Truth be told, RIT Elite it just too easy

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Juiceman936, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    yup. what he said. it is to easy! I mean come on, 1 boss that's good and 1 boss that's ok, first. and a lame easy last boss. and nothing but a bunch a stupid easy adds from boss to boss. this is a bad dlc for as long as we had to wait!!! is this really the best they can do???? dwf was not to bad. yes, second boss in elite is a pain. AND HE SHOULD BE!!! but the rest...nope!!! want more lab, lh, totd, artifacts, hoh. they were pretty good. this...the solo looks good, but it takes a whole, what, 5 min to blow thru?
  2. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    yes. I don't know why they wont fix the drop rate. AND THEY CAN! make it a rough, but fair drop rate. got the boots like 7 times today. the drop rate is great this time. maybe to good. but soooo many
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  3. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yea what i find odd is the last boss being easier then the 1st and 2nd boss. U would think the last boss would be the hardest. Whatever tho. Im fine w/it because a lot of people struggled with DWF and there has to be content for all players. I did see people saying 2nd boss in elite is too hard and imo no, just no. Its elite. If u cant do it then u have normal to run. People said have normal for all and elite for high end players. Well i wouldnt consider this elite alert a high end piece of content but like i said the whole DWF thing. But in no way shape or form should they nerf this elite alert at all. If anything make the last boss harder. Elite should be tough and for elite players. But ofc that rarely happens.
  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    Here is what we found that worked for 2nd boss in elite. Make cleansing that DoT top priority. When adam says guards start heading to the area where fountain spawns. Then keep moving w/it. We kept getting the DoT multiple times so if u run with the fountain from spot to spot eventually u cleanse it completely. When we didnt do this we struggled somewhat. Idk if u are supposed to get the DoT multiple times but thats what was happening. The guard adds can be stunned at 1st too. So we had tank grab em quick, tank or troll stun em and run with the fountain all at the same time. Seemed to work well. Btw im sure u know how it all works. Saw u say u didnt pass the 2nd boss^ so just offering advice and telling what we did. Ofc u can dodge the DoT too but most of us couldnt see the beam from the crystals to do that :( Oh if the tank uses immunities it helps too. Cause a few times adam bounced people back and up pretty high and it took em longer to get to the fountain. Sometimes they got sent flying really far back and DoT ticked 2,3 times and they couldnt make it to the fountain. So ofc a tank immunity at the right time stops that.
  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    because the RANDOM number generator is being RANDOM
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  6. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    They wanted to make sure that ppl who couldn't beat seasonal could beat the new instance so no one would ask for nerfs
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  7. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    I totally agree, the second boss is the best part mechanic wise since you have to pay attention to the pattern of the fountain (which its pretty easy to grasp because its linear) and follow it. I pug it and beat it (after several wipes on second boss tho) without a DPS actually, because he was focused more on pewpewing than staying alive cleansing himself :D, so yeah, focus on stay alive and you guys struggling at this part will be good.

    Agreed again. PZE had all 3 bosses on Elite with unique mechanics on its own. Jor El with the invulnerability + adds and switches. The captain with the whole Blue AoE dmg + Non/Ursa + yellow dmg Aura. And Zod + Non/Ursa + an Army of Adds.

    It was more challenging at tier than RITE, but the whole history of RITE its more fun IMHO, and that was a plus for me.
  8. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Just remember for every 1 of these threads we cane expect one saying how god awful hard it is. lol
  9. Senko Committed Player

    Which is why many of us despise RNG beat normal and elite got green's and blues. In this alert its not so bad because the stress level is low but in something like DWF getting nothing but green in 4 completed runs its just not worth running that content.
  10. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I know players saying it's easy, but yesterday was the first time in awhile i was getting login ques
  11. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    It has been happening first day on every new episode release.
  12. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    Alert is fun but the hardest part is not getting 0x0006 disconnection error.
  13. C0de Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the advice light i'll trying moving with the jet streams as you said the next time I do it. Unfortunately, it took the healer about 5 wipes before she realized the jet streams were GOOD and she kept wiping previously due to her trying to heal through the dot damage. I don't hold that against her as it was her first time and it got quite chaotic in there at times. They real issue I found was Shazam going all over the place and hitting other group members and then throwing the dot on someone randomly or sometimes multiple times on the same person. I dunno how you guys are saying this fight is easy but one things for sure its a headache :/
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    so how should they offer resistance? you got your own loot, then got to pick your own loot out of a list! AND STILL have problem with it..They can do no more without removing RNG altogether. In a genre where gearing is dictated by RNG! This is something your going to have to deal with...
  15. Dack Man Level 30

    Yep. This thread pops up every episode. No one is ever happy and there is no middle ground.
  16. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    This thread is a ******* joke. The difficulty is just fine. You're not going to beat first boss without following the mechanic. You're not going to beat second boss without following the mechanic or having an inexperienced healer. The last boss is pretty easy, but i'm ok with that. None the less. Nothing to see here. Move along
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  17. Shoukon New Player

    Yea, my group ran in there and wiped about 3x on second boss as we figured out the mechanics on our first try of it and have it on farm status now. We take off pieces of gear to have fun. Try it at 163 CR, it feels elite then. Other bosses are no problem, no mechanics to them except tank adds.

  18. Senko Committed Player

    Best gear in vendor, I run content, I get marks, I buy the best gear, i try again. I don't accept any of the arguments about "meaningful progression" when someone who is lucky can get 3 of the 4 pieces of best gear in one run and someone who is unlucky can still be trying to get their second months after release and those who are willing to spend real money on replays will have all 4 pieces in one day. Frankly RNG has driven me away from other MMO's and right now I'm on the fence about this one. I'm giving the alert 3 tries normal/elite to see what my drops are like if I feel the RNG's too bad I'm cancelling my subscription as there are other games I can play where effort in = guaranteed reward out.
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  19. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    I thought the point of elite content was to give the top 2-5% of players something to do. If so, it should not be beatable by a randomly formed group (either through queue or LFG). It was my understanding that people who have close to the most or the most skill points would be running elite content with their leagues and friends and only those people would be able to beat elite content.

    I could be wrong in my interpretation. I often am.
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  20. Asura_Revenge17 Level 30

    The "nerf-DWF"ers can finally be happy. This elite is a joke.