Test Discussion Starro Event - Rewards

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by spord, Mar 10, 2017.

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  1. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Yeah, I just noticed another interesting tidbit in the crafting plans. The gold and purples and even blue components aren't the same for each plan. So if you want an OP mask (the most expensive in terms of components required and also highest item level 174) you have to get the specific components for that mask, not for the rings, or the utility belt. So expect the golden pieces for the mask to cost prolly around 30 mil+.
    Of course, that's just my perceptionTM and I realize that people aren't really spamming raids here so it's hard to judge the final rarity of each. But yeah, I'd estimate a small fortune for each OP piece. The difference with the Olympian ones is that you weren't forced to buy the collections off the broker. In my case, it's been 3+ months and I'm just finishing them up, but I'm not in a hurry. With this event though, the limited time factor is gonna push prices higher. Still, OP is OP, and it's not really a neccesity, more of optional. But that 50 pt. feat beckons, you know? lol
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  2. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    R&D plans and total crafting costs are listed in the guide in my signature for easy reference.
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  3. spack2k Steadfast Player

    so nothing about OP items is tradeable any longer.(plans/unattuned/item)
  4. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Did anyone ever get a definite weekly total without the bonus?
  5. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Yes, it's 84 for members over cr 166 (if you complete the challenge version of the raid), 74 for non members and miners below cr 166. Look at the first post in the guide in my signature for a breakdown of where the marks are earned.
  6. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I tried to confirm this at the time, tradeable unattuned boxes for OP items didn't make sense to me. I thought it would be at most account bound. The plans being account bound would work as well.
  7. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Edit: nevermind, I was just looking at something wrong
  8. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Is it intended for the Mote on the vendor to be different from the Mote that drops (and is required to upgrade the vendor gear)? I see this causing a lot of confusion. The Mote on the vendor is called a "Fabricated Mote" but the Mote that drops in content and is listed in the plans to upgrade the vendor gear is called a "Conqueror's Mote".
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  9. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I'm guessing the Fabricated Mote is used to upgrade the gear set we get in the next TC. Cause it's not used for any of the plans for OP items or the gear set from the Starro event. They all use the dropped conqueror's mote only. Unless there's an error in the plans for the gear set. I've crafted 3 pieces so far, and they all require the conqueror's.
  10. recoil Committed Player

    • Like x 1
  11. light FX Steadfast Player

    Ive seen em both already, thanks tho :)
  12. Irmensul Well-Known Player

    Cant believe the Starro raid gear is only 1 cr higher than my current gear..
  13. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Charon (one of the Devs) just pointed out in the open world feedback thread that its not one or the other for the two 8 Spore weekly missions (meaning you can get both). You actually have to unlock one of them by defeating each of the iconics once. So that now brings the total up to 92 for members over cr 166 (if you complete the challenge version of the raid), or 82 for non members and miners below cr 166.
    I've updated the guide.
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  14. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Salvaging the gear from the event can give monstrous essence. Is this intended? Would it be better for salvaging to give a random chance of getting some of the event R&D materials instead?
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  15. supp12385 New Player

    What cr is the minimum for the op gear tune to its max level or do i need to be cr 190 for it to reach its max level?
  16. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Can we have the op items still sold from the vendor for players that don't wanna use the R&D.
    Just make it a higher price than what the plans are like maybe 150 or something around in that number?
  17. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    you mean that the op items can no longer be traded?If I'm not mistaken Mepps said they will be tradable...
  18. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    No, that's not happening.
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  19. stärnbock Devoted Player

    I think the new tactic from DBG to make events "not expected to get completed" is wrong.
    At least if you realy are doing everything everyday on one character without missing even a single day (hwo really is capable of doing so anyways?), i think you should be able to complete everything...

    I know that it is all about replay badges. But is squeezing players out realy the best way you can think of to get happy and most important of all: NEW customers? If you want to proove me wrong then make the whole event not resetable, only then you can say that it is not expected to get completed...
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  20. spack2k Steadfast Player

    yes he said but they arent
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