Dev Discussion GU74: Water Powers

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Aug 30, 2017.

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  1. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player


    The lack of dots on this powerset is a deal breaker. It has basically 3 dots.And they are all terrible choices.
    1. Drown: Supercharge Generator makes it so the the dots are weak and useless
    2. AquaLance: Only has dots with hightide. and it erases high tide as well, so if you want dots you have to use high tide on aqualance. A two step process for a 6ish tic dot.
    3. Whirlpool: Which is a supercharge
    It has only 2 powers that applies the crush PI
    1. Drown: Which AGAIN is a supercharge generator. So basically useless unless you are running a SC
    2. Crashing Wave: Which is a melee move.
    This power literally has no way to do crushing effectively. I shouldn't have to use the SC generator if I don't want too. That would be like forcing fire to use meteor strike as their only PI application power. Crippling.

    This power-set seems almost IMPOSSIBLE to play as a hybrid. There is no diversity in playstyle. I can't NOT use a high tide build. Yet I can use a high tide loadout without using crushing at all.

    Not saying this power is weak. Im more so saying that, it seems the bells and whistles took priority of the foundation of the power. Lots of new shiny mechanics but missing just basic things that most other powers already have
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  2. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    dont have your issue im using a crushing build with taking advantage of hightide with aqualance which also benifits from crushing
  3. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    elaborate. help wanted
  4. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    Drown clipped with high tide, (giving the crush PI and setting up for Aqua lance)
    clip Aqua lance with bubble, ( taking advantage of high tide for aqua lance and the extra damage off the crushing pi in Aqua lance)
    ebb and flow combo clipped on the last hit with tsunami combo last move clip with ebb and flow again clipped with tsunami combo again( ebb and flow also benefit from crushing pi)
    after the second combo of tsunami high tide is off cool down and the whole thing just rinses and repeats

    it doesn't parse super high but its on par with most other powers but performs way better on actual adds in content

    Edit: were you say drown is worthless for pi because weak dots you also have to take into account that it applies the PI to multiple adds were crashing wave im not sure if it does
  5. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    So, i think you miss read. I said Hybrid. What you descibed is clearly pft.
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  6. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    ahh got you my bad ;)
  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I'm quite disappointed with Waterspout to be honest. I would like it to be changed to full range. Only hitting people from mid-range makes no sense given how the FX and animation work. We have Ebb (& Flow) that have FX that suggest mid-range, but can actually hit at full range despite the fact the water does not actually touch the target. Waterspout is also the weakest of the 200 cost abilities. I understand the trade off for abilities that CC and that hit multiple targets but, again, Ebb (& Flow) have a CC component also and hit much harder.

    Waterspout is one of my favourite abilities in terms of visuals, so it's a little disappointing that it's not very useful in most situations.
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  8. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    Basically quality of players. No insult but honestly this is a poor Dps class any decent nature, electric atomic can blow water out the park. Your welcome to raid with us.
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  9. Copper Scorpio New Player

    So far I'm enjoying the water powerset, but you can't help but notice there aren't much options for melee or WM playstyles. I would suggest an increase of damage to crash wave and at the very least add three more ticks to bubbles tick duration.
  10. Jason Rage Active Player

    I found that if you hit you next power too soon it doubkes the cool down of Aqyalance, is this intended?
  11. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Does anyone else have an issue with accuracy with Call of The Deep? I could be fairly near the target and use this and it can do little to no damage. Alternatively if it hits properly it can do big damage. It's like trying to use Hydro Pump in the Pokemon games, even against a target in close range.

    Its sad saving all that SC to then do nothing.
  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Is it intended for the combos not to be clippable with anything? Makes using them feel clunky and awkward, not to mention rather disappointing.
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  13. SolusPrime New Player

    Read some great points on here mainly lack of options and restrictions and feels of water. As a user it's no fun when your almost force to have to use certain powers or playstyle to Max a powers potential.
    Water unfortunately does that and makes it feel awkward in the process. Now I'm not going to mention anything on damage out put but the way water is setup now just doesn't make it a power that's wanting to play base on its lack of options,restrictions and awkward feel.
  14. Xorian Justice Well-Known Player

    I love everything about water so far, except one thing, the graphic effects for the tidal attacks are very lackluster, you cannot even see hardly any water from the enemies when your using the combo, making them a little bigger would make this skill allot more fun.
  15. Balistical lce Well-Known Player

    I was thinking the same thing with Tsunami Strikes...
  16. Son1cPT Well-Known Player

    I feel something is missing

    some people allready want to leave water and i understand them

    and I feel that water is a power that can not keep up with the other powers in dps and healer

    my power is water and I really like it but the power need more potential to be able to keep up with the other powers
  17. speedster1981 Committed Player

    I don't know if you'd consider this a bug or if it was intentional but when I was putting tactical mods in my water Healer gear I noticed that Empowered Channeling doesn't have any water Powers in the list and the list stopped at atomic abilities.
  18. Xorian Justice Well-Known Player

    Ignore the name I meant tsunami strikes.
  19. Pouncers New Player

    The amount of power used is too high, two powers and my power bar is drained. Can this be updated?
  20. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Are you speccing into Might & Power in Stat Points? Are you modding in any way for extra Power? On my Water character I use only powers, no weapons, and have no issue with maintaining my Power.
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