Book of Oa/Parallax:Ultimate Light Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by dr strangeonline, Mar 8, 2015.

  1. Delta796th Loyal Player

    1) Yes
    2) That video was done on sparring targets. They give power back, but in real content that doesn't happen.
    3) No, currently there is only Green for Heroes & Yellow for villains. You can later on get iconic gear (black, blue & Indigo tribe) but ring and constructs stay same color. Otherwise I'd be blue
  2. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    The weapon with the lowest amount of hits to get ur power up is brawling and twohand.

    Good excellent incredible etc. handblasters takes alot of hits to get to incredible.

    Early in it ls better just using constructs with those 2 weapons cuz theu have the lowest hits to get power back.

    Once u get wm you use brawling WM and occasional constructs unless u want ur team to run outta power being everything is solo troll now and end game when you do catch up to everyone ur not going to wnna just no weapon trolling with constructs because WM is better.

    I mix it up a little bit but it is wut the game is now.
  3. Absolix Loyal Player

    All weapons have standard amounts of hits to reach each tier of power regen except for Handblasters, Two Handed, and Brawling.

    Most weapons reach the second tier at 10 hits, the third tier at 25 hits, and the fourth tier at 50 hits.

    Hand Blasters reach the second tier at 9 hits, the third tier at 20 hits, and the fourth tier at 39 hits.

    Two Handed reaches the second tier at 6 hits, the third tier at 13 hits, and the fourth tier at 26 hits.

    Brawling reaches the second tier at 5 hits, the third tier at 11 hits, and the fourth tier at 21 hits.

    If you are using construct combos to build you hit counter, then the points at which you would hit each tier of power regen is determined by your equipped weapon.
  4. Warlock Well-Known Player

    The crucial piece of data missing here (and the post before) is the time needed to hit each tier threshold. Number of hits is just a number because weapons have different attack speeds. Comparisons without time aren't apples to apples.
  5. Absolix Loyal Player

    The speed at which construct combos generate hits is the same no matter what weapon you have equipped, so knowing the difference in each tiers does have usefulness for HL in particular.

    The non-Weapon Mastery combo that reaches the higher tiers the fastest is Rifle's Surprise Volley, the hold melee combo aka the lunge, at 2.4 seconds to the second tier. However, it will steadily move you closer to your target.

    The non-Weapon Mastery combo that reaches the higher tiers the fastest that doesn't have movement or range restrictions is Hand Blaster's Pulse Beam at 2.6 seconds to the second tier.

    When including Weapon Mastery combos, Brawling's Shuriken Storm Mastery is the fastest with no movement and no range restrictions at under 1.8 seconds to the second tier, under 3.6 seconds to the third tier, and 5.4 seconds to the fourth tier.
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  6. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    We just got Grace Periods but it looks like we gonna get fk-ed about it very soon.
  7. Xibo Loyal Player

    I have a doubt: Can you apply debuffs while doing construct combos in Controller role?
  8. VioletSorceress Committed Player

  9. MrB Dedicated Player

    Funny how 1,2,3,4 powered will have little to no affect on them from this change.
  10. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    Guess I'm confused as to why you think this is going to hurt Light. You're talking about the weapon attack stopping the AM bonus? Because if so, if you're weapon're out of the Light infinite combo AM anyway, so it's a moot point. Or maybe I misunderstood and you're talking about a different change?
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  11. MrB Dedicated Player

    You know how when you get pushed back or get that cc you break out but pressed either melee or range range attack with the mouse so as soon as you break out you do a weapon attack? If you haven't paid attention to that then you should because that will automatically remove our AM thus making that grace period pointless. Since we use our range and melee keys to perform attacks you will be dropping your am a lot more than lets say fire, ice, mental and so on, because they can use 1234 without even touching their melee or range attack key.

    So imagine you're in a instance add used auto dual pistol on you and you got pushed back, you happen to already put hold down range attack key to start doing MG or LB combo, add stopped is dp auto and you let of 1 lets say rifle grenade and there goes your AM. Even worse if you melee content.

    If you think this doesn't happen then I suggest you go into an instance and pay more attention to that sort of thing.
  12. Delta796th Loyal Player

    It shouldn't be too bad. I get the whole oops weapon attack happens, but keep in mind it will still keep you in combat and reduce ramp time to 1.5 seconds. This will be worse for players that lunge to get to next set of adds than it will for light.

    Right now I'm just guessing as we will have to see what this does on test before making accurate judgements.
  13. MrB Dedicated Player

    Maybe but given the history of past gu's I'm betting it's gonna go with it's gonna be as bad or worse than predicted. Hopefully I'm very wrong.

    Btw are you sure it's gonna reset am timer to in combat and not completely? I'm not sure how celestial and rage are doing in that aspect.
  14. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Once in combat our ramp time is 1.5 seconds
    Even with inadvertent weapon tap it will stay that way. It's how it currently works

    It might lead to another way to.DPS with light (think clipping) or it may not.
    But it really won't affect light much unless you are crushing your keyboard/controller
    while comboing
  15. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    I'm more than aware of the interrupting that happens with Light. I guess I never thought much of the "grace period" for us because even if you get back into the combo within 3 seconds, your hit counter was broken with the CC, so you still have to ramp back up to 9 to get to the full damage potential with the neck mod. I guess I haven't tested that thoroughly to be certain, but I didn't think the grace period benefited us much to begin with.

    Definitely something to think about, though. Thanks for the clarification. Definitely seems more beneficial to those power sets that never use a weapon currently.
  16. MrB Dedicated Player

    Well that 3 sec grace period allows us to reduce the amount of damage we lose to CC. RP neck mod has a 6 sec time (I think its 6) that it's active after the last hit number. So with the current set up we don't lose our AM damage due to cc or lag because of a single whack from our weapon, we only lose damage for not hitting anything and that amount of time after 6 sec for rp mod( that is if you still haven't reached the hit counter back to 9). With the change they propose any hit with the weapon will drop the AM, meaning you will potentially lose damage due to AM resetting and losing your hit counter (again that is if you didn't get it back to 9). It's not gonna have the same impact on everyone but it's still gonna have an impact. Also kinda makes you wonder what was the point of having a grace period.

    I hope I'm wrong about this, but for celestial it looks bad unless they up their cc immunity even more. The thing is, if they do that then it will start a whole new wave of rebalancing.
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  17. Delta796th Loyal Player

    I can test to verify, but one YOU stop combos the AM resets. I asked this of Tunso and he specifically said if we are interrupted then the grace period applies. Ending the combo even by weapon tap will take you back to 1.5 second ramp period, which is hard to see as it will be gone by second construct in just about any combo.
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  18. Mighty Committed Player

    Hey lanterns, since I came back I sifted through a lot of misinformation about HL DPSing with the AM and so I finally put together a video compiling a lot of the information contained in this thread and elsewhere on the forums. This setup has been very good to me in SM and Elite, to the point that I'm out-pacing solid DPSes running gadgets, mental and ice. The power isn't as strong in content where stuff dies quickly, or long fights where you can spam 7m melee but can't safely dip in for 0m melee, but in hard content, light shines. Hope this helps.

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  19. megamanzero Loyal Player

    light shines lol i see what u did there thanks mighty
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  20. CassUV Well-Known Player

    Range combos doing melee damage in melee distance... One day, one day...
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