When did this much grind become acceptable?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lt Skymaster, Nov 17, 2016.

  1. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player


    You guys wanted some love and you got it.

    DCUO's response

    I will add that if I run anything in this DLC...... I will not use replays or grind it at all. I never have been a fan of grinding and never will be.
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  2. ashtin1979 Well-Known Player

    Yep! just to get mov I had to do a bunch of the old t3-4-5 raids. That was just on my Sinestro character. I didn't even get to my Green Lantern because the queue took too long villain and hero side.
  3. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    Unfortunately DCUO listened to the same group of players that have been giving them bad ideas for a long time.

    I like best gear in vendor but the prices are way off.

    Since I have never received an answer about how long this DLC is suppose to last.. I will go out on a limb and say 6-8 months. Anything sooner than this besides seasonals and stats revamp / OVERHAUL will be a total shocker.
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  4. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I can tell you're new to this game because if you think this is a grind then you have no idea what a real grind was.
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  5. light FX Steadfast Player

    There was an easy solution, lower the cost of the vendor gear a little. Simple. I have no issue with a grind. Ive played dcuo for almost 4 years and have played other MMOs that are very grindy. This episode is just off if i compare to other MMOs. If this is supposed to last 6 months then there isnt enough content for it to last that long. And i havent played another MMO where the players didnt know how long a dlc or expansion was supposes to last. Not knowing that # is strange to me.
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  6. Butterfly Boy Committed Player

    I agree with everything you posted, the players that asked for more grind are either the nolifebutDClife crowd or the ones that like to chase the scorecard as a DPS and don't believe in alts/secondary roles.

    Playing today was such a chore and I ended up playing a lot more than I wanted to. Just doing the outside instances for the dailies took hours, there weren't enough Gorgons spawning and I wasn't able to return citizens to normal. Stone citizens were walking around happily and for the first couple hours I couldn't even interact with them.

    If you read my post earlier on one of the major problems with the game I noted that the content is based on quantity over quality. We're forced to run the same tedious instances and grind for 8 hours a day rather than getting on to play for a few quality hours that we enjoy.

    I don't know about others but I don't feel well spending money to work another job.
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  7. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    IKR, That is why I asked. Then to get crickets. o_O
  8. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Funny how the people who have a gazillion of alts say that the grind is boring and tiresome, but yet they didnĀ“t have any issue to play the same content on multiple toons in the past...
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  9. Ully Committed Player

    I agree with you light. Looking at the feat lists, specifically the grindy feats like collecting or crafting X amount of items, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. When you factor in the cost of vendor gear, the rewards and the fact that many players are choosing to set aside their alts, this is all beginning to add up and it's only the first day. Not to mention the addition of new time capsules. I only play 1 character but I play with many players that have multiple alts. Losing the ability to switch characters in mid-content to help the group is already becoming a problem, at least from what I've seen on day 1.

    The content looks beautiful and the gameplay is relatively straightforward but in my opinion, the execution regarding progression was not dealt with in a reasonable manner.
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  10. Wildcat Committed Player

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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    The fact that the grind is all that's keeping it alive, even for you speaks volumes about the sub par quality of the content itself.

    If the developers need to keep content artificially interesting by creating grind then that content is very bad to begin with.

    I'm sorry to say it, but that's really what it is.

    I like this content running a few times, but there's just no real depth to this other than saying to me "you're going to have to keep playing the same thing over and over and over again if you want this gear".

    The reality is we should be encouraging people to play more of the game than just one section. There needs to be more layers to progression than just one piece of content.

    Look at SWTOR for example and how many quests, tasks, missions, raids, layers of progression there is in that game, with all of it resulting in you progressing your way to the end goal.
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  12. Tilz Loyal Player

    The grind for the gear is ok, imo. Gear could be cheaper, but it's ok..

    What I really hate is that additional grind about the new mods and generator mods and all that stuff. Just way too much for the DLC.
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  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I loved Oc gearing formula it just needed adjustment
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  14. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    When the hardcore/elite players are saying it's too much, it's really too much. Hopefully this doesn't spark a casual-player genocide. I love the new stuff and I'm honestly wanting to do the elite raids but seriously I got a few purple drops from the raids that had negative stats on my characters, particularly the necklaces and a couple rings not so much other gear but I thought it was absurd for a piece of gear to give me negative stats when it's supposed to be progressing me. The utility belt also had pretty nasty negative stats for my support role but the DPS utility belt was pretty... Green.
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  15. UnderHerd Active Player

    OK. I haven't read your entire reply, because before we proceed on the game stuff, I want to apologise if you took away from that that I was insulting you. I wasn't. But I was insulting people ramming themselves down a limited spawn on Day 1. If that's not you, we're fine.

    To be frank, the way YOU capitalise some things, and your patient, but intolerant attiude EXACTLY mirror my own. We have way more in common, I suspect, that you know.
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  16. UnderHerd Active Player

    I think, at this point, it's important to remember that one or two vocal people on the forums do not represent the entire player base, from any of any differing points of view.

    I'm here to represent my own point of view. There are a few others that do the same, but for each considered opinion based on gameplay, the history of the game, and past and present mechanics, there are 10-20 "Boo Hoo. It's not fair, my thing stopped happening" contributions. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference, without context, and even *with* context, somebody being noisy does not mean that there is an objective problem with the game.

    In short, our opinions do not matter too much, and our opinions of each other even less, to changing gameplay. That would require something beyond our control - tools to measure quantifiable shifts in the player base. We don't have those tools to hand, so we can't offer anything other than opinions. Which brings me back to my original position: Suck it up. It isn't going to change in the short term. If you can't do the thing you want to do, do something else.

    You don't have an entitlement to do *this* now. It's not working for you. How would a serious player approach that situation?

    I'm guessing that "post on the forums" would be a last choice, since that achieves exactly jack ******* **** in gameplay terms.
  17. dresserball Dedicated Player

    I got all those done in about an hour. Having a group for the solo stuff makes it go even quicker.
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  18. Chicken Well-Known Player

    I think the devs should come out with a box of tissues to go a long with the tin foil hats. Soooo much whining.

    If you don't like it, simply uninstall.

    Have a nice day.
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  19. light FX Steadfast Player

    Dont attune the purple drops. Ya wanna use the greens and blues to get to around 183-185 and then attune the purples so they attune at the max IL which is 164. I got 7 or 8 purples today across my toons and i havent attuned a single one. I gotta say its pretty lame to do that too. But it is the best way. I look at it like cool i got a purple drop but then ugh might have to wait 2-3 weeks to attune it. That is not fun at all. Its so anti climactic and take the fun out of getting drops completely. League mate of mine got 4 purple on 1 toon and he attuned em all and went from 175 to 176, 1 cr point lol.

    And yea i play pretty hard core. Not as much as i used to tho these days. I feel the system is out of whack. And i know its been said it was done with stats matter in mind. Well we dont know when thats happening and if its 6 months from now i find it very odd to make the players go through all of this. Should of done the stat update 1st. Just my opinion.
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  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    Its a forum where people give feedback. Thats what its for. If ya dont like what people are saying u can simply not come in the thread ;)
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