Nova's Magic Mastery Guide to Sorcery

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Whizzkid, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. PStopper Active Player

    I have come up with 2 builds that give me a decent Damage Out in Alerts and Raids. I have only 153 Skill Points and i have gotten higher numbers than players with 300+ Skill Points. Please feel free to comment any opinions you have for my builds.

    First up is the Hybrid (power/weapon):

    Karmic Suspension, Shard of Life, Soul Barrage, Summon: Fury, Offering, Grand Summoning
    I use Brawling/Martial Arts Tap-Range, Hold-Range combo.

    Rotation: Combo, KS, Combo, SoL, Combo, SB, Combo, Offering, Repeat.
    Karmic Suspension inflicts bad karma which lasts for 9 second. You can get off the 3 weapon combos and the 3 powers before BK expires (9seconds) then use Offering to give power back to Fury.

    The second build is a Play-From-The-Tray (PFTT) Loadout:

    Karmic Suspension, Shard of Life, Soul Storm, Soul Barrage, Soul Bolt, Baleful Transmogrification (SC)
    No Weapons, all superpowers

    Rotation: KS, SoL, Soul Storm, Soul Barrage, Soul Bolt x2, Soul Storm, Repeat.
    You should be able to get all 7 powers off before BK power interaction wares off.
  2. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    The problem I had with this loadout when I was experimenting is that there are 3 powers in it that will give you 0 damage if an ally steps in front of you.

  3. PStopper Active Player

    If you have flight or skimming maybe try staying above everyone? Maybe that will prevent them from blocking the Soul powers.
  4. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Agree. I won't use these powers until they are changed.

    Not giving everything away, but have been working on a PftT loadout. I believe it will be beastly. Ran my alt last night and was able to see how much damage it's doing. Will test it tonight and let ya know how it goes.
  5. PStopper Active Player

    You check out my PFTT video?
  6. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Yes, but those test dummies won't tell you how much damage you could lose if Wonder women steps in front of you. The three powers that have a chance to miss should be doing much higher damage to be worth the risk.
  7. PStopper Active Player

    They should just make them pass through friendlies but I don't know how that works lol
  8. Xibo Loyal Player

    This bug was already reported?
  9. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Yes. Multiple times. I was finally told by a dev that these powers were made this way on purpose. The dev responded in a thread about mentals terror tendrils, cause they have the same issue now. The dev said this was intended and is supposed to be skill based. This makes no sense, and I told him, or her, this with no response.

    I'm just flat out not using them unless they are changed. The damage they do is no where near worth it with the possibility of missing all together. It's not even like time bomb where you could tap range with weapon if time bomb missed and still get the damage.
  10. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Karmic Suspension, Soul Siphon and Transmutation Bad Karma all last 6 seconds only.

    COD is the only one with 9 seconds.
  11. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Close to giving up DCUO.

    Sorcery Bad Karma is bugged. Pvp is :(.
  12. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I've put in a ticket, but ZERO replays. Fire for munitions stays out for 12s with any applicator.
  13. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Unfortunately 1 of them is the only really viable spammer. Vengeance is a good spammer on bosses but not on add groups. I am perfectly fine wirh a separate boss and add armory though.

  14. Outlaw Trevor Well-Known Player

    Okay so the loadout I am using is
    Karmic suspension,soul storm/trans/final ruin, soul bolt, soul well, soul barrage, bale/arbiter

    I start my rotation with soul well, then karmic suspension, and then rotate with bolt/barrage/storm and then repeat.

    I'm getting out burned by support roles and people with lower sp. so question is am I doing a rotation wrong? I got 270 sp btw
  15. PStopper Active Player

    I've tested the time on all of the powers that inflict bad karma. Soul siphon is 6. Trans is 6. CoD is 9. And KS is between 8-9 seconds before the PI animation goes away.
  16. PStopper Active Player

    No need to have 2 skills on your tray that inflict bad karma. Try using one that inflict and the rest that cause extra damage to enemies who are affected by BK. Also if you use weapon combos try using weapon of Destiny to get bonus weapon damage.
  17. Outlaw Trevor Well-Known Player

    I don't use any weapon attacks, I been doing strictly superpowered pftt
  18. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Swap out Karmic for Transmutation. Power cost same at 200 and you gain on damage, lose out on SC regeneration.

    Swap out Soul Storm/Trans/Final Ruin for Shards. If you can melee, Karmic Backlash has faster animation, faster burst damage, half the cooldown, without the need for PI setup.

    Swap out Soul Well for Fury if your power regen can take it. May help. You reduce your rotation timing allowing for quicker bursts to get in your damage before the adds die.

    SC choice is up to you. NVB is also good. Arbiter is best used in boss situation where you can stack soul wells, up to 4 for a short time because of the drastically reduced cooldown.
  19. Outlaw Trevor Well-Known Player

    I will definitely give this a try. I have a pet loadout and a non pet loadout. But seemed the pet did a tad better
  20. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Anyone else thinking robot sidekick is performing better than fury? I've stopped using offering, like on my earth toon, but the damage is still horrible. The description of RSK says it will reduce passive power regen. Going to set up a new loadout tomorrow. Thinking heat vision, neo venom, and RSK will be entering my loadout.