Free to play what a joke.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by HeavyHip, Feb 23, 2018.

  1. HeavyHip New Player

    So I recently ended paying monthly membership that I had going for almost a year and come to find out that I cant do anything anymore. They took away my utility belt which took away my 224 CR to which I`m now 220 CR and I`m left with next to nothing to do because all tiers are locked except tier 1,2,3 and a few tier 4 and there is no tier 2 in duo that you can do without buying the DLC, now anyone knows that those tiers are basically newbie tiers. This is how they treat a loyal paying customer who not only paid monthly which they got more out of me than if I would bought a year membership and not to mention the money I put in buying more daybreak dollars throughout that time. Everything to do now is buy to play on or its just doing things that get me nothing and nowhere in the game. This is a free to download game, play for a bit and find out you can`t do anything without putting money into the game, because getting to level 30 takes no time at all then its working on getting gear which without spending money on the game takes forever and no fun, not to mention the stupid $2000 cash limit you can hold while the rest goes into escrow how stupid is that and can`t trade without membership.So basically you can have a few months of gameplay if that then give up because you wont get any further without spending money. To call this a free to play game is a joke this is the greediest game ever in regards to being able to play for any long period of time as I have played on free to play games and been on them for years and not have to put any kind of money in to play like this one and some I did not have to put any money into them to play for a long time. This is the old bait and switch and which is sad because its a que and wait game that is annoying because you can be waiting hours to get into a que or have any kind of gaming going because of the whole queing concept of playing.
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  2. Mazahs Loyal Player

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  3. Castrato Well-Known Player

    It’s free to play up to a certain point. It gives the player a small taste, if you will, of the game. If you like the game, this far, you subscribe or buy certain episodes/episode packs and continue playing without subscribing. Just be glad that this game went free to play instead of having to have a membership to even play it. You subscribed for almost a year, as you put it, so you knew what you were buying. Now that you aren’t “buying” anymore you feel that you should be able to do everything in the game. Not going to happen, sir.

    Resubscribe or buy episode packs if you don’t want to be left in tier 4. Keep this in mind though, if you only buy episodes you’ll still only have a 2k cash limit. If you want to be able to use all your money again then resub. It’s one of the perks we get when you subscribe.
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  4. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    What do you do for a living ?

    Would you mind doing it for free from now on ?
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  5. Xpung3d New Player

    Yep that’s how they treat a “loyal paying customer” that stops paying. Buy episodes or re-sub. Otherwise you get newb runs, pvp, seasonal and the event versions of episodes. All of that is free to play and can chew up a couple hours if you also grind on your r&d feats, your investigations, open world collections, briefings and all the other billion basic game feats that take forever to grind out. Want more challenge? Take off some gear and run the old open world walk in missions at level. I sub and still do that from time to time for the fun of it.
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  6. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Typically in life you get what you pay for, at least in theory.

    In this particular instance, you paid, you played. You stopped paying... well you get the picture.
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  7. 6ix9ine Well-Known Player

    it is free to play.

    its just not free to advance
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Honestly tho, what did you think was going to happen when you let your sub lapse?
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  9. Tilz Loyal Player

    So you used to sub for a game. And now you don't want to sub anymore (for whatever reason), but you want to play that same game for completly free? Totally makes sense o_O
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  10. useless Well-Known Player

    you can always help police with robbers or pick a fight with Captain Kruel :)
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  11. stärnbock Devoted Player

    from now on, you will allways be able to run the current endgame stuff like events for free and get gear to progress aswell. thats very generously IMHO
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  12. ChillCat Loyal Player

    This thread will not end well
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  13. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Okay I was about to ask how long have you played and this information JUST now became available to you? You did just join the forums in September of last year so you probably are pretty new. THAT said.... when you started to play the game and decided to Subscribe did you look at the options the other set up gave a player? The whole idea behind Legendary is TOTAL ACCESS to the game. You are now a Premium not F2P because all it takes to be a Premium is a single purchase of $5.00 or more and you fulfilled that by subbing for one month. But in the narrative for both Premium and F2P it tells you the limits you have.

