Test Discussion Starro Event - Rewards

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by spord, Mar 10, 2017.

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  1. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    They're only needed for the OP mask (which is the 174 piece too). The rings and utility belt have different components, but don't require any conqueror's motes.
  2. Ekart Committed Player

    At least make ther plans account bound. Always making the same "money grab" changes only discurages people to eather sub or play the game at all.
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  3. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Here are the plans for all of the OP pieces in the Event. I was wrong on the amount of Conqueror's Motes needed for the Starro Mask, it's only 5 which isn't very much actually. The other pieces seem to be kind of rare, but then again it's like pulling teeth to get a group together to run the raid, so final rates are hard to know.
    Starro's OP Ring (As far as I can tell, you can craft 2 if needed, at least I was able to equip 2 without problems).

    Starro's OP Utility Belt. I know the image looks like a trinket, but it's a utility belt.

    And the big one. Starro's OP Mask. Item level 174 baby.
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  4. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    As you can see, one thing that makes it hard to craft the OP items is that their rare and ultra-rare items aren't shared. I've gotten 3 Starro's eyes but none of the other ultra-rares. So it looks like the mask is definitely the most difficult to craft. I'm guessing buying off the broker is gonna be a smart option, just like with the OP collection pieces from the last content.
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  5. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, that's pretty much how I see it too. The ring being the lowest and the fact we have another we can get in AF3, I think they made that component's gold less rare than the other two.

    Also, utility belts are trinkets. :p But I think they picked that image because it's a "star".
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  6. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    Sadly I expected this change but none the less I am disappointed. The volume of materials to craft gear is excessive. The rareness of crafting materials for what basically is a limited time "seasonal" event is to high. Not to mention all of this OP gear is virtually worthless with the new content in June. I can see why OP gear should not be a cake walk to obtain, but this is just excessive grind.
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  7. r0kX1n9O4quzdJi Well-Known Player

    i'm loving these 'prices' for the plans,knowing this community and their 'need' to gear up alts they will make the price for sm's and cm's go skyhigh,this will allow me to make some $$$,and since RNG will be abysmal like always most people will be looking after the broker for the starro's unique's (disc,eye,endoskeleton),and like it was for the past years,OP pieces will eventually become irrelevant.
  8. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    These were never answered.
    To add to this, salvaging did not always give monstrous essence, but it did occasionally.
  9. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Just in case the event gets taken off test tomorrow, did anyone keep track of where all you got extra Spores after you got the "Sori not Sori" feat and how many Spores it was? The last I have in the guide as a single additional Spore in the Alert. I thought there was supposed to be an update to at least add a bonus to the raids, but I don't see it in the patch notes and I haven't gotten in a group to see if it is in there and how much it is. Was the bonus added to the duo as well?

    Also, the Development Update said that the upgraded vendor gear would have a set bonus in the Starro event.

    Has anyone crafted a full set and been able to test this? The plans look like you would just get a style like with previous upgraded/enhanced gear/styles (ex. divine shim'tar). So I'm not sure how that would work, if this is still the plan.
  10. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    The crafting page for the Enhanced Conqueror gear says that if you collect all the styles in the set, you gain a 10% damage bonus in the event instances and open world area. Is this tied to the feat? Meaning, if I finish crafting and collecting the upgraded styles on one character and get the feat "Hey Now, You're an All-Star", then purchase that feat on another character, would that second character get the 10% damage bonus?[IMG]
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  11. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I saw that the descriptions of the raids were updated to indicate that you got bonus spores for having the Sori not Sori feat, but the alert was not even though it had a bonus in an earlier version of test (while the raids were missing the bonus). I wasn't able to get into the alert this morning to see if the bonus is still there, or get in to either of the raids to see what the bonus is. Also, the duo does not show that it gives bonus spores for having the Sori not Sori feat, and I did not receive any (which may be intended from your comments).

    Below are images from the current test build. I'll try to get back on test some more this weekend. Hopefully some other people will be on that want to actually test the event (instead of curb stomping low tier instances or running AF3).
  12. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I would like it to be tied to the feat. If you only get the damage bonus while wearing the gear, then that would mean storing the gear in your inventory or bank until you need it - and those limited slots are valuable real estate. Most of the event is clamped, so it doesn't matter what gear you wear; but in the challenge raid, wearing the full enhanced set means wearing gear with lower stats than your AF3 vendor gear. In other words, the bonus would probably just make up for what you lose by wearing worse gear (which defeats the point of the bonus).
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  13. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Well, I don't think it could be tied to wearing gear since the bonus is for the Enhanced style pieces, and those are just style items not actual gear pieces. I'm just worried that it might be tied to either the styles themselves or something else that can't be transferred right now. But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense for this to be tied to the feat. The feat would pop once you collect all the Enhanced styles, and the game does a quick check every time you enter a Starro event instance or the Starro Central City for the feat. If it sees you have the feat, it applies the 10% buff. Any other method of doing this would require additional coding, so I think its a safe bet. But I'd still like a Dev to confirm.
  14. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    Question, is the aura tradeable?
  15. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Yep, just like every other collection aura. I finished it on one toon and traded it to an alt that I figured it would fit better. The collection pieces (except the broker one) are also tradeable.
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  16. spord Developer

    Yes, the bonus is tied to having the feat.
  17. spord Developer

    It is intended to have a different mote. As for monstrous essence, nothing from this event should give monstrous essence as it is an item tied to Episode 27: Amazon Fury Part III.
  18. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    We confirmed that the Starro-Scarred Face style is a face piece, but the test server build still shows this as an Aura as in the feat when you expand it.

  19. stärnbock Devoted Player

    so, basicly everithing usefull is not tradeable, not even account bound... did that realy had to be? i mean, come on! do you realy hate alts so much?
  20. stärnbock Devoted Player

    question: are all the pieces tradeable, or are there things like the monster essences of AF3 wich you can't trade at all?
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