Advance to CR100! Happy 6th Anniversary!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 11, 2017.

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  1. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    You can Put my name in the Gift Rejected Pile. I can see this may appeal to some but for Myself. NO Not interested not buying this.
    I play 1 Toon and that is more than enough for me thank you. Things in game have gotten far too RNG Greedy and such that its all i can do to just keep 1 Toon going. Something for our Bases/League Halls or a Cool Trinket would have gone a lot farther.
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  2. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Sorry missed that part.
  3. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Lol the amount of people throwing a tantrum about not getting the gift they wanted (without being entitled or promised any gift in the first place) is amazing. How old are you, 5? I HATE YOU MOM I WANTED A WHITE IPHONE NOT A BLACK ONE I HOPE YOU DIE
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  4. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Well yeah...I understand that. But it is still auto-leveled once you choose it. :p
  5. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    This gift doesn't apply to everyone, not all "gifts" do. At least it doesn't "apply" to you in a way that you would like and therefore you don't find it acceptable.

    I wasn't expecting a gift, didn't even consider that one would happen (even after the downtime listed) and even after seeing the announcement I still consider myself "right" in that judgement call... but there are folks who are going to see this as a gift, instead of a sign of things to come.

    That being said, it is the anniversary, and for today... as long as humanly possible anyways, shouldn't we do the best we can possible to get along ... especially without getting "upset" over silly things?
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  6. jeffmallet Well-Known Player

    Seriously, who asked for this?
    Who asked for a skip to CR 100? Who?
    Show me one person who asked to skip to CR 100..
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  7. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    if someone gives you soap as a gift are u happy too? lol. I personally dont mind the gift at all, but the gift COULD HAVE been well thought out more, where its BENEFICIAL for everyone ESPECIALLY long term members like myself.. A person like me who has 10 alts all over 140cr doesnt really benefit from this gift.. LIke i said im not mad, maybe a bit disappointed. I could see XBONE players using these gifts, being that they are still young to the game.. Enjoy your gifts tho guys..:)
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  8. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    You`re really exaggerating there.
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  9. bmce84 Loyal Player

    I'm glad they finally decided to do this and very thankful too. I personally don't need it and even if you level an alt once you reach T8 you're stuck anyways in the endless grind that is AF3, but still is good that a way to skip lower tiers is finally here without having to actually buy content you just don't need. Now I know it sucks seeing all the work you put in being rendered meaningless, but look the game is quite long for a new player to grasp and already T6 to 8 has almost as much content as the first tiers do (keep in mind T1 to T3 is leveling content and 2 modes of alerts), now players have a better environment to learn the game other than doing the same leveling missions over and over.

    Now for the people complaining, WoW does this AND NOT A SINGLE PLAYER COMPLAINS, so ****, none of you help new players anyway, instead all you do is complain that players reach content without knowing it, yet do nothing to help, and before you say they can just ask, so what?, you'll just call them noobs and kick them from content. Get real, you can't really expect every new player to level up like we did 6 years ago, that's just not realistic and most MMO know this and it's why they did it long before DCUO did. Now since we'll have more players in high tiers how about we start helping them huh?, or lets just keep ignoring them, making fun of them, calling them noobs and make the game even worse than it already is for new players.

    And in the end what will happen is just that, old players will keep attacking and ignoring new players and then come to the forums complaining about them, even though they did nothing to help them. Best part is people who say this isn't right because they had to grind so you should too, yet forget all the trouble they had when they started and don't care to help others, this is the worst part about the vets in this game, you feel more entitled than the people you like to complain about. I don't like to carry players but if he's willing to learn then I'm more than glad to, yet most of you probably don't even help league mates.

