Devs Please stop entertaining nerfs on behalf of this community

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DC REBIRTH, Aug 9, 2017.

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  1. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    Now topics are being created about tanks doing too much damage in pve.

    This is what happens when you keep entertaining nerfs to cater to people who are unskilled and feel they are entitled to be handed a win

    We have been down this road before.

    Please stop entertaining "adjustments" "nerfs" to the powers.
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  2. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I AGREE 100% About time some players discovered that the real idea behind this game is to complete your mission, grab your marks and armor and go grab another mission. NOT to out damage every one else on the damn scoreboard. As it stand now GEE.... when we build a team to do a raid we can actually invite a tank (or two) and still do decent burn.. So we can blast through the mobs and have that tank to help out with the boss battles. No need to nerf anything.. Time for DPS to learn they are just part of a TEAM not the spoiled little rich kid that always gets his way...this is a TEAM game start acting like it is .
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    If things need to be adjusted for balance then they need to be adjusted where evidence is presented that adjustments are required.

    If this means a power takes a nerf then so be it, people need to start being reasonable and cease with the irrational "power protections" of old.

    If you have meaningful feedback to provide in terms of power balance then please provide it and they should not be discouraged from doing so because you don't like it.
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  4. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I think the tank guy was just trolling. We'll, I HOPE he was. To be honest people don't know their head from their *** when it comes to the potential of powers. The devs can't even come to a conclusion because there's so many widely varied opinions and lack of people actually backing up their claims. Maybe just MAYBE, the powers are much closer together then what people think and everyone is just simply basing their opinion off of personal experience which tends to greatly vary.

    What do I know though? I'm just noise in the cesspool of ignorance and misinformation.
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  5. Multiverse Creator League

    Sadly... not everyone has the same skill level.

    For example in another thread someone mentions how it took 3 players to defeat the Mbot.
    Will post a video soon of me defeating him solo with a lower CR.

    I keep on saying it but......

    The skill level of the average DCUO player is not very high.

    So if you make the content "challenging".... you end up making it beyond a BIG chunk of the population.

    Is it a wonder then if they keep on asking for a nerf??

    As for the scoreboard chaser who complain because Tanks do more damage then they do as DPS......
    sadly I have no sympathy for scoreboard chasers.
    The scoreboard should be taken out of the game completely.
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  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    I think its become tiresome that people keep saying its all fine and balanced. Where is the proof? Oh right, "i saw someone do good dmg with this power set" is the proof :rolleyes: The nerf calls are silly. But the everything is fine stuff is just as silly. We all know the history of dcuo and how when updates happen things break. Especially these major revamps. Gu36 and Gu47 had all kinds of issues, both revamps had issues when it came to power set balance too ;)

    There is older content that is broken/bugged. There are many other new bugs that have popped up too. Check the bug revamp thread in dev discussion to see this. Despite all of this some players want everyone else to believe the power sets made it unscathed through this revamp and nothing is broken or imbalanced? Man some of u guys really must think many of us are really that stupid. Hopefully some fixes are coming soon after seeing todays announcement.

    Until ya provide some actual data to back up whats being said then saying "everything is fine" is exactly the same as saying "its not fine and this, this, and this needs a nerf." See atm some of us are testing multiple powers and already see problems. I personally have a bunch of #s but im not quite done yet. Will be posting them soon :)

    But no one's word on here means anything unless ya have #s/data to back up what you're saying. Otherwise its opinion and nothing more. And after what i saw today, not going into details, but im very concerned about how testing was handled. There hasnt been a single honest conversation when it comes to this topic. Because the hostility starts when people dont agree with another person's opinion. The egos need to be put aside and get down to the #s and actual tests. But we all know thats impossible on here so this never ending cycle will continue probably until this game shuts down.
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  7. Multiverse Creator League

    It feels as if testing was done only with 200+CR characters with 300+SP.

    If you are 200+CR..... s'all good man. ;)

    As for honest conversation.... sadly we are past that point now.
    Too many people are determined to push their own agenda.

    Now we must ask.....
    "A video..... or it did not happen."

    Too many are claiming things that are just not believable.

    So we cannot take anyone at their words right now.
    We have to see it to believe it....
    although even then some will refuse to believe. :(..... but that is another story. ;)
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  8. light FX Steadfast Player

    What i think would help the situation, and this should of been done months ago, is the dev team should of put out testing parameters. Whats also concerning to me is the favoritism that was shown.
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  9. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    People who have no problems with the powers need to prove nothing. They are minding there business and learning there powers. Everything is fine to them because they can compete and overcome. They don't need to prove anything because they enjoy the game.

    As far as testing. Well, it has never been great.

    Scoreboard chasing is the main reason for this issue.
    It needs to go
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  10. Multiverse Creator League

    Didn't they give some sort of parametres to follow?? I seem to recall some laundry list of things they asked testers to do in the past?? Did they not do the same this time??

    What favoritism?? Did not follow the testing process very closely..... so not sure what you mean.

