Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Vagrant Committed Player

    How about a Blue Beetle style? We have yet to have this character in the game honestly.
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  2. Megzilla Developer

    I have it written down, thx =)
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  3. Vagrant Committed Player

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  4. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    It might be helpful to say which blue beetle. I myself prefer Jaime Reyes, because he is the one I have known (and I would love an in-game style based on this character).

    But I know at least one person who prefers the Ted Kord version.
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  5. Vagrant Committed Player

    Jaime Reyes is the most known, but Ted Kord is honestly the most interesting. He is basically Batman but uses a Sonic Gun.
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  6. myandria Item Storage

    Here is my redirected post from the "High Heels issues" forum post:

    Hmm.. yeah, I also agree that asking for different styles is better than changing the old ones. How about something like this?


    Or this...

    Or even this..

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  7. DC Urban Committed Player

    That was not for you;)
  8. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    I'd like to have a (cigarette) smoke emote, in the social tab. Not quite relevant to this thread, but just to let you know :) And an apply lipstick emote too. A better 'laugh' emote.
    Some more casual gear: skinny jeans, ripped jeans, bell bottom jeans, different pumps, ankle boots, some boots like the Harley Quinn style, some chunky heel styles, like the Rave style, but a bit different, different shape t-shirts, sweaters, some glove styles like slim leather - not bulky - more shorts, better skirts! - skatergirl style etc - socks to wear with pumps, some short jackets similar to the Harley Quinn style, some hippy-type styles, flowers to wear in hair, jewellry such as tintable rings etc.
    Because if my toons aren't wearing costume, the casual style is quite limited.. one style t-shirt, hoodie, and jeans, one pair of pumps. I like those styles, but choice is very much appreciated.
  9. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I want more female styles too. I've been asking for a new shorter version of the Gunslinger with the bell showing. Plus it would be great if there were another Protector Googles that can be worn on the hair.

    I really want to wear this jacket and gunslinger can be it:

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  10. malik New Player

    Can we get some Js please get us the countdown series. No team jordans we need Concords breds Celtics and Olympics plays better yet just put the 1-15 in styles and we'll just use the pallete
  11. Megzilla Developer

    Those first pair of boots are beautiful.. I gotta get them in :p
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  12. Volle Active Player

    We Need more tactical looking gear, and why is there so litel Styls in the Cash shop? You guys shuld add some iconic styls to it im sure that you guys wuld make so much monye on batman,flash,superman suits in chash shop!. If you guys wuld put some in there. same gose for Emblems packs! Its superhero mmorpg for crying out loud!

    Superhero mmorpg needs the Iconical grear in game!. you guys added Batman beyond i saw and vertion of future batman and green arrow. so what about adding more styls of the mentors in game to cashop aswell. i wuld defenly pay 1000station cash for 1 complet style from cash shop! this wuld incress the income and make it posible to extend more styls specialy when thay can be climbel with more heros trhow acount bound!

    the speedster cowl and batman cowl are amzing. but why stop there been yers sesn i saw somthing in cash shop that was style.

    DCUO you got 10000 of 10000 heros and vilanse to take make gear inspierd styls to game, and wepons! where is Wepon styl vendor? after this meny yers of DCUO there is no wepon style vendor. dispointing we need this. And i wuld love to see more Team Batman, Team Flash. Team Arrow, Styls in game!. more Iconic styls! after all its DCUO.
  13. TeflontheIcon Well-Known Player

    Hey Meg, Teflon. Did you see my post on Zod? And yes those first pair of boots are bomb! Love the buckles and of course the metal heel outsole. Imagine THAT enhanced. I'm a dude BTW.
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  14. TheWizardOfLightz New Player

    All silver material, nice and shinny
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  15. Megzilla Developer

    I don't remember it off the top my head but I can go dig for it. :) And the most fun part about doing casual clothing is I don't have to base it off of comics :p So let's all hope I can get some of this stuff in haha.
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  16. Gwen Dylan New Player

    something like the skirt and stockings seen in this supergirl pic is the kind of style I asked for a few posts back.
    also the Talia al Ghuls suit unless its in the game somehow without me knowing about it?..
    also how about 4 glowing demon eyes? I'm sure that's been asked for many times but it would be useful to have.
    [IMG] [IMG]
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  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    Idk if this has been asked but would it be possible to make the eyes of the beyond cowl be tinted with a color we choose? Like from our color palette i mean.

    Also could we get a catwoman cowl in the game?
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  18. StiltzkinS Level 30

    I think its about time to have AZRAEL STYLE,
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  19. Saturn Girl Committed Player

    The chest style, even without the jacket.

    The Straight and Long hair style.
    The fish wings (hands and back).
    The simple chest style without fish skin(material).


    Wooden Skin.


    The chest and Legs style.
    Alien Head and Hands styles.


    The chest and back and hair style(something like lashina's head style without the mask).
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  20. Saturn Girl Committed Player

    Exactly 4 Demon eyes and 4 Arms are asked much time. I'm hoping to see them on my character.