Complex crime scene riddle

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jay Smeezy, Oct 26, 2017.

  1. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Was it week 1-3 of dlc?
  2. High Troller Loyal Player

    I bought mine two mornings ago for 150 mil. Guess were both lucky.
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  3. Zneeak Devoted Player

    When people call themselves lucky for buying ONE collection piece for 140-150 mil, you know the droprate is beyond messed up. :p
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  4. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    This is my last collection for the feat. I see it selling at 150-300 million and they are gone ever single time. If I get it, I think I'm going to sell it just to prepare myself for the next DLC and capsules.
  5. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    4 days ago
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  6. MastaMind Dedicated Player


    I notice that a few people seem to think that running content on alts somehow justifies the logic that you should receive the rarest collection from the set. I don't really understand this train of thought. There are a few items that drop in The Vault that I would love to get. Like the trinket that gives you a big pumpkin ball. Just because I run The Vault on a ton of alts does not mean that I should be guaranteed it. Sure it helps the chances, but these posts are literally worded like the game is broken because of it???

    I know that just over the time that the double marked bills came out I seen the price on this collection get cut in half. I have not been able to play as much on the last couple days, but I had seen them down to $120 million at one point. Clearly they do drop. I have seen quite a few people who have the gloves. I noticed that some of the posts don't even say that they did not get a drop, but rather they just say that they did not get this particular drop.

    Trust me. I understand the frustration. There are several style feats that should be super easy. I have researched it to find out that they actually drop in some pretty low level content. Yet I am not getting them done. However, I definitely do not go out and blame the game nor insinuate that the entire system is flawed. Then again, I also have that "think positive" attitude. I ran AF3 content for months and months only needing the Gorgon Slayer boots. Every week I hit those raids with high hopes and nothing worthwhile happened. I had already completed all of the collections and the Fallen God set. I literally only ran Underworld Trials to assist league mates who still needed to milk that content. I had gave up all hope on getting it to drop, and was just praying that maybe one day they would update the styles vendor. One day out of the blue I got the boots on the last boss. Without expecting it. That is how the system should work. No rhyme. No reason. Just. Pure. Luck.

    Sure, maybe you have been lucky in the past with your running a ton of alts method. That is how it goes. I went well over a month in Age Of Justice without getting a single drop, but there was a point where I got about 12 collections in a row. Every mission was dropping me something. Sometimes even twice. I guess the point would be that you cannot cry when the chips are down if you are not upset when they are up. Or well. I guess you can. However, it just makes you look a bit foolish.
  7. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    seems like for the most part. (the most part) you need to reset the stuff for it to drop. you know, the people that can spend the money to get the good drops...
  8. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    The collection price not dropping. It was one on the broker for 300mil yesterday and noe It's gone. It's a nother for 280mil on there now. How can anyone look at this price and still bring up RNG? It's a post how about how the collection wasn't on the broker for 3 days. The entire usps/pc server had bad RNG? At some point you have to give up.
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  9. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    You got lucky. The past few days have seen prices of 300 million.
  10. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Collection is currently at 220 million or it was when I logged out a few minutes ago. Op collections have gotten harder and harder to obtain and gotten more expensive with each episode. Sure it's just in everyone's head though and we should maintain a positive attitude.
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  11. Elusian Crowd Control

    If you wonder where they go ...


    One right before the bonus weekend (wednesday) and the other today. Thats 2 out of 6 runs since ep.29 release as I usually dont run the alert on US side.
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  12. Kestral Committed Player

    I miss it when you could just need/greed on the 2 collection chances in every alert and raid. At least then you knew someone was getting a collection piece on every run, and the overall completion rate seemed better because you didn't need resets to get a chance at a collection piece.
  13. Razzbuu Well-Known Player

    i sold mine for 50mil on eu .. it goes for 80mil anyway
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    There was NEVER "need/greed" on OP collection pieces...ever!!!! That only happened/happens on regular collections.
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  15. L T Devoted Player

    The real kicker is that if you somehow manage to obtain the crazy rare op collections, you still need to grind your way to 300+ marked bills to buy the broker piece
  16. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Seems like They are trying to fix the problem. No drops today but the Halloween items are scarce
  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    Edit: Never mind. Not even worth it.
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  18. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    You do realize that you stated you already received one? Which pretty much says that it does indeed drop.

    Things go up and down. The point of my entire argument is not disputing that they are super expensive. My point is that they do drop. Just look at the guy above or the several others within this topic. I have personally witnessed two people get it in the last two days. Both times were in my daily runs of Rise of The Bat. Of course there is going to be a large price tag on most of them. Just look at the demand. Most people are going to collect it. I see nothing wrong with the person giving that up trying to profit for their sacrifice. I just give mine away for free and rack up that good karma, but I can completely understand the logic behind it. Just like with the materials, auras, and every other stupidly overpriced item within the game the flaw is with the players. Not the game.

    Pretty much everything has went up in price. This is because certain players cornered that market, and literally all they do is sit around and flip their money. They know which items people are willing to overpay for. Truth is that most of them are absolutely terrible at the game. So I guess this makes them feel like they're good at something. Say I did post up this controversial collection for 50 million. The odds are that one of them is going to grab it and re-post it for more money because all they do is sit on the broker. I actually heard a guy bragging of doing just that the other day. He actually bought this collection we are speaking of and slapped 80 million more onto the price. The only way this is going to change is if everyone stops trying to profit, and thus does not buy this stuff, or if everyone stops selling the stuff that they do get which is worth cash. It will never happen because everyone wants these shiny pretty items.

    The main problem that I have with the whole idea behind these types of posts is that I would bet tickles to hugs that 99% of the people crying and moaning on here would sell any duplicates for as much as they could possibly get. Honestly tell me that you wouldn't do the same thing that the others are doing if it was you that got lucky. Most people would be lying if they said otherwise. I asked a friend from these forums how my little small league could help each other complete these OP item collections 5 times over, but these big "OG veteran" leagues cannot seem to do it. The answer was because everyone would snatch up the items to try and sell them instead of making sure that absolutely everyone had them. I can see that being a true statement. Just like with Time Capsules. This greedy childish "me me me" mind-state is exactly why people are on here crying. As stated above. It is not the game. It is the person's tactics.
  19. The Anxient Loyal Player

    And since I have said that I haven't received a single op collection running 4 toons everyday for the last 2 weeks. Nothing linked to progression should be this rare. What reasonable excuse for them to become more and more rare with each episode.
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  20. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    It dropped before the Halloween event which many think messed up the drop. The drops are messed up simple