Has everyone stopped queuing?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by OMNILEGION_EU, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Which brings us right back to the subject of the question I asked,
    Let me ask it this way.....

    Since the "end-game CRs" are choosing to not queue for lower tiered content due to the change to allow you to "enjoy your gameplay at tier" and not have your experience "ruined" .....

    just what is your problem and why are you in here complaining because the "end-game high CR" people are saying you won?

    You got your wish.

    There are those of us who will not be queueing lower tiered content.


    Enjoy your victory.
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  2. Sooner Well-Known Player

    Yep, I remember those days "screw the players because they won't play like I want to force them" posts. :) Made up problem? Longer queues? More and more people that I talk to don't want to do older stuff now because it's a waste of time. Hmmm.... seems like it was just a madeup problem for a few people that complained for about a year on it and now complaining because the queues are taking too long. :)
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  3. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    Dear Revamp Fanatics! You have to understand one thing: We don't hate the revamp, we don't want to be the top of the dps list, and we can adapt the new loadouts by ourself, or by guide, doesn't matter. What we hate about this revamp, that the older content, which we already passed by gear, cr, stat, anything, became a mess, and took way too much time to finish (if we are able to finish), then before. It means, that your way affects our game play in the wrong way, but our way doesn't effect yours in anyway. But you are too selfish to understand that. So, we just cancel our subs, or just doing our daily stuffs, and logging off. This is what YOU have done. And this is what WE are hate.
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  4. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Please, allow me to clear this issue up. Read here:

    That was a Development Decision to make the content like that. Everyone else who was on test at the time reported the fact they couldn't solo content.

    Obviously, there's been so many stat-clamping threads and complaining threads in the past about High CR's Rofl Stomping Older Content for newer players; that something had to give one way or another.

    You can't just pin that on the testers.If you really want to take out your frustrations, do it at the development team.They made the decision at the last possible minute before the revamp went on to live.

    Testers are meant to give input and opinion and give feedback, at the end of the day; we don't make these decisions. If we had things our way, Healing wouldn't be such a mess and some would probably revert the game all the way back to Game Update 36.

    If you ask me, I'd gladly implement a walkin or solo que option as people have mentioned in the past when this soloing topic came up.
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  5. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    Let me explain to you:

    When, for example Blizzard, made a revamp in skill tree, stats, anything, they don't screw up old content, they scale to the acutal stats, and the gameplay won't change in the wrong way. If you are max. lvl in the actual expansion, you can easly go to older raids and instances, and do everything what you want. Above that, they put new pets, and things to farm in the older content whitout making the places totally broken.
    Before the revamp, this was the state in the DCUO aswell, and for example I had the will to go to do T2 content (shaman waist my ***...). Right now, at CR200, and nearly 300 SP, in Oan Scinelles, a boss can kill me, and I am not able to do the dmg burst on him as before. If you, or everyone else can think this is the right way and this is the ideal state, you just screwing up the game. It's simple. And the worst thing is the silence of Devs... And if this was a Development Decision, then they have to rename the company from Daybreak to Theybreak.
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  6. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I know It's gonna sound like an Excuse, but when it comes to World of Warcraft versus DCUO. Wow's ultimately the bigger and longer game overall, that also includes the Development team.

    Alot of bad things you mentioned have come from sheerly Development team"They don't screw up old content" Old content was fubar'd during Game Update 47, If you were at entry CR and ran something like Brothers in Arms; You'd get destroyed.

    The only sort of work-around available during GU 47 was getting a Higher CR player to carry you.

    Content this time around wasn't checked simply because the revamp was rushed onto live and well to be perfectly honest with you, there simply wasn't enough people testing out the older content.

    I've been on the test server when the revamp was still in the testing phase and there was more people on the server dueling and talking random stuff in the chat versus actually helping out with the revamp's progress.