    Anyway from someone who hasn't been a fan of many changes lately I'm actually grateful that new players don't need to suffer in the hell that's lower content, and hopeful (even though I know it wont happen) that all the bruised egos can calm down for a moment and maybe help a new player.
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  10. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Simply because you find it pointless doesn't mean it is. I have 15 toons, I use a good amount of them for seasonal farming and making money selling those base items, even with this event as well, you can use those alts to only buy Qwa Bombs and Exobyte shields with whatever they earn. With this CR advance, it simply makes it all the easier to farm seasonals and this event.
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  11. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    My problem is that this is a gift only a few will use, and it come right behind probably the worse dlc for alts ever. Maybe it help the villain population, we need it.
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  12. brokejaw1 Active Player

    Hello all,
    I don't post very often, and I did not read this entire thread, so please excuse if this was already addressed, but I can understand why some of the seasoned players might be a little disappointed with this new update, when one would put in the time & $$ to get cr/sp, some feats can be a real grind, (as it should be) and this "gift" may seem to cater to the newer players, it doesn't make the older players elitist or anything, on the other hand, this update does help alt characters, new players to get to endgame content (I have already used one of my FREE gifts), happy 6th anniversary dcuo, may you have many more.
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  13. Kipperjones Level 30

    well I am not upset at all, like I said I'm trying to understand how they call this a gift when it clearly for people who do not know how to obtain CR or SP. And I never expected anything either. And if we are not paying for is a GIFT. And I also was asking a question. Never did I say, I don't like it and it's "unacceptable" so please, don't put word in my mouth.
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  14. Lord Saren Active Player

    so what about us players that run with one character and are already max just playing for skill points now??
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  15. Kipperjones Level 30

    ok, that is good for you. Some of us don't need 14 toons to do the seasonal.
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  16. CikaBang Level 30

    Thanks a bunch for the gift... Happy 6th anniversary, and I hope we'll be around for many more.
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  17. Roocck Committed Player

  18. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I think it depends on what you think the "problem" of this truly is.

    I think most people, at least the more "jaded ones" who your post is primarily addressed to, didn't expect anything this year. I will admit in advance about being wrong for that.

    I am "disappointed" in the gift not because "it's not useful" but rather I think it's a sign of further things to come (also if this was created at the same time or closer to the advance to 25 it would be a different story, the tech should be similar so it shouldn't have been a huge change to alter) and that's what I find worrisome. I think at the end of the day this is something similar to how folks felt during the open episodes extension (although this is far less "justified") but you just pile that on to what they are already feeling.

    Either way I'm glad someone will find uses for it.
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  19. Physique Dedicated Player

    I'm more of a mind to simply pack it up and call it a day at this point. I've been here for six years across 41 toons, three accounts, and countless changes including now having substantial character advancement in a lottery situation AND behind a pay wall (yes, I'm talking about Time Capsules). The game is changing dramatically from what it was to what it appears to be moving towards.

    I'm not particularly impressed by this gift mainly because I have already leveled up characters past CR 100. I have no need for this "gift". I am also feel as though I'm being leveraged to carry a bunch of people disinterested in either learning game (new players into the community) or teaching the game (the publisher, not necessarily the dev team or community). I get that there is a business-related desire to build a consumer base that is stronger than what currently exists but I just feel, having worked directly in this industry, that there is more sustainable way to do this over the longer term without appearing to insult the existing legacy "since-launch" players who've been loyal.

    The feeling among most of us isn't that this particular gift is bad, it's just not useful in any sort of meaningful way to those who've already taken time to actively play the game over 6+ years time. The frustration that many are stating is multi-faceted:

    1. Subscription means less because the features of it are outdated and need to be made more robust.
    2. Putting skill points into both a lottery situation and behind a pay wall sets a bad precedent -- it's not the styles which do it but, rather, the collections. It forces people to pay additional money to truly have an opportuntiy to get them and freezes out those who cannot.
    3. Established and experienced players are not necessarily being heard or taken into consideration with many of the new changes and recent additions and, to that end, we are also not being clearly communicated with.

    These three things are why people are starting to leave the game. They can take stats revamp. They can take delays in releases. But this just seems, to many, as though the publishers or those appointed above them simply hate their subscribers. That may be a wrong assessment but that's the perception since there has been very little active conversation from the studio head about the direction of the game. I hope that comes across clearly without being derogatory, disrespectul, or insulting because that is not the intent.
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  20. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    Actually, I'm not caring enough to assume why they're whining. My contention is that they shouldn't be crying in the first place. It's something EXTRA. Yeah, maybe they're setting it up to get more players (move all toons to a spot where they need to sub if they wanna play). I don't care about any of that. Ppl shouldn't be upset, they've has the game for free for this long. They can understand its a business or they can leave.

    Seriously. Everyone who thinks their opinion is worth something and then come on here to cry and complain, ya'll need to leave. It's been way too long putting up with the negativity.
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