know how to farm and make money will then feel like it's money better spent with a gold seller or players vs buying stabilizers.

    The RnG on the TC's are soooooo bad that you could spend hundreds and still not open and get the item you want or need to finish the feats. That does need to be adjusted imo. If it were it wouldn't bother me near as much when they release a TC. Adding super bad RnG plus 4+ SP attached to the TC's is a bad combination.
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