    "They put new things for you to farm and don't break instances" Yes, but you gotta keep in mind. This is Daybreak, the same people who made the call for Content Relevancy to stay when it should've been removed. On-top of it too, they implemented game update 47 when nobody literally asked for it.

    The same thing's being said here, they changed the way you'd solo and beat content. Some People like it because it allows newer players to experience some of the content properly(without it getting smashed through) And a good portion are upset because they can't solo anything, and they cannot get any good rewards for beating this content.

    Ultimately, I don't mind you posting your frustrations. But this is just one of the many decisions that Tester didn't have a say on. Just like how testers didn't have a say on the revamp going to live prematurely. I don't know where this idea that the development team only listens to testers got off to, but It needs to stop.

    I'm just saying, If they did listen only to the testers as some people claim around here; I can almost guarantee the revamp wouldn't be here and GU 36 would be a thing again.

    Worst comes to worst bud, you can make a thread on asking for them to implement a solo que option or you can post your feedback if the content is too hard for ya in the developer discussion threads.

    Thanks for reading, and hopefully this changes your view point.
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  7. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    You look like to sy who understand the situation, and know what is the real problem. You don't have to be the peace keeper. If the Devs won't act for this, and for the rest of the new bugs faster, make some official statements, this game will going down. Or... some more competent company will buy the franchise and maybe, just maybe, this game will be great again. But this state is not acceptable.
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  8. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Not trying to be the peacekeeper at all.

    I'm just tired of the hate being shifted at testers all the time as of late.
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  9. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    This was just a Gates of Tartarus (Walk in) run. Would of been under 30 minutes but messed up at one point 1st try. Someone said "You cant solo or under 45 minutes" took up the challenge. I am Nature
  10. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    Before they added the cr differential there was a more drastic increase in stats each tier. They removed that so therefore, yes its clamped. They didn't add the cr differential until tier 7? I am not sure. But tier 5 there was a drastic increase based on what content you obtained your gear from.

    In terms of your example I am not sure if I am following you. If I go into current content and hit for 5k the amount of damage (per mob would show less of a hit because they have more hit points. If I got into a T1 and hit for 5k that should take away more hit points proportionally. I mean logically, the more stats I have the stronger I am so therefore my hit proportionally should be increased. I am even using flat numbers since there is no mitigation difference based on cr. If every mob has the exact same hit points throughout the game, that is kind of bleh.

    Clamped by my personal definition is a more linear system was created. There is less differential each time you receive a piece of gear. Even in games like Neverwinter where they "clamp people down" to a different level based on what a person is running, the higher level people still feel powerful. This is not the case for DC. Obtaining more gear no longer makes you feel powerful. Not feeling powerful as a superhero seems almost criminal.

    I am all for many of the changes in the attempt to make it more than dps online. I just don't like old content taking as much time to complete as it does without a better reward. If you cannot be as powerful, then the loot should at least be exponentially better than it is currently. When it took 3 minutes to complete a raid, you may or may not obtained your style, but you didn't feel you wasted you time. However, now your time is 100 percent wasted if you don't get what you want.

    But honestly anything we post here makes no difference. The bottom line is money. If they lose subscribers they will alter their path. If it remains close to the same they will keep it as it is....as in everything in life money does the talking. Developers come and go
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  11. LexxCorp Well-Known Player

    FINALLY! Someone very well articulated said what the silent majority is thinking. I know this post will be blasted by the fanatics but it should be said and must be heard.
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  12. LasVegasEnvy New Player