    Favoritism to certain people??
    or favoritism to certain powers/abilities to make them OP??
  11. light FX Steadfast Player

    Not a single testing parameter was given. Crappyheals even asked jackster about this during the Q&A on discord. I still cannot to this day make sense of the reply. "We cannot give out testing guide lines because it would force people to test a certain way." Isn't that what testing guide lines are meant to do? The tunso test was an example of this. I am not trying to criticize jack. I am saying i cannot understand the logic behind that.

    But apparently some parameters were given to certain people. I say that based off comments from other players. As far as favoritism maybe i misspoke somewhat. I should of been more clear and said it felt like some people had the devs ear. That is about all i am going to say on the topic.
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  12. Web Well-Known Player

    I don't think you misspoke at all Light.

    When the devs frequent the Discords of specific leagues and not others,

    And quote and agree with the posts of players who agree with them on these forums it just makes me laugh.

    I would call that favoritism.

    Not that I care too much, I'll only ever be upset if it crossed into the realm of the devs giving their pets items and other assorted loots

    That I can't have.

    Because, you know...

    I want everything.
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  13. Web Well-Known Player

    Right on brother,

    No to nerfs on powers.

    YES to nerfing LPVE feats.
  14. Multiverse Creator League

    Thanks for the info.

    Did not follow the testing closely. Only looked at the testing feedback once in a while.

    That explains what we have been seeing these past couple weeks and
    how the community seems split in half over the Stat Revamp as if each side was playing a completely different game.
  15. Taerie Active Player

    ignore the perceived difficulty post revamp, or whatever you want to call it concerning mbot, oolong, the metro battle bounties etc, and strip it all the way down to :

    -what is the targeted audience for those npc's @ level
    Group? or Raid?

    Because they're wearing Upper Raid NPC/Boss nameplates
    They're also statted with damage output and hps of Raid bosses of similar CR
    the difference between a group level boss and a raid level boss is roughly a magnitude of 10, so a group boss would have about 90,000 hps at a certain CR and a raid boss with that same CR would be aprox. 900,000.

    So naturally, a group , @ level is finding it very difficult if not close to impossible to defeat them, because they're both marked and stat'ed as a Raid level NPC, not a group level npc

    If they're intended to be Raid level mobs, there's no issue(beyond what many people understand their targeted audience to be), but as far back as i can remember they've always been understood to be group level content
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  16. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    The stat revamp feels much more balanced than what we had before. But it's still not perfect and to pretend it is, is to do it a disservice by obstructing efforts to improve it further. I'm enjoying the revamp immensely but if anyone thinks there's nothing wrong with it they're burying their head in the sand. Some powers are underperforming, some are over performing and will need to be nerfed. Shrinking the discrepancies as the revamp already has is good, making them even smaller is better. We will never have perfect balance, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. Shutting down discussion by telling people to git gud is not helping anyone or anything except perhaps your own ego.
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  17. monaka Well-Known Player

    I understand your viewpoint but what did Tunso Test actually achieve? Despite the testing guidelines, powers were never fully balanced because rotations on dummy targets only goes so far i.e. nature was supposedly balanced with other powers on the dummy targets but not in actual content.

    Also, content testing presents another problem. Content design keeps on changing with varying classes of NPCs and how many of each class are set up to appear in a given raid environment. This set up also plays to to a power's advantage or disadvantage.

    So, unless all abilities are standardized and all content design is standardized, the power imbalances will continue.

    Power balancing is a systemic issue, happens in nearly every MMO, and DCUO is no different. Before Munitions rose to the number one spot on the DPS charts, Mental was king because the content design of DWF, UM etc. was most suited for mental whereas content in AF3 and AOJ played out to munitions advantage.
  18. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Seems the testers that were listened to only used 1 playstyle to test within each "Focus".

    I say this because 1 of them told the forums to "test LOs on the dummies using a Controller for the power and a "weapon buff""

    How does a weapon buff being used during the testing of any power not skew the end results?
    Especially if weapons are being used while testing a strictly PFTT super-powered focus where weapon use is not desired?

    Weapon Mastery- described as weapons only.
    Hybrid- described as weapons and powers.
    Super-powered- described as powers.

    Tell ya what Devs, give me a set standard of Stats to use on Live and which dummies to test on in my LH and I will spend the next 3 weeks giving you numbers.
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  19. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I'm fine with tank damage. Just want the same options and freedom on my troll as I know many healers would like the same.
  20. The Anxient Loyal Player

    The testers that were supposedly shown favoritism are the ones that could back there claims and findings with numbers and video. I used to respect your opinion, but you have lost all credibility to me with this comment. Attacking people who volunteered to try to make the game right because daybreak refused to hire pro testers, is sad and makes you look very petty.
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  21. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Your response is understandable, there are underlining issues the community doesn't know about. I'll leave it at that. Those that are close and know some of who he is refering get it. I'm leaving it at that.
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