    At this point the only way your CR 220 can play end game is if you BUY DLCs. Now here's the OTHER thing. Unlike many players that chose to stay premium and have been for years .. You subbed and are now sitting at CR 220. You want your utility belt back? Go to the Market and buy that DLC. You want to play end game? You can go to the Market and BUY the Earth 3 DLC. You can skip buying any of those other DLCs if you like since you have already gotten your character so high that content is no longer relevant. Now you MAY need to but a couple more if you want to run the content that drops Catalysts or you can just go to the Market and BUT Catalyst packs.

    I understand your disappointment but the game does require money to stay on line. Dev team members insist on being paid. The severs need to be maintained and the Tech support folks all have families that insist on eating and having a bed to sleep in. The Electric company just has no sense of humor about daybreak not paying the bill. Oh yeah and the Stock holders for Daybreak actually want things the company produces to make money. Tony Stark does not own Daybreak and just decided to create a super hero game so people could have some fun... and IF he did we'd all be playing with Marvel Comics characters not DC Comics.

    The only thing F2P was added to the game for was to allow some players to try out the game and see if they WANTED to spend money on it.
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  14. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    This is very true as well.. Okay OP you lost some CR when they took away your utility belt but a 10 level can go to Earth 3 and run all of the daily and weekly stuff and grab up unatuned armor that will give you CR 191 gear for any role you have picked to play. heck E3 content even gives you access to the duo, alert and both raids. It has been the trend since Age of Justice so it a pretty good bet the same will apply when Deluge hits and then in April the three month long Superman event begins.. Its an EVENT not a DLC and those are always designed to allow anyone above level10 to participate. Now add in the fact that last year as I recall they had at least TWO open game months where anyone could play ANY content. If that trend continues you can even do older content when thos periods hit.
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  15. TestReporter Loyal Player

    The Free to Play concept of DCUO is a trap and we all know that very well. They are giving you just a demonstration of the game, like WOW, the difference is that in WOW your progress just stops (afaik) and you have to pay if you want to keep playing and they make it very clear when you download it.

    In DCUO you can keep playing if you don't pay, it is very limited? Yes. Could be better? Probably. Will Daybreak ever make it clear that if you don't pay after certain point you won't be able to progress? I doubt it, they don't have to (because you aren't testing the game, you are allowed to keep playing it until the servers shutdown with full acess to most of the events and some free episodes). Not telling that the game is very limited is a way to get new players in the game (Is it immoral? In my opnion yes, but it works very well. At least it worked with me).

    In the end this is just a business, Mepps probably wants to be in Aruba not having to deal with crybabies, but he needs money to eat and to pay his bills. They are greedy many times, i agree, but you shouldn't expect a game like this with mulitple episodes that has to pay a license to DC to give you everything or things that you don't pay for. I think it's kinda of clear that when u stop paying something, you lose acess to it.
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  16. BlackSuperGirl Committed Player

    You forgets that this game almost was suspended years ago, was when SOE/Sony sold it for DayBreak, they need of our money for keep it alive, cuz put a side other cost for game maintenance stuffs .. Players complain so much so much so much about game balance, TC, BB, MW, AM, PVP Pve, Replay Badges that s a holy miracle that devs do gotta pissed off and kills all server to die
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  17. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I understand your frustration. The way the game is marketed and how the game really is are two different things. Most players that have played other Free To Play games know & understand what you are saying. The ones trying to dispute what you are saying have really only played DCUO. The large majority of Free To Play games have all of the content open not just the lower 25% of the game. The FTP model is an advertising & microtransaction model used to nickel & dime it's customers. The only thing that I can say is that free does not pay to keep the lights on either.

    IMO, DCUO would be better served using the open episode model that they used a while back. All episodes were open with different lock out timers based off of your account status.
  18. sirzap Well-Known Player

    1. free to play led to Marvel Heroes demise. No income no food. No food no eat. No eat then dead.

    2. free to play for dcuo is a half-truth. its true and not true at the same time. its true for up to a certain point you can play for free... until you got access then you have choices to pay or not.

    3. monthly subscription is likened to a rent. after it expires and no monthly rent you can't access episodes that are not for free.
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  19. TestReporter Loyal Player

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  20. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I think DCUO is trying to have it's cake and eat it too when it comes to F2P . They have a sub , episodes that you pay for , a cash limit for F2P , lootboxes tied to progress and a market place . They're trying to do everything and failing at alot of it .
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