    Honestly the only thing that feels "clamped" or nerfed when I run lower tierd content now is my damage as to how long it takes to kill anything. As far as the damage they do to me it's the same if not less than before. I walked into Fos3 sunstone matrix and solod it in 12 min. Only twice my health dropped below half and I popped a soda each time and kept going. Ran all 3 t5 raids last night with 3 cr 90 somethings, a 170 and me and 3 others at cr200. They took awhile and at the beginning of Paradox when I said go down the tunnels and someone attacked the tyrant anyways I thought for sure we'd wipe but nope, 20 min later we wore them all down. It seems to me that even a balanced group of cr99's that know the mechanics would have an impossible time running it. Back in 2013 I remember I couldnt get invited to tank paradox from lfg until I was cr97 w 100sp cuz that's what you needed to not be squishy. But the damage out was higher against the npc's so it was doable. Anyways all this rambling was to say that T5 and under I still feel like the cr differential is there as far as damage in just not damage out, does anyone else feel the same or are you getting 1 shotted? Plus I was running as dps not tank so in tank gear I definitely wouldnt have taken any damage I dont think. In game 1stChance cr201 251sp
  13. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    A version of CR differential is there in terms of damage in. It was added a few days before the revamp went live and is in the patch notes for July 21st. If your CR is higher than the enemy's then you get damage mitigation that is higher the higher your CR in comparison to the enemy's.
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  14. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    Running old content will just get easier as we get new gear and that content doesn't take long to run anyhow. If anything add a special currency for content that you've exceeded cr for new styles. For incentive
  15. LasVegasEnvy New Player

    Thank you I hadnt seen that. So at least everyones progression and gear do matter in that regard, everyone with end game Cr is still OP vs. the lower tiered content as far as vulnerability is concerned they just can't burn thru it damage wise.
  16. street0018 New Player

    lol u must think that 30min for and end game cr toon that is fast or fun. When u can spend the same 30 min doing something that will give some rewards that u will actually need.
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  17. CaptainBombus Level 30

    There was always a much easier solution to this which I've brought up several times on this board. All that was ever needed was to have separate queues for old content that only higher tiered players could get into. That way no new player's experience could be "ruined" (LOL because most low cr people thanked us) AND old player's hard earned stats and gear would have still mattered. Dev cost of that would have been maybe $5,000 compared to I would bet $1.2 Mill spent on the revamp (so far). Also, from a financial perspective it would have been much less of a risk which revamp IS. Revamp is high-risk with really little short term reward for Daybreak. From a business perspective it has never made sense to me. They won't even know if it has paid out until 6 months to a year from now and by that time it will be too late to correct course.
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  18. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    The thing with that was people bought up how doing what you just suggested (which was suggested numerous times by numerous people, myself included) would take high cr people out of the que times making them longer, which is what day break wanted to avoid. Either way, you'll be losing people, and they'll complain regardless. Had daybreak not allowed this face rolling crap from the get go, we wouldn't have this problem today where players feel they are entitled to solo an instance meant for 8 people simply because they "put in the work for it."

    Meanwhile the new players you're carrying aren't putting in any work to get to high cr and SP, but these forum people will be the first to complain when free feats are handed out, even though they did it all the time faceolling content....

    I think slight adjustments may be needed, like higher mitigation on the defense buff, but facerolling does not need to return.

    Another thing to consider about your "new players thanked us" comment, a lot of lower cr people are alts. They won't mind to be carried.
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  19. Gimpy Loyal Player

    I understand where you're coming from Jacob, you've invested quite a lot of time and work into the revamp as a tester.

    But some of the posts people are taking as "aimed" at the testers by others haven't mentioned testers at all.

    They have mentioned the (what is being called) "stat clamp" advocates and what the end result of lower content for those wishing to play as "end-game CRs" has become.

    The players who wanted the high CRs out of lower content have what they wanted, a majority of those high CRs have already stopped queueing, more will follow most likely.

    So currently AF3 and AOJ queues pop rather quickly, I suspect the lower content isn't having that long of a wait with open episodes and some new players around even.

    Open episodes will end, most of the new players will have nothing to do unless they spend some cash because they are out of relevancy for the lower content and can't play most of or past T4.

    That's when the long queue times will kick in........................
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  20. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    I only did it because people keep crying about old content not being soloable when it is. Add a friend its even easier. Yeah I got marks of victory I'm cool with that. Everything is fine