Advance to CR100! Happy 6th Anniversary!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 11, 2017.

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  1. Sickiac Active Player

    If you get that they are upset at a GIFT you're as stupid as they are, what a bunch of absolute spoiled brats. You get the chance to create an entirely new toon with whatever power you like and have it advance a fair amount into the game WITH some SP to go with it.

    You guys are simply a spoiled bunch of pathetic brats, grow the f up. It's FREE
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  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Thank you! Really helpful, because till 100 beginners go solo, I have a 173 level hero but on other toons I find it hard to level up.
    I really enjoy the game and this is to show how much you care for players. You won't find me complaining, maybe because I don't mind paying a bit here and there to play. And If I enjoy this game so yes I'll keep on playing. I believe there are more people out there who feels just like me.
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  3. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    It's funny how People are griping about this CR hop when they say"CR hopping is easy"

    You forum folks never cease to confuse me.
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  4. Ringz Dedicated Player

    So because you dont want new players to suffer, your ok with them skipping content to reach endgame where it is expected for you to play like you know what endgame means?? Your logic doesn't make sense.

    Aye, when you make a new game let me know so I can get a free ride to max level :rolleyes:
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  5. Tarif Committed Player

    They really need to read these forums and pay attention.
  6. Kipperjones Level 30

    ok so ANYTHING that you do not pay for that is owned by someone else, new or old, is a gift, and you know what happens when you assume.
  7. krytine Loyal Player

    How is the cr being nerfed its not its just the differential is going away so you dont have to be top cr to be good at something and your op items that have higher stats will count for something and oh yeah you might want to get sp up it sounds like to
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  8. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Let me add Guild Wars 2 to that list, before anyone get any bright ideas :D
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  9. Here2Help Devoted Player

    So what? If they gave everyone 20 free stabiliser keys, would that mean everyone that is complaining about stabilisers and time capsules right now (doesn't take too long to find the 100+ negative posts in just the last couple of days) are a "spoiled bunch of pathetic brats"?

    People are allowed to complain. You might not agree with their complaints, but that doesn't mean they're not allowed to and that they're a "spoiled bunch of pathetic brats" because of their complaining about something free or not free.

    Just to add, they are free for now (2 for members and 1 for everyone else), but once they've been used or after the 31st, the feature will have to be paid for.
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  10. Wiccan026 Loyal Player


    "Spoiled bunch of pathetic brats" have existed since the beginning, at least they would have from your point of view.

    There have been many things over the years that have caused folks to be upset with various things, whether they be updates, game changes or "gifts". That's pretty much the "co-existence" of forum life. If you don't like it or it upsets you than I don't know what to tell you.

    Also, as I pointed out some things that are free aren't gifts, they are more like enticements and that's half of what this is... wrapped up in a gift bow. Again I'm glad for those who will enjoy it as given and I will continue to wish folks a happy anniversary.
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  11. krytine Loyal Player

    You still have the optiin to create a new toon if yours is over 100
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  12. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I never said anyone needs to have that much to do anything, I simply stated things you can do with them and how it makes farming and making in game money easier. If you don't want to do those things, that is on you not the feature.
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  13. SpagTheTapdancer Well-Known Player

    why? it's just a jump event. MMO's do those from time to time.
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  14. killercomic Dedicated Player

    No cake, no celebration, and there ain't no cake.
  15. Patient Zero Active Player

  16. Kipperjones Level 30

    Lol ok?
  17. Saami Loyal Player

    I dont think this is a bad gift, but it would have been nice to get also something else.
    Something like in previous years, that reminds of 6th anniversary after years to come.
    You cant look or wear this gift and that is sad.
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  18. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    and in no way mandatory
  19. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    The main issue here, and I would gladly be wrong about this, it just shows yet another divide in our community (or perhaps how divided our community has gotten). The folks who will take things as is and those who look past what is on the surface.

    If these came out sooner, I'd be less mindful I'm sure... but the timing is just spot on. So it's very hard to not think of the "why's" that exist and the majority of the ones I can realistically come up with aren't looking to swell. The only thing I can do at the moment though is hope folks enjoy what they are getting because that's all I physically do at the present.

    This is of course one of the many times I'd like to be proven wrong but that hasn't been happening a lot lately.
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  20. Mister Venture New Player

    This is an EXCELLENT gift idea and I thank you greatly!
    However....I shudder to think of all the potential inexperienced players that will be shooting up so quickly, end up on the "front lines" and be completely useless, not knowing how to play a support role and even unable to properly DPS....sigh.

    Here's an idea, how about making a video tutorial explaining to potential new comers, how to play their specific power set, ESPECIALLY in it's support form...and make it a MANDATORY viewing before allowing fresh peeps to rocket to CR100.
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