Livestream Anniversary Event and New Time Capsule!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 3, 2017.

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  1. Here2Help Devoted Player

    That post was originally from a thread asking when people will hit 300 SP that for some reason got merged into this thread. I wasn't trying to show off or anything like that. I'm well aware that the feats tied to time capsules aren't a true value of skill or accomplishments. In fact I've been talking about removing feats from time capsules (or time capsules as a whole) and to start introducing harder and more challenging feats that truly can be seen as accomplishments.
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  2. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    OMG, you better not touch people's SP. They will freak out. While they are at it, remove all LPVE feats, really raise the pvp arena feats and then we will be square. That should cut down about 30 or more fake skill points people have.

    I still don't see why people don't complain more about the giving away and watering down of our SP. Why would anyone new care about hard feats if they can just do the easy ones?

    Skill points will not mean as much as some think when if things don't change before the update. Or should I say, they'll mean about as much as they do now.
  3. Here2Help Devoted Player

    I do agree about certain things you're talking about. However, if/when they do make changes to the LPvE feats, I think that anyone that will lose feats or have popped feats that are being majorly changed should be rewarded with something, be it a style or title. I know this wasn't done in the past with the PvP feats but I feel like it should be done now.

    I really want to see the return of harder and more interesting and challenging feats. I made a thread about it not too long ago and it exploded with both positive and negative comments. Hopefully they would have read that thread, seen both sides of the argument and will act accordingly in the future. The current state of feats in this game are ridiculous. Most are popped with money (be it real or ingame cash) or are freely given away in content (how many people have actually gotten a group in AF3 to go for a certain feat and failed? I bet very few).
  4. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    Hypocrisy at its finest!

    Few minutes before you responded, you signature read: Proud member of the 300 SP club, perhaps the first thing you changed on your signature yesterday.

    You are talking about removing feats and on the other hand have opened 200+ capsules since yesterday by buying an obscene amount of stabilizers. In fact, Mass (your league leader) mentioned that you have bought an unimaginable amount of stabilizers and so when you speak one thing and do the opposite, you are not helping your case.

    If your actions diverge completely in opposition to your words, then your feedback is meaningless. If you oppose the time capsules, you would not buy a ridiculous amount of stabilizers and feed into this greed.

    If I had paid for the same capsules, your SP would sit behind mine but since I and many others don't feed into this greed, you came on the forums gloating first on all servers on a meaningless achievement. I am sure, your parents would be very proud. Congratulations!
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  5. Here2Help Devoted Player

    What a ridiculous post. Glad to hear you're leaving the game after reading that.

    I paid for the price of 40 stabilisers. Such an unimaginable amount.

    You're talking about feats in time capsules. If they removed those feats, I wouldn't complain. In fact I support the idea. If I did complain if it happens despite pushing for the idea, then yes, that would be very hypocritical indeed. I bought the time capsules for the contents of them and I am happy with my purchase. I still want the feats removed (not the styles and stuff of course). There is nothing hypocritical about what I am saying and what I am doing.

    Move on already. If you've left the game why are you still hanging about? Bet you just wanted to feel some worth saying you're leaving the game because of this and that. Truth of it is you won't be missed and we don't care.
  6. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    Seems like I hit a nerve.

    What I do or don't is not up to you. I did not take money from my mommy to buy SP and feel proud and tell the whole server about it.

    It's a waste of my time to debate with little kids. However, more than I , you need to quit the game AND SEE THE REAL WORLD OUTSIDE.
  7. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Can say the same about you. Are you still crying from those DWFe times? When the league told you how to tank or how I had to jump onto my electricity healer to actually properly heal the group? (I'm presuming who you are with your pointless jealousy and hate. No one else could be as two faced and pathetic as well).

    And yeah, that money is from working actually. Once again just coming out with lie after lie. Had a talk with Mass and he never spoke to you. Continue with the lies, it's hilarious.

    Can't be bothered to debate? Nope. You just figured out how your whole post has no backbone and is pointlessly built.
  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Should be done now why? Because it would benefit you?

    No if they choose to nerf the feats you should get nothing, just like pvp players got nothing.

    However, this is for another thread really ;)
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  9. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Because it would result in those players having wasted A LOT of their time and it would be nice for the devs to recognise that fact. If it was when the PvP feats got nerfed I would have said the same thing, even though it didn't benefit me. Just because one thing was treated in a certain (and bad) way, doesn't mean everything from that point onwards should be as well. If anything we'd look back at the negative past and use that as potential improvements. But yes, for another thread :)
  10. Boston Phantom Well-Known Player

    How long is this event running for?
  11. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Till the 31st :)
  12. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    You don't know what I know. You don't know what I don't know. To assume in either direction is a counter to your argument. Let's take a look at their current and presented release schedule for the year and maybe you can add the 1 to the 1 and get 2 like I did.

