Truth be told, RIT Elite it just too easy

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Juiceman936, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. cassi Well-Known Player

    Glad its easy for u. I haven't passed the 2nd boss yet. I haven't even beaten first boss of DWF. I am so tired of the elitist players in these games. MMOs used to be fun, but then elitists love to kill the games for the rest of us. I am so disappointed in daybreak for giving into this jerks...they ruined WOW and now they are ruining DC!!!! It used to be a game, now it's just work. The rest of us would like to play the game too...go find another MMO, leave this one alone!
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  2. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    It really is too easy for certain powers/role combinations. I had no trouble beating it any any of my attempts. No death feat on first attempt.
  3. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    Or you need to start putting together your own groups and cooperating/playing your role better. There are certain boss combos that are easier than others, you should try going for steppenwolf/lashina, steppenwolf/mantis, something along those lines. Normal DWF is cake, it has nothing to do with being elitist. Just take the time to learn the mechanics and don't expect to steamroll through everything ;)
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  4. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Ordinarily I would agree. However, there must be content for everyone. Content that most can finish. DWFE is our challenge. That and the coming SM. I find spongebob content distasteful, but I get it.
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  5. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    ^ This. Spot on on regarding the difficulty. I actually like the alert. The only thing I would change is part with the adds. That part just seemed a bit to redundant. The objectives for that part of the instance could have been better. Overall, however, it's a good instance. Just weak in terms of challenge.
  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    can you name me a MMO that allows you to hand pick your loot?
  7. light FX Steadfast Player

    If u arent trying to dodge it then if the whole grp goes to cleanse right away and runs with the streams u should be ok. Make cleansing that DoT top priority. Healer should be healing as they move with the fountain. And ive tanked it quite a few times so as a tank im pulling the adds/boss as i go to cleanse. Yea black adam can just fly off. Not really much u can do. Like today 1 of our dps was slow moving to the fountain and adam got em with the pulse beam lightning. That dmg and DoT dmg and your going down. U could maybe block and if the healer put out some burst heals quick u might survive, but what i mean is sometimes **** just happens and its no1s fault. Troll can also stun the adds when they 1st come out. Also healer should throw a shield when DoT starts too. If troll has grp shield then use that too. DoT dmg will eat thru it quick. But it can give ya a few extra seconds to run to the fountain.

    Id say maybe check out yt too. Im sure some people have vids up. A guy in our league usually puts up vids of the new content but idk if hes recorded a run yet. But seeing people do it can help could maybe give a better understanding as opposed to words on a screen. What ive seen when running it is if the whole group knows what to do its a lot easier. If 1 person doesnt and reacts slow then yea u can have problems. And we wiped on it quite a few times too. Trial and error ya know. Hope this helps. And if we get a video up and u are still having issues at that point ill link u our vid. But again im sure there are some on yt already.
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  8. C0de Well-Known Player

    Hey I actually managed to beat it finally. I joined a experienced leagues group run and we managed to beat it first try! I even got a elite head piece for my efforts so i'm quite content :D. I appreciate all the helpful tips in getting through it. I realize now it really is easy, it all comes down to everyone being on the same page and of course, the tank knowing what the hell he's doing lol.
  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yup. Np and gratz. That elite head is really cool. 1 of my fave styles now :)
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  10. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    That is where you are completely wrong. A characters initial RNG might be random, but once you get it you either have good luck forever, or bad luck forever. A true randomness would be you have equal opportunity throughout the game, having periods of good luck and bad. Based on your comment you must have good RNG, put yourself in another person's shoes and imagine how it feels to go weeks and weeks with getting anything.
  11. BigAl Devoted Player

    This thread gives me a headache.
  12. megamanzero Loyal Player

    still easy
  13. megamanzero Loyal Player

    btw it's RIP not RIT
  14. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    It's the classic and on-going battle between those who can and those who can't. Casuals vs. Hardcores. But the issue is the game itself and how it has been built.

    As a "hardcore", overall, I don't find the instance challenging. Only if there are players in my group who don't know what they're doing. Sometimes you get people who do know what they're doing, but they can't observe everything that's going on and react accordingly. This is, of course, justifiable, considering the amount of 1 shot mechanics and other cheese built into almost every instance.

    If you know the mechanics, the rest of the group knows the mechanics and you can observe the environment, then you're not going to find this difficult. If you don't know the mechanics or the rest of the group don't know the mechanics or you can't observe the environment, then this instance is going to seem harder than Paradox Wave.

    Thus we end up in a conundrum where some players find the content far too easy and demanding harder challenges, whilst others flounder, can't beat the instance and demand easier content, creating a conflict between the two player bases.

    Another issue is Advanced Mechanics. The game is balanced around players using Advanced Mechanics. If a player isn't using an AM or they aren't using their AM efficiently (i.e. Atomic Combos without the Aura, for example) then players are going to struggle even more. Not performing your AM increases the time it takes to beat a boss and therefore it requires you to dodge 1 shots for longer. If something goes wrong after spending 5 minutes or so fighting a boss getting them down to 75% health, then you wipe, it can put a serious drain on morale.

    The final issue is power creep which is absolutely out of control in DCUO. It's absolutely incredible the difference my 171 DPS build makes over my 167 DPS build in the Harley's Heist Duo. It's the same for all content. We're already overpowered with our unnecessary advanced mechanics. Last thing we need is an extremely potent damage modifier.

    The devs seriously need to get the game re-balanced. It's shocking how bad it's got. The dependency on 1 shot mechanics or uncontrollable bosses needs to go. Advanced Mechanics need toned way back so that they only give a slight advantage to players using them. NPCs then need their stats reduced to compensate from this. CR differential needs to go and there needs to be more emphasis on learning your actual role and then challenging those roles through the design of the content.