Sorcery and Earth... just a wishlist

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by HymnOfMercy, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    That's true. Power costs are kind of ridiculous for Sorcery and Earth in general for Weapon Mastery.
    maybe a power cost reduction is in order?
  2. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    Would like to see this happen but I doubt it will unless there's good might damage in sorcery coming in their update.
  3. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Reduction won't help. If it's not regenerating and sustainable with an occasional pot tick you're s.o.l.

  4. Harlequin Devoted Player

    It would require a second AM. I know it won't happen but a person can dream, right?
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  5. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    Would be nice but yeah.. seems like a dream.

    As far as I know WoD and Trans made WM so good in Sorc. Baleful as well.
    The regen with Guardian/Offering doesn't work anymore so that's not an option.
    I wonder why they didn't include power cost reduction in DPS role for WM.
  6. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Allowing guardian/brick to trigger power Regeneration while using WM and getting allowing the WM crits would be a nice alternative to firy/crystal. Allowing an alternate playstyle while keeping the pet theme going.

    One thing that needs to be restored is Guardian getting power from RW. I liked having that option as a healer

    It wasn't so much trans and wod that made sorc the WM king, it was the ability to have 7 dots hitting the crit window along with the burst from wod or trans.

  7. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    Well yeah that too.

    I never understood why Guardian was touched in the RW fix.
    hmm I'd wonder if they'd allow that for the other pets. It was working before. Now it doesn't
  8. krytine Loyal Player

    You talking ab9ut make Ling the power l8ke those that are not pet powers why if you want a tray style power pick a power that does that you have the choice powers are different for a reason
  9. Harlequin Devoted Player

    When I created my Sorcery toon, the pets were a joke. They were in no way a pet focused power and I liked it that way.
  10. bmce84 Loyal Player

    They need to balance it to where it's 50/50 and not the 90/10 it's currently is. I really don't see how they plan to give them mid range without making them ridiculously buff, then again none of the other powers needed a buff either and got it anyway, only Light, Rage and Celestial are the only powers that didn't get a buff and actually got balanced.
  11. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Ok took me a bit but the numbers are clear, same target same time 2 different ways combat score at the end of each:

    With Crytal for 45 seconds

    Without crystal at 37 seconds
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  12. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    it's not, if your not doing over 50 percent with earth you are not doing it right just look at the videos I posted
  13. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    There's a litany of things that could make Celestial HL and Rage better.
    but in the next upcoming updates I think and speculate precision is gonna be worked on big time. It may just improve the combo powers and the future of the compound powers.
    Might is kind of outta whack IMO. Much more might than prec ATM and its kind of a problem.

    For the pet powers, they could really just make tray powers on par with WM crit window. Let the PvE grant the scalar for that, and just nerf pet damage down a bit. They would still need to hit for 12k and up. Combine with the weapon it would make them much more stable and not so dependant on burst.
  14. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Problem is our AM will be disabled with weapons eventually, we need the AM to be on par with the rest, the whole risk/reward isn't working since it only applies to 3 powers, and even so we still don't get the reward.
  15. bmce84 Loyal Player

    I never said it's 50, I said it's 90 making the need for weapons in vain, it should be balanced to be 50/50.
    • Like x 1
  16. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    That's only for combo powers and 1234. Unfortunately for Rage and HL they're still in worse shape than celestial (which isn't in bad shape just needs a few tweaks IMO)
    It wouldn't be wise IMO to do that yet unless counters change (which is gonna make PvP another problem in itself)
    Even then.. the AM damage itself for combo powers is at the mercy of your equipped weapon and your precision. (I.E
    the thing that says +750.4 DPS or some other number). The weapon attacks cancelling out the AM doesn't refer to lunges and blockbreaking (except power discharge, Jump shot, flurry shot, and flamethrower). It refers to weapon comboing in general (applied only to combo and 1234 burst powers). And apparently if weapons are a gain in DPS then it should cancel am damage to be quite honest. Makes me wonder how hard weapons are gonna hit.

    the other powers will not be affected.. e.g. Nature/Elec/Sorc/Earth. It would absolutely dumb to shoot themselves like that after saying these powers depend on weapons to maximize damage. It's a part of their AM. No way will it cancel their damage out.
  17. bmce84 Loyal Player

    That's what i meant, Sorcery and Earth don't need buffs, yet they will get them.
  18. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    They need a balancing pass. they are short of the 35.5k pass at melee. In fact they are all over the place.
    Sorc/Earth get close to 32-33k DPS.
    I'm gonna be the odd one out and guess the pets will get a big nerf and the tray powers will get a buff. That's the only way I see this working for those powersets
  19. krytine Loyal Player

    How long have you been playing sorcery and earth were always about the pets always since before the first year anniversary maybe during the whole cr bs maybe it changed but they were focused on the pet. The pet powers am isthmus pet that is your extra damage just like ice mental munitions and all the others the am does additional damage.
  20. bmce84 Loyal Player

    No, during the first WM pass you actually could do more damage with Aftershock than Crystal, it wasn't until the AM that pets got buffed beyond believe.