    They are no longer doing monthly releases nor are they going back to quarterly releases. Instead, they have said they are most likely going to have a new dlc out every 4 - 6 months. So, in that down time of new content release, how best to keep a flow of steady income? I'll wait for the light to come on for you here and continue on.

    Gold sellers are going to be prevalent in games until they are shut down at their source. I've seen them here in DCUO and all over the place in STO. Reporting these accounts obviously would help greatly, but at the current time I can't see holding Daybreak solely and completely responsible for them unless they are just sitting back and doing nothing. Seeing as it is illegal, as you pointed out, I'm sure they'd all like to keep their jobs and stay out of jail so I feel safe in saying they're doing what they can.

    In this current broken economy, yes.

    Um, yeah.

    Sir, I've been active on these forums and with the community for 6 years running now and I can tell you one thing with absolute and complete certainty of fact. This player base is NEVER happy about ANYTHING.
  13. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    I didn't claim I didn't get lucky with a few of the rares. Keep in mind, the money I said I spent was AFTER I made money off the duplicates I was selling as well.
  14. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    DLCs have style drops that are RNG. Is that pay to win and putting feats behind a pay wall?
  15. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    Well, son, we have never played together and I have never tanked for you because most of your gaming life on DCUO has been in unknown leagues. It's been barely a few weeks that you have joined Ominous Few, so don't assume or pretend to know me because you have no idea who I am.

    It is strange that you play DCUO 24 hours in a day and still manage to work the remaining zero hours. Seems like some big CEO position that pays you for not working at all and playing DCUO day and night.
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  16. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Ominous Few for few weeks? I've been here before actually. I only joined back few weeks ago. But it's nice to know I got fanboys that follow what I do and check what leagues I'm in and stuff. It's rather cute. I guess you've only been playing for a month or two though, your diary about me doesn't date back far enough.

    I see you didn't address your lie.

    Oh, nevermind. Found another lie. 24 hours? World goes down for around 1 hour. Would love to bump into someone that actually does somehow play for 24.
  17. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    You have never been to school, don't have a job and spend all your time on DCUO and have spent most of your DCUO gaming life in unknown leagues.

    Do you really think anyone would care who you are? I only noticed you when you came bragging on the forums.

    I don't have to address anything, you know your reality better than I do. Keep fooling yourself as much as you like.
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  18. Here2Help Devoted Player

    So you started noticing when I was 'bragging' right? Well when you think I was 'bragging' was yesterday. Yet you apparently know I joined Ominous Few few weeks ago. Keep talking lies my cute little fanboy. You literally have no sense. You make up lies about my league talking to you when I can easily check that. Make up lies when you started following me around like a fanboy when all the facts you presented contradict that statement. Then you say I haven't been to school? :rolleyes:

    Just stop replying. All of your replies make you look even more foolish, and for what? So you can say mean things about big bad H2H? I'll be laughing for few hours straight at this rate.
  19. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    I still can't believe that there are some "people" still think this is a good ideas.
    oh more styles....more auras.....take my $ plz, don't get me wrong.....I like more styles, I do like some auras and I would buy them in a heart beat if there are in markets doesn't matter if it is $20.....if I like it and I want it....I would gladly spend the money for it. (I'm the kind of guy who go to buy a new console just to play 1 game)

    Instead of using market place for that.....they decide to put them in a damn box and try to get members to gamble to get those new in real life when you'll know you win some, you'll lose some.....this gamble is don't win those money back.

    They try to attract people that like new stuffs in the game to buy them...I guess they don't make enough money from those demographics so they try to expand the market by attaching feats to them......if this is not a cash grab move....then I don't know what is.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    1. What I do know is you're not privy to daybreaks financial data, last I checked you're not an employee now are you? correct? so let's not pretend you're going to be privy to commercially sensitive information so you can drop the ambiguity.

    2. You're making an assumption that the subscriptions, the price of DLC's and the price of other marketplace items, along with replays doesn't cover the down time between DLC's. Your assumption that these don't cover costs is far more 'reaching' than the assumption that they do. So please drop the condescending attitude that you seem to think I don't get it.

    3. The reality is neither of us know what the financial status of the company.

    4. breaching the EULA doesn't result in "prison" time I'm not quite sure why you've gone to that extreme. Gold selling is a problem that is distorting the economy, I was merely making that point.

    5. I acknowledge that you acknowledge that the economy is broken.

    6. The playerbase may never "all be happy" but there have been times within this game where the player base have been far happier than they are right now, I've been here 6 years too FYI.
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